Premium Service Abuser


Android OS


  • Threat Type: Backdoor

  • Destructiveness: No

  • Encrypted:

  • In the wild: Yes


Infection Channel:

Via app stores

This malware poses as an application plugin for social networking sites found on third party app store. It uses the name, Be social! plugin to trick users into installing it. Once installed, it does not launch an icon like apps do. Users can't notice that the malware has been installed on the device.

This malware is also triggered by system events.

Once installed, this malware registers two receivers to automatically start after device boot and to connect to remote C&C server.

The C&C server is published by the remote malicious user via Twitter.


File Size:

16,098 bytes

File Type:


Memory Resident:


Initial Samples Received Date:

25 Jun 2012


Compromises system security


This malware poses as an application plugin for social networking sites found on third party app store. It uses the name, Be social! plugin to trick users into installing it. Once installed, it does not launch an icon like apps do. Users can't notice that the malware has been installed on the device.

This malware is also triggered by system events.

Once installed, this malware also registers two receivers, android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED and android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT to automatically start after device boot and to connect to remote C&C server.

The C&C server is published by the remote malicious user via Twitter. The malicious user registers an account on Twitter and publishes the C&C server domains via it. The malware then connects to the Twitter page to get the newest C&C server address. It then connects to the C&C server to get commands from the remote malicious user.

The infected device sends SMS message without the user’s permission. The target phone number and SMS body is received from the C&C server.


Minimum Scan Engine:


TMMS Pattern File:


TMMS Pattern Date:

29 Jun 2012

Step 1

Trend Micro Mobile Security Solution

Trend Micro Mobile Security Personal Edition protects Android smartphones and tablets from malicious and Trojanized applications. The App Scanner is free and detects malicious and Trojanized apps as they are downloaded, while SmartSurfing blocks malicious websites using your device's Android browser.

Download and install the Trend Micro Mobile Security App via Google Play.

Step 2

Remove unwanted apps on your Android mobile device

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