Internet Safety Blog
What If You Could Change the Internet?
By Lynette Owens This originally appeared in the Huffington Post on February 7, 2017. Today, we celebrate Safer Internet Day, a time when the world recognizes the importance of helping young people, and frankly all people, become safe, responsible,...
Seven Simple Steps to Protect Your Family’s Online Privacy
by Lynette Owens This article also appeared in the Huffington Post on January 27, 2017. As our first month of 2017 comes to an end, its time to remind ourselves of our resolutions for the New Year. I’m sure many of you resolved to embrace a...
Don’t Let Your New Fridge Take Down the Internet
by Lynette Owens This post originally appeared in the Huffington Post on November 2, 2016. In October, the U.S. fell victim to a massive cyberattack that caused some of your favorite websites like Amazon and Netflix to be inaccessible. This attack,...
4 Ways to Protect Your Kids from Cybercriminals
by Lynette Owens The original article appeared in the Huffington Post on October 5, 2016. Kids know the internet as a wonder-filled place where their cyberspace adventures are only limited by imagination. As parents, however, we know better. The...
Age Verification in the Digital Age
How Old Must One Be to Swipe Left or Right? By Lynette Owens The original article appeared in the Huffington Post on August 10. When Tinder announced it was shutting down all accounts of users younger than 18, many parents were surprised to find...
Raising Responsible Digital Citizens
August 2, 2016 By Lynette Owens The complete article appears in the August issue of Parenting OC. Today, there are over 37 million kids ages 3-17 that have access to the internet in the U.S. This reality has been ushered in as internet-connected...
6 Things Parents Should Know About Pokémon Go
July 12, 2016 By Lynette Owens Last week, Nintendo launched Pokémon Go, a mobile gaming app based on its popular game franchise of the same name. The app is free and is unique in that it requires players to move around in the real world in order...
3 Tips for Protecting Your Kids’ Privacy on Dubsmash and
April 15, 2016 by Lynette Owens In my travels over the last half year, I’ve had the fortune of spending a lot of time with hundreds of 4th-8th grade students across the country. I am typically invited to speak to these students by adults who are...
You Asked: What do I do if someone posts my kids’ picture without asking?
You Asked, We Answered by Lynette Owens As part of our work around the world, our team visits hundreds of schools and communities to peak with parents, kids and teachers about what it means to be good digital citizens. We talk to kids of all ages...