Internet Safety Blog
Why the UK Online Content Ban Will Hurt not Help Our Kids
By Lynette Owens On Monday, July 22, British Prime Minister David Cameron gave a speech strongly urging ISPs, search engines, and mobile operators to block consumers from accessing online content, namely pornography. The motivation for the speech...
Stricter Filters and Rules Are Not the Answer for Laptops in School
By Lynette Owens Below is an excerpt of a piece I wrote for PBS MediaShift on July 29, 2013. The full article can be found @ In January, I wrote a piece about the Natick, Mass., public school district’s Digital Conversion, a...
What We’re Reading: UK Censorship, How Teens Spend Time Online, Is Facebook Still Hip?
By Lynette Owens Week of July 22, 2013 To help you keep up with what's going on with kids, families, schools, and technology, we’ve compiled a list of interesting stories our team's been reading over the past week. What have you been reading? Tell...
What We’re Reading: Parents on Facebook, Tips for a Healthy Summer, SnapKidz
by Lynette Owens Week of July 15, 2013 Welcome to our inaugural What We're Reading update! To help you keep up with what's going on with kids, families, schools, and technology, we’ll compile a list of interesting stories our team's been reading...
Bad Apple? Who’s To Blame For Kids’ In-Game Shopping Sprees?
By Lynette Owens The following is an excerpt from a guest post that originally appeared in Forbes on March 11. This is a story about Apple and a group of angry parents whose kids did something they shouldn’t have. It involves allegedly deceptive...
Welcome to the 2013 What’s Your Story? Video Contest
by Lynette Owens For the last 3 years, we’ve been asking young people across the US and Canada to tell us in 2 minutes or less their stories about safe, responsible technology use. They’ve responded with enthusiasm and creativity; they’ve...
Help Kids Keep Their Online Information Private and Advertisers at Bay
By Anne Livingston and Lynette Owens Kids spend a lot of time online. They go online to find answers for homework, coordinate school projects, share events, play games and watch videos. While online, they may feel like they are sharing with just...
5 Ways to Teach Kids to Use Technology Safely
By Lynette Owens Below is an excerpt of a guest post I did for the Washington Post today. You can read the full post @ The Internet has always been around as far as our children can tell. Today, as many as half of all kids up...
4 Things You Can Do This Internet Safety Awareness Month
By Lynette Owens June is Internet Safety Awareness month in the U.S., but it's a great time for everyone everywhere to stop and take a few moments to educate yourself and your family about all matters concerning digital literacy, safety, and...