A Trender for 20 years, Jason Dablow is “The Man,” says Frank Bunton. When MedImpact chose Trend Micro to guard its patient information against attacks and keep its business running safely, Dablow gave MedImpact the “always-on partnership” it sought.
We’re a 24/7 organisation, so it’s really important to have a strategic partner like Trend Micro. It is critical that we get the support we need, when we need it. Trend Micro has provided that for us.”
Frank Bunton
Vice President and Chief Information Security Officer, MedImpact
Trenders are empowered to address client needs quickly. If a security alert notifies Bunton that sensitive patient information is at risk, there’s no time to waste. Dablow and the Trend Micro team work in step with Burton to address events as they happen.
If there is a potential intruder to our network, I need to act upon that. I need help immediately. The entire organisation is at risk. When we purchased [Trend Micro™] TippingPoint™, we knew with Jason, we had our guy.”
Frank Bunton
Vice President and Chief Information Security Officer, MedImpact
“The ‘human component’ to security is what keeps you up at night,” says Bunton. “It’s the person who made a firewall change, the person who forgot to lock the front door. Having a true safeguard in place for those potential surprises requires having a true partner—a true human connection.”
You can adjust the parameters on components. You can adjust and animate automated systems. You can ensure that they operate with a lot of reliability, and you are confident in those systems. But real confidence comes in knowing that someone like Jason and Trend Micro have your back.”
Frank Bunton
Vice President and Chief Information Security Officer, MedImpact
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