Harder for hackers. Simpler for you.

Protect essential public services and citizen data with streamlined, cost-effective solutions designed for Local Government challenges

Key cybersecurity challenges for Local Government 

Trust can be hard won but easily lost expand_more

Trust can be hard won but easily lost

Your citizens trust you to run the services most critical to their daily lives. And protect their most sensitive personal and financial data. If the hackers win, it could cost you dear.

Trend Micro helps local authorities to mitigate the financial and reputational risks stemming from serious security breaches by:

  • Unifying security operations onto a single, easy-to-manage platform, reducing complexity and saving time
  • Rapidly detecting, hunting, responding to and containing emerging threats
  • Providing complete and continuous attack surface visibility and automated remediation
Unpick a tangle of rules, regulations and standards expand_more

Unpick a tangle of rules, regulations and standards

Navigating the complex web of regulations, including the new Cybersecurity Assessment Framework, can burden your security teams. But with the right support, compliance doesn’t have to add to your workload.

Trend Vision One simplifies and accelerates your CAF compliance journey by offering:

  • Ready-made workflows to help stretched security teams close productivity and skills gaps
  • Leverage GenAI-powered SecOps assistants to automate threat detection and response, boosting your team's efficiency and confidence
  • Industry leading security that spans on-premises and cloud environments via a single platform
Cybersecurity is not just another cost centre expand_more

Cybersecurity is not just another cost centre

Gaining board support for cybersecurity initiatives requires speaking their language. Without the right approach, critical cybersecurity investments can be sidelined.

Trend Vision One has proven economic benefits to share with senior local government leaders. According to ESG, the platform can offer:

  • A 17% reduction in data breach risk
  • A 70% reduction in cybersecurity cost
  • A 20% reduction in employee turnover
Now is not the time to bundle expand_more

Now is not the time to bundle

With money tight and skills gaps everywhere, pre-bundled cybersecurity solutions might seem like a good idea. But they’re a false economy, and can create challenges with false positives, integration, support and configuration.

Trend Micro Vision One delivers better visibility, protection and value-for money than pre-built solutions, including:

  • A demonstrable reduction of alerts per day, from 1,000 to just four
  • A reduction in the average cost of a data breach by £1.3m
  • A 188% ROI via reduced admin hours, detection and response costs, risk of breaches, and TCO of legacy tools

Why Trend Micro as a partner for Local Government?


We work with Local Government organisations, and help them overcome their cybersecurity challenges on a daily basis, preparing them for the latest and most advanced attacks

Full portfolio

Solutions can be combined or used as standalone services, allowing you to build according to budget, time and needs

Global leader

Our Zero Day initiative puts us in the first line of detection, with 64% of all vulnerabilities disclosed by Trend Micro

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Trend Micro is a good fit for customers who want a consistently strong endpoint protection platform that can support evolving to XDR

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Ranked #1 in IDC’s Worldwide Hybrid Cloud Workload Security Market Shares report

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Trend Micro ranked #1 in the production category for ensuring early attack prevention

Trend Micro as a partner for Local Government

Can you afford not to be cyber-resilient?

Trend Vision One reduces breach risk, security FTE costs and customer/security employee turnover – with quantifiable economic benefits. 

Are you ready for the Cyber Assessment Framework? 

The Cyber Assessment Framework promises to set a new standard for cyber-resilience in local government. And Trend Micro can help your organisation get there.

How to engage your board on cybersecurity

Gaining buy-in from senior leadership on cybersecurity initiatives is critical. Learn strategies to communicate the importance of security to your board.

Effective cybersecurity governance begins with trust

Struggling to gain board support for cybersecurity? Bridge the credibility gap and secure the resources you need to strengthen your organisation’s cyber-resilience.

Let's talk!

Are you ready to take your organisation's cyber security to the next level and safeguard citizen’s critical personal information? Transform your local government's cyber-resilience with expert support.