Welcome to Trend Cloud One™ Marketplace Pay-As-You-Go Calculator

Trend Cloud One is a simplified security services platform for organisations building in the cloud. We incorporate 8 leading cloud security services in an automated, flexible, all-in-one platform backed by our leading research.

Use the calculator to estimate your costs. Choose the services you’d like to deploy and then enter your volume details.

It’s easier than ever to get started with Trend Cloud One. There are a variety of free experiences to see the value it brings to your cloud environment firsthand

Trend Cloud One Diagram

Sign up for a $0, 30-day trial, which includes unlimited use of the Trend Cloud One platform for 30 days at no cost.

If there’s a specific Trend Cloud One service or group of services that you’d like to start with, there are always-free tiers available via your preferred cloud marketplace:

Trend Cloud One™ - Conformity: Any account with 249 or fewer resources connected is free.

Trend Cloud One™ - File Security: Buckets with 20 or fewer files scanned per hour are free.

Trend Cloud One™ - Network Security: The first 10 GB of inspected traffic per month are free.

Trend Cloud One™ - Container Security: The first 2,500 container node hours/month and the first 25,000 serverless container hours/month are free.

We’re always available to work with you on custom pricing, even via cloud marketplaces like AWS Marketplace or Azure Marketplace.

Select the services you'd like to deploy, and enter the estimated usage for each service to see your total costs*

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Get started today with a 30-day trial

Simply complete the form, and you'll be up and running in minutes with your future usage estimates. After the trial, you will automatically move to our always-free tiers.

*These costs are estimates only and are subject to change based on pricing and customer usage. These estimates reflect only the costs paid to Trend Micro for Trend Cloud One and do not include the costs payable to cloud providers for deployments.