Ensure that Access Approval is enabled within your Google Cloud Platform (GCP) account in order to allow you to require your explicit approval whenever Google personnel need to access your GCP projects. Once the Access Approval feature is enabled, you can delegate users within your organization who can approve the access requests by giving them a security role in Identity and Access Management (IAM). These requests show the requester name/ID in an email or Pub/Sub message that you can choose to approve. This creates a new control and logging layer that reveals who in your organization approved/denied access requests to your projects.
This rule resolution is part of the Conformity Security & Compliance tool for GCP.
Controlling access to your Google Cloud data is crucial when working with business-critical and sensitive data. With Access Approval, you can be certain that your cloud information is accessed by approved Google personnel only. The Access Approval feature ensures that a cryptographically-signed approval is available for Google Cloud support and engineering teams when they need to access your cloud data (certain exceptions apply). By default, Access Approval and its dependency of Access Transparency are not enabled.
To determine if Access Approval is enabled for your Google Cloud account, perform the following operations:
Remediation / Resolution
To enable the Access Approval security feature for your GCP projects, perform the following operations:
- Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Documentation
- Access Approval documentation
- Overview of Access Approval
- Enabling Access Transparency
- Review and approve access requests using the Google-managed signing key
- Supported services
- Viewing historical Access Approval requests
- GCP Command Line Interface (CLI) Documentation
- gcloud projects list
- gcloud beta access-approval settings get
- gcloud beta access-approval settings update