Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003

Threat Type: Worm
Destructiveness: No
Encrypted: Yes
In the wild: Yes
Propagates via flashdrives, Propagates via instant messaging applications
This description is based on a compiled analysis of several variants of WORM_DORKBOT. Note that specific data such as file names and registry values may vary for each variant.
This worm arrives via removable drives. It may be downloaded by other malware/grayware/spyware from remote sites. It may be dropped by other malware. It may be unknowingly downloaded by a user while visiting malicious websites.
It drops an AUTORUN.INF file to automatically execute the copies it drops when a user accesses the drives of an affected system.
It also has rootkit capabilities, which enables it to hide its processes and files from the user.
It deletes the initially executed copy of itself.
10 Mar 2011
Drops files, Connects to URLs/IPs
Arrival Details
This worm arrives via removable drives.
It may be downloaded by other malware/grayware/spyware from remote sites.
It may be dropped by other malware.
It may be unknowingly downloaded by a user while visiting malicious websites.
Autostart Technique
This worm adds the following registry entries to enable its automatic execution at every system startup:
{malware file name} = "%User Profile%\Application Data\{malware file name}.exe"
This worm creates the following folders in all removable drives:
- {drive letter}:\RECYCLER
It drops the following copy(ies) of itself in all removable drives:
- {drive letter}:\RECYCLER\{random characters}.exe
It drops an AUTORUN.INF file to automatically execute the copies it drops when a user accesses the drives of an affected system.
The said .INF file contains the following strings:
;{garbage characters}
shellexecute=RECYCLER\{malware file name}.exe
;{garbage characters}
;{garbage characters}
shell\open\command=RECYCLER\{malware file name}.exe
;{garbage characters}
action=Open folder to view files
;{garbage characters}
shell\explore\command=RECYCLER\{malware file name}.exe
;{garbage characters}
It sends messages that contain links to sites hosting remote copies of itself using the following instant-messaging (IM) applications:
- Windows Live Communicator
- MSN Messenger
- Pidgin
- Xchat
- mIRC
Backdoor Routine
This worm connects to the following URL(s) to send and receive commands from a remote malicious user:
- {BLOCKED}ebsite.com
- {BLOCKED}rebitch.com
- {BLOCKED}ney.biz
- {BLOCKED}ousez11.com
- {BLOCKED}g.{BLOCKED}oan.com
- {BLOCKED}g.{BLOCKED}opperz11.com
- {BLOCKED}g.{BLOCKED}ousez11.com
- {BLOCKED}g.{BLOCKED}allone.com
- {BLOCKED}g.{BLOCKED}ketbaby.com
- {BLOCKED}s.com
- {BLOCKED}ussy.info
- {BLOCKED}ctronix.com
- {BLOCKED}enial.com
- {BLOCKED}g.{BLOCKED}ousez11.com
Rootkit Capabilities
This worm also has rootkit capabilities, which enables it to hide its processes and files from the user.
Other Details
This worm connects to the following URL(s) to get the affected system's IP address:
- http://api.wipmania.com/
It deletes the initially executed copy of itself
This worm monitors the Internet activities of the infected system to steal user credentials if the user visits websites with the following strings:
- *&Password=*
- *&txtPassword=*
- *.alertpay.*/*login.aspx
- *.moneybookers.*/*login.pl
- *1and1.com/xml/config*
- *4shared.com/login*
- *:2083/login*
- *:2086/login*
- *alertpay.com/login*
- *aol.*/*login.psp*
- *bcointernacional*login*
- *bigstring.*/*index.php*
- *depositfiles.*/*/login*
- *dotster.com/*login*
- *dyndns*/account*
- *enom.com/login*
- *facebook.*/login.php*
- *fastmail.*/mail/*
- *fileserv.com/login*
- *fileserve.*/login*
- *filesonic.com/*login*
- *FLN-Password=*
- *freakshare.com/login*
- *gmx.*/*FormLogin*
- *godaddy.com/login*
- *google.*/*ServiceLoginAuth*
- *hackforums.*/member.php
- *hotfile.com/login*
- *letitbit.net*
- *login.live.*/*post.srf*
- *login.yahoo.*/*login*
- *login_password=*
- *loginUserPassword=*
- *mediafire.com/*login*
- *megaupload.*/*login
- *megaupload.*/*login*
- *members*.iknowthatgirl*/members*
- *members.brazzers.com*
- *moniker.com/*Login*
- *namecheap.com/*login*
- *netflix.com/*ogin*
- *netload.in/index*
- *no-ip*/login*
- *officebanking.cl/*login.asp*
- *oron.com/login*
- *pass=*
- *passwd=*
- *password=*
- *password]=*
- *paypal.*/webscr?cmd=_login-submit*
- *runescape*/*weblogin*
- *screenname.aol.*/login.psp*
- *secure.logmein.*/*logincheck*
- *sendspace.com/login*
- *service=youtube*
- *signin.ebay*SignIn
- *sms4file.com/*/signin-do*
- *speedyshare.com/login*
- *steampowered*/login*
- *TextfieldPassword=*
- *thepiratebay.org/login*
- *torrentleech.org/*login*
- *twitter.com/sessions
- *uploaded.to/*login*
- *uploading.com/*login*
- *vip-file.com/*/signin-do*
- *webnames.ru/*user_login*
- *what.cd/login*
- *youporn.*/login*
- EmailName
- FLN-Password
- FLN-UserName
- login
- login_email
- login_password
- loginId
- loginUserName
- loginUserPassword
- Passwd
- Password
- quick_password
- quick_username
- screenname
- session[password]
- session[username_or_email]
- TextfieldEmail
- TextfieldPassword
- txtEmail
- txtPassword
- username
- AlertPay
- BigString
- DynDNS
- Fastmail
- FileServe
- Gmail
- Hackforums
- LogMeIn
- Megaupload
- Moneybookers
- No-IP
- NoIP
- OfficeBanking
- PayPal
- Runescape
- Steam
- Windows Live
- Yahoo
- Yahoo!
- YouTube
- Block DNS
- Create processes
- Download other files
- Insert iframe tags into HTML files
- Join an IRC channel
- Log in to FTP sites
- Perfrom Slowloris, UDP, and SYN flooding
- Run Reverse Socks4 proxy server
- Send MSN Messenger messages
- Steal login credentials
- Update Itself
- Visit a Web Site
- cmd.exe
- ipconfig.exe
- regedit.exe
- regsvr32.exe
- rundll32.exe
- verclsid.exe
- avast.
- avg.
- avira.
- bitdefender.
- bullguard.
- clamav.
- comodo.
- emsisoft.
- eset.
- fortinet.
- f-secure.
- garyshood.
- gdatasoftware.
- heck.tc
- iseclab.
- jotti.
- kaspersky.
- lavasoft.
- malwarebytes.
- mcafee.
- norman.
- norton.
- novirusthanks.
- onecare.live.
- onlinemalwarescanner.
- pandasecurity.
- precisesecurity.
- sophos.
- sunbeltsoftware.
- symantec
- threatexpert.
- trendmicro.
- virscan.
- virus.
- virusbuster.nprotect.
- viruschief.
- virustotal.
- webroot.
- CopyFileA
- CopyFileW
- CreateFileA
- CreateFileW
- DeleteFileA
- DeleteFileW
- DnsQuery_A
- DnsQuery_W
- GetAddrInfoW
- HttpSendRequestA
- HttpSendRequestW
- InternetWriteFile
- LdrEnumerateLoadedModules
- LdrGetDllHandle
- LdrGetProcedureAddress
- LdrLoadDll
- MoveFileA
- MoveFileW
- NtEnumerateValueKey
- NtQueryDirectoryFile
- NtQueryInformationProcess
- NtQueryInformationThread
- NtQuerySystemInformation
- NtQueryVirtualMemory
- PR_Write
- RegCreateKeyExA
- RegCreateKeyExW
- RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString
- URLDownloadToFileA
- URLDownloadToFileW
It drops shortcut files pointing to the copy of itself in removable drives. These dropped .LNK files use the names of the folders located on the said drives for their file names. It then sets the attributes of the original folders to Hidden to trick the user into clicking the .LNK files.
This description is based on a compiled analysis of several variants of WORM_DORKBOT. Note that specific data such as file names and registry values may vary for each variant.