Hbedv: TR/Kazy.3994.2; Rising: Packer.Win32.Agent.bk [Suspicious] ; FSecure: Gen:Variant.Kazy.3994
Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003
Threat Type: Spyware
Destructiveness: No
Encrypted: Yes
In the wild: Yes
This spyware uses social engineering methods to lure users into performing certain actions that may, directly or indirectly, cause malicious routines to be performed. Specifically, it disguises as a Christmas card to trick users into thinking that the website they are accessing is non-malicious.
To get a one-glance comprehensive view of the behavior of this Spyware, refer to the Threat Diagram shown below.
It downloads a configuration file from a remote URL. This configuration file contains a list of online sites to monitor.
It monitors a user's browsing activity. Once a user accesses any of the monitored sites, this malware starts logging keystrokes.
It sends the gathered information to remote sites. The stolen information may be used for malicious purposes.
It bypasses firewalls, enabling routines to be freely executed on the system.
This spyware may be dropped by other malware. It may be unknowingly downloaded by a user while visiting malicious websites. It may be downloaded from remote sites by other malware.
It modifies the affected system's HOSTS files. This prevents users from accessing certain websites.
It attempts to steal sensitive online banking information, such as user names and passwords. This routine risks the exposure of the user's account information, which may then lead to the unauthorized use of the stolen data. It attempts to steal information, such as user names and passwords, used when logging into certain banking or finance-related websites.
It checks for the presence of the following processes which are related to Outpost Personal Firewall and ZoneLabs Firewall Client:
- outpost.exe
- zlclient.exe
It terminates if either of the said processes exist. This is to ensure that it runs uninterrupted. It also has rootkit capabilities, which enables it to hide its processes and files from the user.
179,712 bytes
24 Dec 2010
Downloads files, Modifies HOSTS file
Arrival Details
This spyware may be dropped by other malware.
It may be unknowingly downloaded by a user while visiting malicious websites.
It may be unknowingly downloaded by a user while visiting the following malicious websites:
- http://{BLOCKED}developersdk.com/wp-admin/includes/card.zip
It may be downloaded from remote site(s) by the following malware:
This spyware drops the following files:
- %System%\lowsec\local.ds - copy of the encrypted downloaded file
- %System%\lowsec\user.ds.lll
- %System%\lowsec\user.ds - used to save the gathered information
- %system%\sdra64.exe - copy of itself
(Note: %System% is the Windows system folder, which is usually C:\Windows\System32.)
It creates the following folders:
- %System%\lowsec
(Note: %System% is the Windows system folder, which is usually C:\Windows\System32.)
It adds the following mutexes to ensure that only one of its copies runs at any one time:
- _AVIRA_2109
It is injected into the following processes running in memory:
Autostart Technique
This spyware modifies the following registry entry(ies) to enable its automatic execution at every system startup:
Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon
Userinit = %System%\userinit.exe, %System%\sdra64.exe,
(Note: The default value data of the said registry entry is %System%\userinit.exe,.)
Other System Modifications
This spyware adds the following registry entries as part of its installation routine:
Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Network
UID = "{computer name}_{random numbers}"
It adds the following registry keys as part of its installation routine:
Microsoft\ Windows\CurrentVersion\
Microsoft\ Windows\CurrentVersion\
Microsoft\Protected Storage System Provider
It creates the following registry entry(ies) to bypass Windows Firewall:
EnableFirewall = "0"
Download Routine
This spyware connects to the following URL(s) to download its configuration file:
- http://{BLOCKED}anvik.no/templates/system/sysny.bin
HOSTS File Modification
This spyware modifies the affected system's HOSTS files to prevent a user from accessing the following websites:
- downloads
- downloads
- downloads
- downloads
- downloads
- rads.mcaf
- liveupdat
- liveupdat
- liveupdat
- update.sy
- download7
- download6
- download5
- download4
- download3
- download2
- download1
- avu.zonel
- retail.sp
- retail01.
- retail02.
- acs.panda
- pccreg.an
- dl1.antiv
- dl2.antiv
- dl3.antiv
- dl4.antiv
- fr.mcafee
- mcafee.co
- antivirus
- ftp.esafe
- ftp.europ
- ftp.syman
- us.mcafee
- security.
- download.
- shop.syma
- dispatch.
- f-secure.
- kaspersky
- mast.mcaf
- secure.na
- sophos.co
Information Theft
This spyware monitors the Internet Explorer (IE) activities of the affected system, specifically the address bar or title bar. It recreates a legitimate website with a spoofed login page if a user visits banking sites with the following strings in the address bar or title bar:
- */my.ebay.com/*CurrentPage=MyeBayPersonalInfo*
- *.ebay.com/*eBayISAPI.dll?*
- https://www.us.hsbc.com/*
- https://www.e-gold.com/acct/li.asp
- https://www.e-gold.com/acct/balance.asp*
- https://online.wellsfargo.com/das/cgi-bin/session.cgi*
- https://www.wellsfargo.com/*
- https://online.wellsfargo.com/login*
- https://online.wellsfargo.com/signon*
- https://www.paypal.com/*/webscr?cmd=_account
- https://www.paypal.com/*/webscr?cmd=_login-done*
- https://www#.usbank.com/internetBanking/LoginRouter
- https://easyweb*.tdcanadatrust.com/servlet/*FinancialSummaryServlet*
- https://www#.citizensbankonline.com/*/index-wait.jsp
- https://onlinebanking.nationalcity.com/OLB/secure/AccountList.aspx
- https://www.suntrust.com/portal/server.pt*parentname=Login*
- https://www.53.com/servlet/efsonline/index.html*
- https://web.da-us.citibank.com/*BS_Id=MemberHomepage*
- *sitekey.bankofamerica.com*
- https://onlineeast#.bankofamerica.com/cgi-bin/ias/*/GotoWelcome
- https://online.wamu.com/Servicing/Servicing.aspx?targetPage=AccountSummary
- https://onlinebanking#.wachovia.com/myAccounts.aspx?referrer=authService
- *chase.com*
- https://resources.chase.com/MyAccounts.aspx
- *usaa.com*
- *wamu.com*
- https://bancaonline.openbank.es/servlet/PProxy?*
- https://extranet.banesto.es/*/loginParticulares.htm
- https://banesnet.banesto.es/*/loginEmpresas.htm
- https://empresas.gruposantander.es/WebEmpresas/servlet/webempresas.servlets.*
- https://www.gruposantander.es/bog/sbi*?ptns=acceso*
- https://www.bbvanetoffice.com/local_bdno/login_bbvanetoffice.html
- https://www.bancajaproximaempresas.com/ControlEmpresas*
- *citibank*
- https://probanking.procreditbank.bg/main/main.asp*
- https://ibank.internationalbanking.barclays.com/logon/icebapplication*
- https://ibank.barclays.co.uk/olb/x/LoginMember.do
- https://online-offshore.lloydstsb.com/customer.ibc
- https://online-business.lloydstsb.co.uk/customer.ibc
- https://www.dab-bank.com*
- http://www.hsbc.co.uk/1/2/personal/internet-banking*
- https://www.nwolb.com/Login.aspx*
- https://home.ybonline.co.uk/login.html*
- https://home.cbonline.co.uk/login.html*
- https://welcome27.co-operativebank.co.uk/CBIBSWeb/start.do
- https://welcome23.smile.co.uk/SmileWeb/start.do
- https://www.halifax-online.co.uk/_mem_bin/formslogin.asp*
- https://www2.bancopopular.es/AppBPE/servlet/servin*
- https://www.bancoherrero.com/es/*
- https://pastornetparticulares.bancopastor.es/SrPd*
- https://intelvia.cajamurcia.es/2043/entrada/01entradaencrip.htm
- https://www.caja-granada.es/cgi-bin/INclient_2031
- https://www.fibancmediolanum.es/BasePage.aspx*
- https://carnet.cajarioja.es/banca3/tx0011/0011.jsp
- https://www.cajalaboral.com/home/acceso.asp
- https://www.cajasoldirecto.es/2106/*
- https://www.clavenet.net/cgi-bin/INclient_7054
- https://www.cajavital.es/Appserver/vitalnet*
- https://banca.cajaen.es/Jaen/INclient.jsp
- https://www.cajadeavila.es/cgi-bin/INclient_6094
- https://www.caixatarragona.es/esp/sec_1/oficinacodigo.jsp
- http://caixasabadell.net/banca2/tx0011/0011.jsp
- https://www.caixaontinyent.es/cgi-bin/INclient_2045
- https://www.caixalaietana.es/cgi-bin/INclient_2042
- https://www.cajacirculo.es/ISMC/Circulo/acceso.jsp
- https://areasegura.banif.es/bog/bogbsn*
- https://www.bgnetplus.com/niloinet/login.jsp
- https://www.caixagirona.es/cgi-bin/INclient_2030*
- https://www.unicaja.es/PortalServlet*
- https://www.sabadellatlantico.com/es/*
- https://oi.cajamadrid.es/CajaMadrid/oi/pt_oi/Login/login
- https://www.cajabadajoz.es/cgi-bin/INclient_6010*
- https://extranet.banesto.es/npage/OtrosLogin/LoginIBanesto.htm
- https://montevia.elmonte.es/cgi-bin/INclient_2098*
- https://www.cajacanarias.es/cgi-bin/INclient_6065
- https://oie.cajamadridempresas.es/CajaMadrid/oie/pt_oie/Login/login_oie_1
- https://www.gruppocarige.it/grps/vbank/jsp/login.jsp
- https://bancopostaonline.poste.it/bpol/bancoposta/formslogin.asp
- https://privati.internetbanking.bancaintesa.it/sm/login/IN/box_login.jsp
- https://hb.quiubi.it/newSSO/x11logon.htm
- https://www.iwbank.it/private/index_pub.jhtml*
- https://web.secservizi.it/siteminderagent/forms/login.fcc
- https://www.isideonline.it/relaxbanking/sso.Login*
- https://scrigno.popso.it*
- https://www.halifax-online.co.uk/MyAccounts/MyAccounts.aspx*
- https://ibank.barclays.co.uk/olb/x/LoginMember.do
- https://www.halifax-online.co.uk/_mem_bin/*
- https://online*.lloydstsb.co.uk/logon.ibc
- https://home.ybonline.co.uk/ral/loginmgr/*
- https://www.mybank.alliance-leicester.co.uk/login/*
- https://www.ebank.hsbc.co.uk/main/IBLogon.jsp
- https://www.isbank.com.tr/Internet/ControlLoader.aspx*
- https://light.webmoney.ru/default.aspx
- https://olb2.nationet.com/MyAccounts/frame_MyAccounts_WP2.asp*
- https://www*.banking.first-direct.com/1/2/*
- https://cardsonline-consumer.com/RBSG_Consumer/VerifyLogin.do
- *//money.yandex.ru/index.xml
- *//money.yandex.ru/
- *//mail.yandex.ru/index.xml
- *//mail.yandex.ru/
- https://www.rbsdigital.com/Login.asp*
- https://banking*.anz.com/*
- https://olb2.nationet.com/signon/signon*
- https://www.nwolb.com/Login.asp*
- https://home2ae.cd.citibank.ae/CappWebAppAE/producttwo/capp/action/signoncq.do
- https://internetbanking.aib.ie/hb1/roi/signon
- https://lot-port.bcs.ru/names.nsf?#ogin*
- *wellsfargo.com*
- https://web.da-us.citibank.com/cgi-bin/citifi/portal/l/l.do
- https://web.da-us.citibank.com/cgi-bin/citifi/portal/l/autherror.do*
- https://rupay.com/index.php
- https://light.webmoney.ru/default.aspx
- *banquepopulaire.fr/*
- http://*.osmp.ru/
- https://www.uno-e.com/local_bdnt_unoe/Login_unoe2.html
- https://www.ccm.es/cgi-bin/INclient_6105
- https://www.gruposantander.es/
- https://banking.*.de/cgi/ueberweisung.cgi
- https://internetbanking.gad.de/banking
- https://www.citibank.de/*/jba/mp#/SubmitRecap.do
It attempts to steal sensitive online banking information, such as user names and passwords. This routine risks the exposure of the user's account information, which may then lead to the unauthorized use of the stolen data.
It attempts to steal information from the following banks and/or other financial institutions:
- eBay
- e-gold
- Wellsfargo
- PayPal
- US Bank
- TD Canada Trust
- Citizens Bank
- PNC Bank
- Sun Trust
- Fifthy Third Bank
- Citibank
- Bank of America
- Wachovia
- Chase
- Open Bank
- Banesto
- Grupo Santader
- Bancaja Empresas
- Procredit Bank
- Barclays
- Lloyds TSB
- DAB Bank
- NatWest
- Yorkshire Bank
- Clydesdale Bank
- Co-operative Bank
- Halifax
- Banco Popular
- Banco Herrero
- Banco Pastor
- Caja Murcia
- Banco Mediolanum
- Caja Rioja
- Caja Laboral
- Caja Soldirecto
- Clavenet
- Caja Vital
- Caja de Avila
- Caixa Tarragona
- Caixa Sabadell
- Caixa Ontinyent
- Caixa Laietana
- Caja Circulo
- Banif
- Banco Guipuzcoano
- Uni Caja
- SabadellAtlantico
- Caja Madrid
- Caja Badajoz
- Banesto
- El Monte
- Caja Canarias
- Caja Madrid Empresas
- Gruppo Carige
- Banca Intesa
- Qui UBI
- IWBank
- Sec Servizi
- Banca Popolare di Sondrio
- Alliance & Leicester
- Türkiye İş Bankası
- WebMoney
- Nationwide
- First Direct
- Royal Bank of Scotland
- Yandex
- RBS Digital
- Rupay
- Banque Populaire
Stolen Information
This spyware sends the gathered information via HTTP POST to the following URL:
- http://{BLOCKED}rp.com/stat/gate_in.php
Other Details
This spyware checks for the presence of the following processes which are related to Outpost Personal Firewall and ZoneLabs Firewall Client:
- outpost.exe
- zlclient.exe
It terminates if either of the said processes exist. This is to ensure that it runs uninterrupted. It also has rootkit capabilities, which enables it to hide its processes and files from the user.
24 Dec 2010
Step 1
Before doing any scans, Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7 users must disable System Restore to allow full scanning of their computers.
Step 3
Identify and delete files detected as TSPY_ZBOT.XMAS using either the Startup Disk or Recovery Console
Step 4
Restore these modified registry values
Important:Editing the Windows Registry incorrectly can lead to irreversible system malfunction. Please do this only if you know how to or you can seek your system administrator's help. You may also check out this Microsoft article first before modifying your computer's registry.
- In HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon
- From: Userinit = "%System%\userinit.exe,%System%\sdra64.exe,"
To: Userinit = "%System%\userinit.exe,"
- From: Userinit = "%System%\userinit.exe,%System%\sdra64.exe,"
Step 5
Delete this registry value
Important: Editing the Windows Registry incorrectly can lead to irreversible system malfunction. Please do this step only if you know how or you can ask assistance from your system administrator. Else, check this Microsoft article first before modifying your computer's registry.
- In HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\SharedAccess\Parameters\FirewallPolicy\StandardProfile
- EnableFirewall = "0"
- EnableFirewall = "0"
- In HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Network
- UID = "{computer name}_{random numbers}"
Step 6
Delete this registry key
Important: Editing the Windows Registry incorrectly can lead to irreversible system malfunction. Please do this step only if you know how or you can ask assistance from your system administrator. Else, check this Microsoft article first before modifying your computer's registry. Before you could do this, you must restart in Safe Mode. For instructions on how to do this, you may refer to this page If the preceding step requires you to restart in safe mode, you may proceed to edit the system registry.
- In HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Software\Microsoft
- Protected Storage System Provider
- Protected Storage System Provider
- In HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer
- {43BF8CD1-C5D5-2230-7BB2-98F22C2B7DC6}
- {43BF8CD1-C5D5-2230-7BB2-98F22C2B7DC6}
- In HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer
- {19127AD2-394B-70F5-C650-B97867BAA1F7}
- {19127AD2-394B-70F5-C650-B97867BAA1F7}
Step 7
Search and delete this folder
- %System%\lowsec
Step 8
Remove these strings added by the malware/grayware/spyware in the HOSTS file
Step 9
Scan your computer with your Trend Micro product to delete files detected as TSPY_ZBOT.XMAS. If the detected files have already been cleaned, deleted, or quarantined by your Trend Micro product, no further step is required. You may opt to simply delete the quarantined files. Please check this Knowledge Base page for more information.
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