Threat Type: Coinminer
Destructiveness: No
Encrypted: No
In the wild: Yes
Downloaded from the Internet, Dropped by other malware
This Coinminer may be dropped by other malware.
72,473 bytes
31 May 2020
Connects to URLs/IPs, Deletes files, Disables services, Steals information, Downloads files, Sends messages, Drops files, Terminates processes
Arrival Details
This Coinminer may be dropped by the following malware:
This Coinminer adds the following folders:
- %Application Data%\url
- %Application Data%\InfectUSB
- %Application Data%\InfectOUTLOOK
- {Drive Letter}:\System
(Note: %Application Data% is the current user's Application Data folder, which is usually C:\Documents and Settings\{user name}\Application Data on Windows 2000(32-bit), XP, and Server 2003(32-bit), or C:\Users\{user name}\AppData\Roaming on Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 2008(64-bit), 2012(64-bit) and 10(64-bit).)
It drops the following files:
- %Application Data%\Network
- %Application Data%\InfectMacro
- %Application Data%\sendContacts.txt
- Copies %Application Data%\CV.accde to the following directories:
- %User Profile%\SharePoint\
- %User Profile%\SharePoint\personal\
- %User Profile%\Dropbox\Public\
- %User Profile%\OneDrive\Public\
- %User Profile%\Google Drive\
- {Drive Letter}:\System\
- {Drive Letter}:\System\CheckIN.bat
- {Drive Letter}:\System\Autorun.inf → executes CheckIN.BAT
(Note: %Application Data% is the current user's Application Data folder, which is usually C:\Documents and Settings\{user name}\Application Data on Windows 2000(32-bit), XP, and Server 2003(32-bit), or C:\Users\{user name}\AppData\Roaming on Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 2008(64-bit), 2012(64-bit) and 10(64-bit).. %User Profile% is the current user's profile folder, which is usually C:\Documents and Settings\{user name} on Windows 2000(32-bit), XP, and Server 2003(32-bit), or C:\Users\{user name} on Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 2008(64-bit), 2012(64-bit) and 10(64-bit).)
It adds the following processes:
- For 32-bit:
- "%All Users Profile%\x32\xmrig.exe -o stratum+tcp:// -u 4AHjQydQzMZeMT9BdokLCeVgdipLDM2UA8mvGti8mx33K7jXdTcMS2GBMH5BUBhHVTchV3uJCidgKWiWEmnYexbAPgdwZ5h -p n -k -B --max-cpu-usage=90 --donate-level=0"
- For 64-bit:
- "%All Users Profile%\x64\xmrig.exe -o stratum+tcp:// -u 4AHjQydQzMZeMT9BdokLCeVgdipLDM2UA8mvGti8mx33K7jXdTcMS2GBMH5BUBhHVTchV3uJCidgKWiWEmnYexbAPgdwZ5h -p n -k -B --max-cpu-usage=90 --donate-level=0"
- Disable Windows Auto Update:
- "%System%\sc.exe" config wuauserv start=disabled
- "%System%\sc.exe" query wuauserv
- "%System%\sc.exe" stop wuauserv
- "%System%\sc.exe" query wuauserv
- "%System%\reg.exe" QUERY HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\wuauserv /v Start
(Note: %All Users Profile% is the common user's profile folder, which is usually C:\Documents and Settings\All Users on Windows 2000(32-bit), XP, and Server 2003(32-bit), or C:\ProgramData on Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 2008(64-bit), 2012(64-bit) and 10(64-bit). . %System% is the Windows system folder, where it usually is C:\Windows\System32 on all Windows operating system versions.)
Other System Modifications
This Coinminer deletes the following files:
- For 32-bit:
- %All Users Profile%\x32\start.cmd
- For 64-bit:
- %All Users Profile%\x64\start.cmd
(Note: %All Users Profile% is the common user's profile folder, which is usually C:\Documents and Settings\All Users on Windows 2000(32-bit), XP, and Server 2003(32-bit), or C:\ProgramData on Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 2008(64-bit), 2012(64-bit) and 10(64-bit). )
The said .INF file contains the following strings:
Process Termination
This Coinminer terminates the following services if found on the affected system:
- avg
- mpssvc
- SamSs
- SecurityHealthService
- WdNisSvc
- WinDefend
- wscsvc
- wuauserv
It terminates the following processes if found running in the affected system's memory:
- _avp32.exe
- _avpcc.exe
- _avpm.exe
- aAvgApi.exe
- AAWTray.exe
- abmainsv.exe
- ackwin32.exe
- Ad-Aware.exe
- adaware.exe
- advxdwin.exe
- agentsvr.exe
- agentw.exe
- alertsvc.exe
- alevir.exe
- alogserv.exe
- amon9x.exe
- andnavapw32.exe
- anti-trojan.exe
- antivirservice.exe
- antivirus.exe
- ants.exe
- apimonitor.exe
- aplica32.exe
- apvxdwin.exe
- arr.exe
- atcon.exe
- atguard.exe
- atro55en.exe
- atupdater.exe
- atwatch.exe
- au.exe
- aupdate.exe
- auto-protect.nav80try.exe
- autodown.exe
- autotrace.exe
- autoupdate.exe
- avconsol.exe
- ave32.exe
- aveservice.exe
- avgcc32.exe
- avgctrl.exe
- avgemc.exe
- avgemc.exe
- avgnt.exe
- avgrsx.exe
- avgserv.exe
- avgserv9.exe
- avguard.exe
- avgw.exe
- avkpop.exe
- avkproxy.exe
- avkserv.exe
- avkservice.exe
- avkwctl9.exe
- avltmain.exe
- avnt.exe
- avp.exe
- avp.exe
- avp32.exe
- avpcc.exe
- avpdos32.exe
- avpm.exe
- avptc32.exe
- avpupd.exe
- avsched32.exe
- avsynmgr.exe
- avwin.exe
- avwin95.exe
- avwinnt.exe
- avwupd.exe
- avwupd32.exe
- avwupsrv.exe
- avxmonitor9x.exe
- avxmonitornt.exe
- avxquar.exe
- backweb.exe
- bargains.exe
- bd_professional.exe
- bdss.exe
- beagle.exe
- belt.exe
- bidef.exe
- bidserver.exe
- bipcp.exe
- bipcpevalsetup.exe
- bisp.exe
- blackd.exe
- blackice.exe
- blink.exe
- blss.exe
- bootconf.exe
- bootwarn.exe
- borg2.exe
- bpc.exe
- brasil.exe
- bs120.exe
- bundle.exe
- bvt.exe
- ccapp.exe
- ccevtmgr.exe
- ccEvtMrg.exe
- ccpxysvc.exe
- ccSetMgr.exe
- cdp.exe
- cfd.exe
- cfgwiz.exe
- cfiadmin.exe
- cfiaudit.exe
- cfinet.exe
- cfinet32.exe
- cfp.ex
- clamav.exe
- claw95.exe
- claw95cf.exe
- clean.exe
- cleaner.exe
- cleaner3.exe
- cleanpc.exe
- click.exe
- cmd.exe
- cmd32.exe
- cmesys.exe
- cmgrdian.exe
- cmon016.exe
- connectionmonitor.exe
- cpd.exe
- cpf9x206.exe
- cpfnt206.exe
- ctrl.exe
- cv.exe
- cwnb181.exe
- cwntdwmo.exe
- datemanager.exe
- dcomx.exe
- defalert.exe
- defscangui.exe
- defwatch.exe
- deputy.exe
- divx.exe
- dllcache.exe
- dllreg.exe
- doors.exe
- dpf.exe
- dpfsetup.exe
- dpps2.exe
- drwatson.exe
- drweb32.exe
- drwebupw.exe
- dssagent.exe
- dvp95.exe
- dvp95_0.exe
- ecengine.exe
- efpeadm.exe
- ekrn.exe
- emsw.exe
- ent.exe
- esafe.exe
- escanhnt.exe
- escanv95.exe
- espwatch.exe
- ethereal.exe
- etrustcipe.exe
- evpn.exe
- exantivirus-cnet.exe
- exe.avxw.exe
- expert.exe
- explore.exe
- f-agnt95.exe
- f-prot.exe
- f-prot95.exe
- f-stopw.exe
- fameh32.exe
- fast.exe
- fch32.exe
- fih32.exe
- findviru.exe
- firewall.exe
- fnrb32.exe
- fp-win.exe
- fp-win_trial.exe
- fpavserver.exe
- fprot.exe
- frw.exe
- fsaa.exe
- fsav.exe
- fsav32.exe
- fsav32.exe
- fsav530stbyb.exe
- fsav530wtbyb.exe
- fsav95.exe
- fsdfwd.exe
- fsgk32.exe
- fsguiexe.exe
- fsm32.exe
- fsma.exe
- fsma32.exe
- fsmb32.exe
- gator.exe
- gbmenu.exe
- gbpoll.exe
- generics.exe
- gmt.exe
- guard.exe
- guarddog.exe
- hacktracersetup.exe
- hbinst.exe
- hbsrv.exe
- hotactio.exe
- hotpatch.exe
- htlog.exe
- htpatch.exe
- hwpe.exe
- hxdl.exe
- hxiul.exe
- iamapp.exe
- iamserv.exe
- iamstats.exe
- ibmasn.exe
- ibmavsp.exe
- icload95.exe
- icloadnt.exe
- icmon.exe
- icsupp95.exe
- icsuppnt.exe
- idle.exe
- iedll.exe
- iedriver.exe
- iexplorer.exe
- iface.exe
- ifw2000.exe
- ikarus-guardx.exe
- immunetprotect.exe
- inetlnfo.exe
- infus.exe
- infwin.exe
- init.exe
- intdel.exe
- intren.exe
- iomon98.exe
- istsvc.exe
- jammer.exe
- jdbgmrg.exe
- jedi.exe
- kavlite40eng.exe
- kavpers40eng.exe
- kavpf.exe
- kazza.exe
- keenvalue.exe
- kerio-pf-213-en-win.exe
- kerio-wrl-421-en-win.exe
- kerio-wrp-421-en-win.exe
- kernel32.exe
- killprocesssetup161.exe
- klblmain.exe
- launcher.exe
- ldnetmon.exe
- ldpro.exe
- ldpromenu.exe
- ldscan.exe
- lnetinfo.exe
- loader.exe
- localnet.exe
- lockdown.exe
- lockdown2000.exe
- lookout.exe
- lordpe.exe
- lsetup.exe
- luall.exe
- luau.exe
- lucomserver.exe
- luinit.exe
- luspt.exe
- mapisvc32.exe
- mcagent.exe
- mcmnhdlr.exe
- mcshield.exe
- MCSHIELDnisum.exe
- mctool.exe
- mcupdate.exe
- mcvsrte.exe
- mcvsshld.exe
- md.exe
- mfin32.exe
- mfw2en.exe
- mfweng3.02d30.exe
- mgavrtcl.exe
- mgavrte.exe
- mghtml.exe
- mgui.exe
- minilog.exe
- mmod.exe
- monitor.exe
- moolive.exe
- mostat.exe
- mpfagent.exe
- mpfservice.exe
- mpftray.exe
- mrflux.exe
- msapp.exe
- MSASCui.exe
- msbb.exe
- msblast.exe
- mscache.exe
- msccn32.exe
- mscman.exe
- msconfig.exe
- msdm.exe
- msdos.exe
- msiexec16.exe
- msinfo32.exe
- mslaugh.exe
- msmgt.exe
- msmpeng.exe
- msmpsvc.exe
- msmsgri32.exe
- mssmmc32.exe
- mssys.exe
- msvxd.exe
- mu0311ad.exe
- mwatch.exe
- n32scanw.exe
- nav.exe
- navap.navapsvc.exe
- navapsvc.exe
- navapsvc.exe
- navapw32.exe
- navdx.exe
- navlu32.exe
- navnt.exe
- navstub.exe
- navw32.exe
- navwnt.exe
- nc2000.exe
- ncinst4.exe
- ndd32.exe
- neomonitor.exe
- neowatchlog.exe
- netarmor.exe
- netd32.exe
- netinfo.exe
- netmon.exe
- netscanpro.exe
- netspyhunter-1.2.exe
- netstat.exe
- netutils.exe
- nisserv.exe
- nisum.exe
- nmain.exe
- nod32.exe
- normist.exe
- norton_internet_secu_3.0_407.exe
- notstart.exe
- npf40_tw_98_nt_me_2k.exe
- npfmessenger.exe
- nprotect.exe
- npscheck.exe
- npssvc.exe
- nsched32.exe
- nssys32.exe
- nstask32.exe
- nsupdate.exe
- nt.exe
- ntrtscan.exe
- ntrtscan.exe
- ntvdm.exe
- ntxconfig.exe
- nui.exe
- nupgrade.exe
- nvarch16.exe
- nvc95.exe
- nvsrvc32.exe
- nvsvc32.exe
- nwinst4.exe
- nwservice.exe
- nwtool16.exe
- ollydbg.exe
- onsrvr.exe
- optimize.exe
- ostronet.exe
- otfix.exe
- outpost.exe
- outpostinstall.exe
- outpostproinstall.exe
- padmin.exe
- panixk.exe
- patch.exe
- pavcl.exe
- pavproxy.exe
- pavsched.exe
- pavsrv.exe
- pavw.exe
- pccwin98.exe
- pcfwallicon.exe
- pcip10117_0.exe
- pcscan.exe
- pdsetup.exe
- periscope.exe
- persfw.exe
- persfw.exe
- perswf.exe
- pf2.exe
- pfwadmin.exe
- pgmonitr.exe
- pingscan.exe
- platin.exe
- pop3trap.exe
- poproxy.exe
- popscan.exe
- portdetective.exe
- portmonitor.exe
- powerscan.exe
- ppinupdt.exe
- pptbc.exe
- ppvstop.exe
- prizesurfer.exe
- prmt.exe
- prmvr.exe
- procdump.exe
- processmonitor.exe
- procexplorerv1.0.exe
- programauditor.exe
- proport.exe
- protectx.exe
- pshost.exe
- pspf.exe
- purge.exe
- qconsole.exe
- qserver.exe
- rapapp.exe
- rav7.exe
- rav7win.exe
- rav8win32eng.exe
- ray.exe
- rb32.exe
- rcsync.exe
- realmon.exe
- reged.exe
- regedit.exe
- regedt32.exe
- rescue.exe
- rescue32.exe
- rrguard.exe
- rshell.exe
- rtvscan.exe
- rtvscn95.exe
- rulaunch.exe
- run32dll.exe
- rundll.exe
- rundll16.exe
- ruxdll32.exe
- safeweb.exe
- sahagent.exe
- save.exe
- savenow.exe
- savscan.exe
- savservice.exe
- SBAMSvc.exe
- sbserv.exe
- sc.exe
- scam32.exe
- scan32.exe
- scan95.exe
- scanpm.exe
- scrscan.exe
- serv95.exe
- setup_flowprotector_us.exe
- setupvameeval.exe
- sfc.exe
- sgssfw32.exe
- sh.exe
- shellspyinstall.exe
- shn.exe
- showbehind.exe
- shServ.exe
- smc.exe
- sms.exe
- smss32.exe
- soap.exe
- sofi.exe
- sperm.exe
- spf.exe
- sphinx.exe
- spoler.exe
- spoolcv.exe
- spoolsv32.exe
- spyxx.exe
- srexe.exe
- srng.exe
- ss3edit.exe
- ssg_4104.exe
- ssgrate.exe
- st2.exe
- start.exe
- stcloader.exe
- supftrl.exe
- support.exe
- supporter5.exe
- svc.exe
- svchostc.exe
- svchosts.exe
- svshost.exe
- sweep95.exe
- sweepnet.sweepsrv.sys.swnetsup.exe
- symproxysvc.exe
- symtray.exe
- sysedit.exe
- system.exe
- system32.exe
- sysupd.exe
- taskmg.exe
- taskmgr.exe
- taskmo.exe
- taskmon.exe
- taumon.exe
- tbscan.exe
- tc.exe
- tca.exe
- tcm.exe
- tds-3.exe
- tds2-98.exe
- tds2-nt.exe
- teekids.exe
- tfak.exe
- tfak5.exe
- tgbob.exe
- titanin.exe
- titaninxp.exe
- tmntsrv.exe
- tracert.exe
- trickler.exe
- trjscan.exe
- trjsetup.exe
- trojantrap3.exe
- tsadbot.exe
- tvmd.exe
- tvtmd.exe
- undoboot.exe
- updat.exe
- update.exe
- upgrad.exe
- utpost.exe
- vbcmserv.exe
- vbcons.exe
- vbservprof.exe
- vbust.exe
- vbwin9x.exe
- vbwinntw.exe
- vcsetup.exe
- vet32.exe
- vet95.exe
- vettray.exe
- vfsetup.exe
- vir-help.exe
- virusmdpersonalfirewall.exe
- vnlan300.exe
- vnpc3000.exe
- vpc32.exe
- vpc42.exe
- vpfw30s.exe
- vptray.exe
- vscan40.exe
- vscenu6.02d30.exe
- vsched.exe
- vsecomr.exe
- vshwin32.exe
- vsisetup.exe
- vsmain.exe
- vsmon.exe
- vsstat.exe
- vswin9xe.exe
- vswinntse.exe
- vswinperse.exe
- w32dsm89.exe
- w9x.exe
- watchdog.exe
- webdav.exe
- webscanx.exe
- webtrap.exe
- wfindv32.exe
- whoswatchingme.exe
- wimmun32.exe
- win-bugsfix.exe
- win32.exe
- win32us.exe
- winactive.exe
- windefend.exe
- window.exe
- windows.exe
- wininetd.exe
- wininitx.exe
- winlogin.exe
- winmain.exe
- winnet.exe
- winppr32.exe
- winrecon.exe
- winservn.exe
- winssk32.exe
- winstart.exe
- winstart001.exe
- wintsk32.exe
- winupdate.exe
- wkufind.exe
- wnad.exe
- wnt.exe
- wradmin.exe
- wrctrl.exe
- wsbgate.exe
- wupdater.exe
- wupdt.exe
- wyvernworksfirewall.exe
- xpf202en.exe
- zapro.exe
- zapsetup3001.exe
- zatutor.exe
- zonalm2601.exe
- zonealarm.exe
- zmrig
Download Routine
This Coinminer connects to the following website(s) to download and execute a malicious file:
- For 32-bit:
- For 64-bit:
It saves the files it downloads using the following names:
- For 32-bit:
- %All Users Profile%\
- Extracts downloaded file's contents to:
- %All Users Profile%\x32\
- Containing the following files:
- config.json → coinminer configuration file
- start.cmd → executes xmrig.exe
- xmrig.exe → Detected as Coinminer.Win32.TOOLXMR.VJODM
- For 64-bit:
- %All Users Profile%\
- Extracts downloaded file's contents to:
- %All Users Profile%\x64\
- Containing the following files:
- config.json → coinminer configuration file
- start.cmd → executes xmrig.exe
- xmrig.exe → Detected as Coinminer.Win64.TOOLXMR.AT
Information Theft
This Coinminer saves the email addresses it gathers into the following files:
- %Application Data%\Contacts.txt
(Note: %Application Data% is the current user's Application Data folder, which is usually C:\Documents and Settings\{user name}\Application Data on Windows 2000(32-bit), XP, and Server 2003(32-bit), or C:\Users\{user name}\AppData\Roaming on Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 2008(64-bit), 2012(64-bit) and 10(64-bit).)
It attempts to steal stored email credentials from the following:
- Microsoft Outlook
Other Details
This Coinminer connects to the following possibly malicious URL:
- https://{BLOCKED}{BLOCKED}dia
It does the following:
- It disables the Windows Auto Update
- It modifies the Windows Defender settings which does the following:
- It allows threat detections to be ignored
- It disables the following features:
- Archive scanning
- Auto-scan on downloaded files and attachments
- Auto-update of definition updates on start-up
- Behavior monitoring
- Block at first seen
- Microsoft Active Protection Service
- Network protection against exploitation of known vulnerabilities
- Privacy mode
- Real-time monitoring
- Script scanning
- It adds the following directories to exclude during scheduled and real-time scanning:
- %Public%\Libraries
- For 32-bit:
- %All Users Profile%\
- %All Users Profile%\x32\
- %All Users Profile%\x32\xmrig-2.3.1-gcc-win32\xmrig-2.3.1-gcc-win32\xmrig-2.3.1
- For 64-bit:
- %All Users Profile%\
- %All Users Profile%\x64\
- %All Users Profile%\x64\xmrig-2.3.1-gcc-win64\xmrig-2.3.1-gcc-win64\xmrig-2.3.1
- It adds the following processes to exclude during scheduled and real-time scanning:
- zmrig
- zmrig.exe
- It adds the following file extensions to exclude during scheduled and real-time scanning:
- exe
- .exe
- It disables Windows Defender by modifying the following registry entry::
- In HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender
- DisableAntiSpyware = 1
- DisableAntiSpyware = 1
- Adds the following registry keys to allow macro to be inserted on document files:
- In HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\{Version}\Excel\Security
- AccessVBOM = 1
- AccessVBOM = 1
- Adds the following registry keys to enable macros on document files:
- In HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\{Version}\Excel\Security
- VBAWarnings = 1
- VBAWarnings = 1
- It sends the following email to the gathered email addresses:
- Subject: Job Application
- Body: Good Morning.
- Attachment/s: %Application Data%\CV.accde
I'm interesed in a job.
I've attached a copy of my resume.
Good Morning - Infect .docx and .xlsx files found on the affected machine by adding macros that:
- Connects to the following URL(s) and downloads its component file:
- http://{BLOCKED}xrkbiepyylgdcwrcjimxnfsrbgravivgbannnpnubawpdvekzbdbuqrd.{BLOCKED}
- Copies %Application Data%\CV.accde as %Application Data%\CVaccde
- It creates an lnk file of the following extensions found on the Removable Drive:
- .doc
- .xls
- .ppt
- {Original Filename}.lnk
- Target Path: "%System%\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe"
- Argument: '-noprofile -windowstyle hidden -executionpolicy bypass Invoke-Item -Path "{Original Filename}"; Invoke-Item -Path \System\CheckIN.BAT'
- After creating the .lnk version of the file, it will hide the original file by changing its attribute to Hidden.
01 Jun 2020
02 Jun 2020
Step 1
Before doing any scans, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10 users must disable System Restore to allow full scanning of their computers.
Step 2
Note that not all files, folders, and registry keys and entries are installed on your computer during this malware's/spyware's/grayware's execution. This may be due to incomplete installation or other operating system conditions. If you do not find the same files/folders/registry information, please proceed to the next step.
Step 3
Identify and terminate files detected as Coinminer.PS1.MALXMR.MPN
- Windows Task Manager may not display all running processes. In this case, please use a third-party process viewer, preferably Process Explorer, to terminate the malware/grayware/spyware file. You may download the said tool here.
- If the detected file is displayed in either Windows Task Manager or Process Explorer but you cannot delete it, restart your computer in safe mode. To do this, refer to this link for the complete steps.
- If the detected file is not displayed in either Windows Task Manager or Process Explorer, continue doing the next steps.
Step 4
Restore this modified registry value
Important: Editing the Windows Registry incorrectly can lead to irreversible system malfunction. Please do this only if you know how to or you can seek your system administrator’s help. You may also check out this Microsoft article first before modifying your computer's registry.
- In HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender
- From: DisableAntiSpyware = 1
To: DisableAntiSpyware = 0
- From: DisableAntiSpyware = 1
Step 5
Delete this registry key
=Important: Editing the Windows Registry incorrectly can lead to irreversible system malfunction. Please do this only if you know how to or you can seek your system administrator’s help. You may also check out this Microsoft article first before modifying your computer's registry.
- In HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\{Version}\Excel\Security
- AccessVBOM = 1
- AccessVBOM = 1
- In HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\{Version}\Excel\Security
- VBAWarnings = 1
- VBAWarnings = 1
Step 6
- Open a command prompt.
- For Windows 7 users, click Start, enter CMD in the Find input field, and press Enter.
- In the CMD console, enter the following:
ATTRIB [+R | -R] [+A | -A ] [+S | -S] [+H | -H] [+I | -I] [drive:][path][filename] [/S [/D] [/L]]
+ Activates an attribute
- Disables an attribute
R Read-only file attribute
A Archive file attribute
S System file attribute
H Hidden file attribute
I Indexed file attribute without content
Specifies one or more files in the current folder and all its subfolders
/S Processes the corresponding files in the current folder and all its subfolders
/D Process folders
/L Act on the attributes of the symbolic link instrad of the target of the symbolic link
To make all files and folders (including subfolders visible in drive D:
ATTRIB –H D:\* /S /D
- Repeat the step above for folders and files from other drives or directories.
Step 7
Enable the macro virus protection in Microsoft Office Applications
Step 8
Search and delete these files
- %Application Data%\Network
- %Application Data%\InfectMacro
- %Application Data%\sendContacts.txt
- %Application Data%\Contacts.txt
- %Application Data%\CV.accde
- %User Profile%\SharePoint\CV.accde
- %User Profile%\SharePoint\personal\CV.accde
- %User Profile%\Dropbox\Public\CV.accde
- %User Profile%\OneDrive\Public\CV.accde
- %User Profile%\Google Drive\CV.accde
- {Drive Letter}:\System\CV.accde
- {Drive Letter}:\System\CheckIN.bat
- {Drive Letter}:\System\Autorun.inf
- {Drive Letter}:\{Original Filename}.lnk
Step 9
Search and delete these folders
- %Application Data%\url
- %Application Data%\InfectUSB
- %Application Data%\InfectOUTLOOK
- {Drive Letter}:\System
Step 10
Scan your computer with your Trend Micro product to delete files detected as Coinminer.PS1.MALXMR.MPN. If the detected files have already been cleaned, deleted, or quarantined by your Trend Micro product, no further step is required. You may opt to simply delete the quarantined files. Please check the following Trend Micro Support pages for more information:
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