• December 13, 2013
    Millions of computers still have Windows XP and Java in them even as support has ended for both. People who choose to stay with these software, unsupported, form a large collective pool of unpatched vulnerabilities that might be one of the largest in history.
  • December 13, 2013
    The number of networked devices could top 50 billion by 2020, but we’ve already seen wireless IP cameras and password-protected devices hacked. The arrival of IoE demands security updates that range from better passwords to better network infrastructure.
  • December 12, 2013
    Gartner predicts a 30-fold increase in the use of IoE units from less than a billion in 2009 to 26 billion in 2020. This is due to the low cost of upgrading consumer products to adapt into IoE networks that could lead to connectivity as the standard.
  • December 09, 2013
    Trend Micro Chief Technology Officer Raimund Genes talks about his predictions for 2014 and beyond. IoE-enabled device users are expected to ward off an increased number of threats while more breaches and law enforcement challenges are expected to rise.
  • December 02, 2013
    Pricing is an issue when it comes to the adoption of the Internet of Things among consumers. However, even as almost half of them perceive smart devices as luxury items, the trend is expected to gain momentum as technology advances.
  • November 19, 2013
    Why would something as ordinary as a new kind of top-level domain (TLD) name interest anybody today? Is the level of attention it may receive, especially from security industry observers, even warranted? In the case of .bit, we believe it is.
  • November 08, 2013
    Silk Road 2.0 launched while Ross Ulbricht, the accused operator of the first Silk Road Marketplace, remains in trial in New York. Silk Road 2.0 offers more secure options.
  • October 15, 2013
    Trend Micro researchers have discovered that flaws in the AIS vessel tracking system can allow attackers to hijack communications of existing vessels, create fake vessels, trigger false SOS or collision alerts and disable AIS tracking on any vessel.
  • October 13, 2013
    Researcher Marco Balduzzi talks about the Internet of Everything and how he and other engineers were able to hijack existing vessels during the Hack in the Box conference.