Keyword: unauthorized file encryption
Description Name: RIG Exploit - HTTP (Request) - Variant 2 . This is Trend Micro detection for HTTP network protocol that manifests exploit activities and can be used for Point of Entry.The host exhibiting this type of network behavior is likely comp...
Description Name: Data Exfiltration - ICMP (Request) . This is Trend Micro detection for ICMP network protocol that manifests exploit activities and can be used for Command and Control Communication.The host exhibiting this type of network behavior i...
Description Name: FLASHPACK - Exploit kit - HTTP (Request) - Variant 2 . This is Trend Micro detection for HTTP network protocol that manifests exploit activities and can be used for Point of Entry.The host exhibiting this type of network behavior is...
Description Name: Reverse HTTP Windows Meterpreter detected . This is Trend Micro detection for HTTP network protocol that manifests exploit activities and can be used for Command and Control Communication.The host exhibiting this type of network beh...
Description Name: METERPRETER REVERSE PYTHON TCP Response . This is Trend Micro detection for TCP network protocol that manifests exploit activities and can be used for Command and Control Communication.The host exhibiting this type of network behavi...
Description Name: SUNDOWN - Exploit Kit - HTTP(Request) . This is Trend Micro detection for HTTP network protocol that manifests exploit activities and can be used for Point of Entry.The host exhibiting this type of network behavior is likely comprom...
Description Name: Bleeding Life - Exploit Kit - HTTP (Request) . This is Trend Micro detection for HTTP network protocol that manifests exploit activities and can be used for Point of Entry.The host exhibiting this type of network behavior is likely ...
Description Name: GOON - Exploit kit - HTTP (Request) . This is Trend Micro detection for HTTP network protocol that manifests exploit activities and can be used for Point of Entry.The host exhibiting this type of network behavior is likely compromis...
Description Name: Possible HTA PowerShell Empire (Request) . This is Trend Micro detection for HTTP network protocol that manifests exploit activities and can be used for N/A.The host exhibiting this type of network behavior is likely compromised by ...
Description Name: Possible IE exploit - HTTP (Response) . This is Trend Micro detection for HTTP network protocol that manifests exploit activities and can be used for Point of Entry.The host exhibiting this type of network behavior is likely comprom...
Description Name: Reverse Hop HTTP Windows Meterpreter detected . This is Trend Micro detection for HTTP network protocol that manifests exploit activities and can be used for Command and Control Communication.The host exhibiting this type of network...
Description Name: Possible CVE-2014-9222 Request . This is Trend Micro detection for HTTP network protocol that manifests exploit activities and can be used for Point of Entry or Lateral Movement.The host exhibiting this type of network behavior is l...
Description Name: Possible WINBOX Remote Code Execution - TCP . This is Trend Micro detection for TCP network protocol that manifests exploit activities and can be used for Point of Entry or Lateral Movement.The host exhibiting this type of network b...
Description Name: JBOSSAS COMMAND EXECUTION EXPLOIT - HTTP (Request) . This is Trend Micro detection for HTTP network protocol that manifests exploit activities and can be used for Intelligence Gathering.The host exhibiting this type of network behav...
Description Name: DLINK Router Dns Changer Exploit - HTTP (Request) . This is Trend Micro detection for HTTP network protocol that manifests exploit activities and can be used for Point of Entry.The host exhibiting this type of network behavior is li...
Description Name: MAILSPLOIT - SMTP (Request) . This is Trend Micro detection for SMTP network protocol that manifests exploit activities and can be used for Point of Entry or Lateral Movement.The host exhibiting this type of network behavior is like...
Description Name: HTA PowerShell Empire - HTTP (Request) - Variant 2 . This is Trend Micro detection for HTTP network protocol that manifests exploit activities and can be used for N/A.The host exhibiting this type of network behavior is likely compr...
Description Name: Possible CVE-2018-15454 - Cisco ASA and FTD Software DOS - UDP (Response) . This is Trend Micro detection for HTTP network protocol that manifests exploit activities and can be used for N/A.The host exhibiting this type of network b...
Description Name: KAIXIN - Exploit Kit - HTTP (Request) - Variant 3 . This is Trend Micro detection for HTTP network protocol that manifests exploit activities and can be used for Point of Entry.The host exhibiting this type of network behavior is li...
Description Name: MAGNITUDE - Exploit kit - HTTP (Request) . This is Trend Micro detection for HTTP network protocol that manifests exploit activities and can be used for Point of Entry.The host exhibiting this type of network behavior is likely comp...