Keyword: js_exploit
JS_EXPLOIT.HBA connects to this site to download files.
JS_EXPLOIT.SMAD may be downloaded from this malicious URL.
JS_EXPLOIT.SMAD may be downloaded from this malicious URL.
JS_EXPLOIT.SMAD may be downloaded from this malicious URL.
JS_EXPLOIT.SMAD may be downloaded from this malicious URL.
JS_EXPLOIT.SMAD may be downloaded from this malicious URL.
JS_EXPLOIT.SMAD may be downloaded from this malicious URL.
This Trojan may be unknowingly downloaded by a user while visiting malicious websites. It redirects browsers to certain sites. Arrival Details This Trojan may be unknowingly downloaded by a user
This Trojan arrives on a system as a file dropped by other malware or as a file downloaded unknowingly by users when visiting malicious sites. Arrival Details This Trojan arrives on a system as a
This Trojan arrives on a system as a file dropped by other malware or as a file downloaded unknowingly by users when visiting malicious sites. It executes the downloaded files. As a result, malicious
This Trojan arrives as an attachment to email messages spammed by other malware/grayware or malicious users. It executes the dropped file(s). As a result, malicious routines of the dropped files are
thunder tigger trinity trustno1 victory viper welcome whatever william windows winner wisdom zxcvbnm It does not have rootkit capabilities. It does not exploit any vulnerability. PWS:Win32/Fareit.gen!I
Other Details This Trojan does the following: Takes advantage of a vulnerability in certain versions of Adobe Acrobat and Reader to execute an arbitrary code, thus, compromising system security.
This Trojan may arrive bundled with malware packages as a malware component. Arrival Details This Trojan may arrive bundled with malware packages as a malware component. Download Routine This Trojan
This Trojan arrives as attachment to mass-mailed email messages. Arrival Details This Trojan arrives as attachment to mass-mailed email messages. Download Routine This Trojan connects to the
v6.02.exe Counter-Strike Serial key generator [Miona patch].exe Daemon Tools Pro 4.8.exe DCOM Exploit archive.exe DivX 5.x Pro KeyGen generator.exe Divx Pro 7.x version Keymaker.exe Download Accelerator Plus
This Trojan may be downloaded from remote sites by other malware. It takes advantage of unknown vulnerabilities in certain software to download malicious files. It executes the downloaded files. As a
malicious script file, which takes advantage of a 0-day exploit in Firefox. To get a one-glance comprehensive view of the behavior of this Backdoor, refer to the Threat Diagram shown below. This backdoor may
This Trojan may arrive bundled with malware packages as a malware component. Arrival Details This Trojan may arrive bundled with malware packages as a malware component. NOTES: This Trojan executes
} This backdoor does not have rootkit capabilities. This backdoor does not exploit any vulnerability. BackDoor-EXI.gen.aa (McAfee) Compromises system security, Downloads files