Keyword: JS_Generic
Application creates the following folders: %User Temp%\DLG\ui\offers\1522ef138ba104249c3934a80811f825\css %User Temp%\DLG\initWindow %User Temp%\DLG\ui\common\last\js %User Profile%\AppData %User Temp%\DLG\ui
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Application creates the following folders: %User Temp%\DLG\loadingImage %User Temp%\DLG\ui\common\last %System Root%\Users %User Temp%\DLG\ui\common\base\js %User Temp%\DLG\ui\offers
Application creates the following folders: %User Temp%\DLG\ui\common\base %User Temp%\DLG\ui\offers\4bee1563f288b8178b768f312db4c273\js %User Temp%\DLG\ui\common\progress\js %User Temp%\DLG\ui\common\progress
Application creates the following folders: %User Temp%\DLG\initWindow %User Temp%\DLG\ui\common\last\js %User Temp%\DLG\ui\offers\6feea63b754e32b1559652e5f9285c52\img %User Temp%\DLG\ui\common\progress\css
Application creates the following folders: %User Temp%\DLG\ui\common\progress\img %User Temp%\DLG\ui\common\progress\css %User Temp%\DLG\ui %User Profile%\AppData %User Temp%\DLG\ui\common\base\js %User Temp%
Application creates the following folders: %User Temp%\DLG\ui\common\last\img %User Temp%\DLG\ui\offers %User Temp%\DLG\ui\offers\6feea63b754e32b1559652e5f9285c52\js %User Temp%\DLG\ui\common\last\js %User Temp
Application creates the following folders: %User Temp%\DLG\dlgres %User Temp%\DLG\ui\common\base\js %User Temp%\DLG\ui\common\progress\js %User Temp%\DLG\ui\common\base %User Temp%\DLG\ui\common\progress %User
Application creates the following folders: %User Temp%\DLG\ui\common\base\js %User Temp%\DLG\ui\common\last %User Temp%\DLG\ui\common\last\css %User Temp%\DLG\ui\common\base\css %User Temp%\DLG\ui %User Temp%
Application creates the following folders: %User Temp%\DLG\ui\offers\4bee1563f288b8178b768f312db4c273\js %User Temp%\DLG\ui\common\base\js %User Temp%\DLG\ui\offers\4bee1563f288b8178b768f312db4c273\css %User
Application creates the following folders: %User Temp%\DLG\ui\common\last\css %User Temp%\DLG\ui\common\last\js %User Temp%\DLG\ui\offers %User Profile%\AppData %User Temp%\DLG\ui %User Temp%\DLG\ui\offers
Temp%\installer\gui\ib\main_old.css %User Temp%\installer\gui\conditions\conditions.js %User Temp%\installer\gui\js\config.js %User Temp%\installer\gui\events\events.js %User Temp%\installer\gui\js
{Random}\gui\js\config.js %User Temp%\{Random}\gui\events\events.js %User Temp%\{Random}\gui\js\jquery-1.7.min.js %User Temp%\{Random}\gui\js\jquery.noselect.min.js %User Temp%\{Random}\gui\js\smart.js
Temp%\installer\gui\ib\main_old.css %User Temp%\installer\gui\conditions\conditions.js %User Temp%\installer\gui\js\config.js %User Temp%\installer\gui\events\events.js %User Temp%\installer\gui\js
This worm arrives via removable drives. It arrives on a system as a file dropped by other malware or as a file downloaded unknowingly by users when visiting malicious sites. It may be hosted on a
This worm arrives on a system as a file dropped by other malware or as a file downloaded unknowingly by users when visiting malicious sites. Arrival Details This worm arrives on a system as a file
This worm arrives via removable drives. It arrives on a system as a file dropped by other malware or as a file downloaded unknowingly by users when visiting malicious sites. It enables its automatic
This spyware attempts to steal information, such as user names and passwords, used when logging into certain banking or finance-related websites. Arrival Details This spyware may be downloaded from
This spyware attempts to steal information, such as user names and passwords, used when logging into certain banking or finance-related websites. Arrival Details This spyware may be downloaded from