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accesses the said website. It inserts an IFRAME tag that redirects users to certain URLs. Arrival Details This Trojan arrives on a system as a file dropped by other malware or as a file downloaded
accesses the said website. It inserts an IFRAME tag that redirects users to certain URLs. Arrival Details This Trojan arrives on a system as a file dropped by other malware or as a file downloaded
This Trojan inserts an IFRAME tag that redirects users to certain URLs. Other Details This Trojan inserts an IFRAME tag that redirects users to the following URLs: http://{BLOCKED
This Trojan may be hosted on a website and run when a user accesses the said website. This is the Trend Micro detection for files that contain malicious IFRAME tags. It redirects browsers to certain
This Trojan may be hosted on a website and run when a user accesses the said website. It inserts an IFRAME tag that redirects users to certain URLs. Arrival Details This Trojan may be hosted on a
It does not have any downloading capability. It does not have any information-stealing capability. It inserts an IFRAME tag that redirects users to certain URLs. However, as of this writing, the said
This Trojan arrives on a system as a file dropped by other malware or as a file downloaded unknowingly by users when visiting malicious sites. It inserts an IFRAME tag that redirects users to certain
} It creates an iframe or redirects to certain URLs depending on the parameter it receives. It may redirect to the following URL: {malware’s host}/{malware’s URL path}/blondonn.php The iframe consists
This malware may be hosted on a website and run when a user accesses the said website. It inserts an IFRAME tag that redirects users to certain URLs. Arrival Details This malware may be hosted on a
malicious script. It inserts an IFRAME tag that redirects users to certain URLs. Arrival Details This Trojan may be hosted on a website and run when a user accesses the said website. Other Details This is the
certain malicious script. It inserts an IFRAME tag that redirects users to certain URLs. However, as of this writing, the said sites are inaccessible. Arrival Details This Trojan may be hosted on a website
websites. However, the websites are inaccessible as of this writing. It inserts an IFRAME tag that redirects users to certain URLs. Arrival Details This Trojan may be hosted on a website and run when a user
This Trojan arrives on a system as a file dropped by other malware or as a file downloaded unknowingly by users when visiting malicious sites. It may be hosted on a website and run when a user
This Trojan may be hosted on a website and run when a user accesses the said website. It inserts an IFRAME tag that redirects users to certain URLs. Arrival Details This Trojan may be hosted on a
This is the Trend Micro heuristic detection for script files containing an inserted IFRAME tag which may redirect users to possibly malicious websites. NOTES: This is the Trend Micro heuristic
This malicious URL hosts a malicious script. Said malicious script is detected asJS_IFRAME.AUW.
JS_IFRAME.AVX may be downloaded from this site (Infection Vector)
This URL is related to JS_IFRAME.OYA.
Miley Cyrus, Lady Gaga, and Rihanna and was compromised through the insertion of an iframe tag that redirects users to a malicious URL where the exploit is hosted. How does this threat affect users?