TrojanDownloader:MSIL/AgentTesla.ABBD!MTB (MICROSOFT)
Threat Type: Ransomware
Destructiveness: No
In the wild: Yes
This Ransomware arrives on a system as a file dropped by other malware or as a file downloaded unknowingly by users when visiting malicious sites.
It avoids encrypting files with the following file extensions.
Arrival Details
This Ransomware arrives on a system as a file dropped by other malware or as a file downloaded unknowingly by users when visiting malicious sites.
This Ransomware drops and executes the following files:
- %User Temp%\Vqstxggumqhfwkill$.bat → contains commands to delete and stop services as well as to terminate processes, deleted afterwards.
(Note: %User Temp% is the current user's Temp folder, which is usually C:\Documents and Settings\{user name}\Local Settings\Temp on Windows 2000(32-bit), XP, and Server 2003(32-bit), or C:\Users\{user name}\AppData\Local\Temp on Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 2008(64-bit), 2012(64-bit) and 10(64-bit).)
It drops the following copies of itself into the affected system:
- %Application Data%\Jrpnqm\Nyovdlxx.exe
(Note: %Application Data% is the current user's Application Data folder, which is usually C:\Documents and Settings\{user name}\Application Data on Windows 2000(32-bit), XP, and Server 2003(32-bit), or C:\Users\{user name}\AppData\Roaming on Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 2008(64-bit), 2012(64-bit) and 10(64-bit).)
It adds the following processes:
- "%System%\WindowsPowerShe11\v1.0\powershe11. exe " -enc UwB0AGEAcgB0AC0AUwBsAGUAZQBwACAALQBTAGUAYwBvAG4AZABzACAAMgAwAA==
- cmd /c ""%User Temp%\Vqstxggumqhfwkill$.bat""
- reg delete "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Command Processor" /v "AutoRun" /f
- takeown /f %SystemRoot%\system32\{String} /a
- %System%\cmd.exe /S /D /c" echo y"
- cacls %SystemRoot%\{system32}\{{String}} /g Administrators:f
- %System%\cmd.exe /S /D /c" echo y"
- cacls %SystemRoot%\{system32}\{{String}} /e /g Users:r
- %System%\cmd.exe /S /D /c" echo y"
- cacls %SystemRoot%\{system32}\{{String}} /e /g Administrators:r
- %System%\cmd.exe /S /D /c" echo y"
- cacls %SystemRoot%\{system32}\{{String}} /e /d SERVICE
- %System%\cmd.exe /S /D /c" echo y"
- cacls %SystemRoot%\{system32}\{{String}} /e /d mssqlserver
- %System%\cmd.exe /S /D /c" echo y"
- cacls %SystemRoot%\{system32}\{{String}} /e /d network service
- %System%\cmd.exe /S /D /c" echo y"
- cacls %SystemRoot%\{system32}\{{String}} /e /g system:r
- %System%\cmd.exe /S /D /c" echo y"
- cacls %SystemRoot%\{system32}\{{String}} /e /d mssql$sqlexpress
- where {String}:
- cmd.exe
- net.exe
- net1.exe
- mshta.exe
- FTP.exe
- wscript.exe
- cscript.exe
- WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe
- takeown /f %SystemRoot%\SysWOW64\{{String}} /a
- %System%\cmd.exe /S /D /c" echo y"
- cacls %SystemRoot%\{SysWOW64}\{String} /g Administrators:f
- %System%\cmd.exe /S /D /c" echo y"
- cacls %SystemRoot%\{SysWOW64}\{String} /e /g Users:r
- %System%\cmd.exe /S /D /c" echo y"
- cacls %SystemRoot%\{SysWOW64}\{String} /e /g Administrators:r
- %System%\cmd.exe /S /D /c" echo y"
- cacls %SystemRoot%\{SysWOW64}\{String} /e /d SERVICE
- %System%\cmd.exe /S /D /c" echo y"
- cacls %SystemRoot%\{SysWOW64}\{String} /e /d mssqlserver
- %System%\cmd.exe /S /D /c" echo y"
- cacls %SystemRoot%\{SysWOW64}\{String} /e /d network service
- %System%\cmd.exe /S /D /c" echo y"
- cacls %SystemRoot%\{SysWOW64}\{String} /e /g system:r
- %System%\cmd.exe /S /D /c" echo y"
- cacls %SystemRoot%\{SysWOW64}\{String} /e /d mssql$sqlexpress
- where {String}:
- cmd.exe
- net.exe
- net1.exe
- mshta.exe
- FTP.exe
- wscript.exe
- cscript.exe
- WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe
- takeown /f %ProgramData% /a
- %System%\cmd.exe /S /D /c" echo y"
- cacls %ProgramData% /g Administrators:f
- %System%\cmd.exe /S /D /c" echo y"
- cacls %ProgramData% /e /g Users:r
- %System%\cmd.exe /S /D /c" echo y"
- echo y|cacls %ProgramData% /e /g Administrators:r
- %System%\cmd.exe /S /D /c" echo y"
- echo y|cacls %ProgramData% /e /d SERVICE
- %System%\cmd.exe /S /D /c" echo y"
- echo y|cacls %ProgramData% /e /d mssqlserver
- %System%\cmd.exe /S /D /c" echo y"
- echo Y|cacls %ProgramData% /e /d "network service"
- %System%\cmd.exe /S /D /c" echo y"
- echo y|cacls %ProgramData% /e /d system
- %System%\cmd.exe /S /D /c" echo y"
- echo Y|cacls %ProgramData% /e /d mssql$sqlexpress
- takeown /f %Public% /a
- %System%\cmd.exe /S /D /c" echo y"
- cacls %Public% /g Administrators:f
- %System%\cmd.exe /S /D /c" echo y"
- cacls %Public% /e /g Users:r
- %System%\cmd.exe /S /D /c" echo y"
- cacls %Public% /e /g Administrators:r
- %System%\cmd.exe /S /D /c" echo y"
- cacls %Public% /e /d SERVICE
- %System%\cmd.exe /S /D /c" echo y"
- cacls %Public% /e /d mssqlserver
- %System%\cmd.exe /S /D /c" echo y"
- cacls %Public% /e /d "network service"
- %System%\cmd.exe /S /D /c" echo y"
- cacls %Public% /e /d system
- %System%\cmd.exe /S /D /c" echo y"
- cacls %Public% /e /d mssql$sqlexpress
- vssadmin delete shadows /all /quiet
- %System%\cmd.exe /c bcdedit /set {current} bootstatuspolicy ignoreallfailures
- %System%\cmd.exe /c bcdedit /set {current} recoveryenabled no
- net stop {Services Stopped}
- sc delete {Services Deleted}
- taskkill /IM {Process List} /F
(Note: %Public% is the folder that serves as a repository of files or folders common to all users, which is usually C:\Users\Public in Windows Vista, 7, and 8.)
It creates the following folders:
- %Application Data%\Jrpnqm
(Note: %Application Data% is the current user's Application Data folder, which is usually C:\Documents and Settings\{user name}\Application Data on Windows 2000(32-bit), XP, and Server 2003(32-bit), or C:\Users\{user name}\AppData\Roaming on Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 2008(64-bit), 2012(64-bit) and 10(64-bit).)
It injects codes into the following process(es):
- %Windows%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\InstallUtil.exe
(Note: %Windows% is the Windows folder, where it usually is C:\Windows on all Windows operating system versions.)
Autostart Technique
This Ransomware adds the following registry entries to enable its automatic execution at every system startup:
Nyovdlxx = %Application Data%\Jrpnqm\Nyovdlxx.exe
Process Termination
This Ransomware terminates the following services if found on the affected system:
- where {Services Stopped}:
- U8WorkerService1
- U8WorkerService2
- memcached Server
- Apache2.4
- UFIDAWebService
- MSComplianceAudit
- MSExchangeADTopology
- MSExchangeAntispamUpdate
- MSExchangeCompliance
- MSExchangeDagMgmt
- MSExchangeDelivery
- MSExchangeDiagnostics
- MSExchangeEdgeSync
- MSExchangeFastSearch
- MSExchangeFrontEndTransport
- MSExchangeHM
- MSExchangeHMRecovery
- MSExchangeImap4
- MSExchangeIMAP4BE
- MSExchangeIS
- MSExchangeMailboxAssistants
- MSExchangeMailboxReplication
- MSExchangeNotificationsBroker
- MSExchangePop3
- MSExchangePOP3BE
- MSExchangeRepl
- MSExchangeRPC
- MSExchangeServiceHost
- MSExchangeSubmission
- MSExchangeThrottling
- MSExchangeTransport
- MSExchangeTransportLogSearch
- MSExchangeUM
- MSExchangeUMCR
- HaoZipSvc
- igfxCUIService2.0.0.0
- Realtek11nSU
- xenlite
- XenSvc
- Apache2.2
- Synology Drive VSS Service x64
- DellDRLogSvc
- FirebirdGuardianDeafaultInstance
- JWRinfoClientService
- JWService
- Service2
- RapidRecoveryAgent
- FirebirdServerDefaultInstance
- AdobeARMservice
- VeeamCatalogSvc
- VeeanBackupSvc
- VeeamTransportSvc
- TPlusStdAppService1300
- TPlusStdTaskService1300
- TPlusStdUpgradeService1300
- TPlusStdWebService1300
- VeeamNFSSvc
- VeeamDeploySvc
- VeeamCloudSvc
- VeeamMountSvc
- VeeamBrokerSvc
- VeeamDistributionSvc
- tmlisten
- ServiceMid
- 360EntPGSvc
- ClickToRunSvc
- RavTask
- AngelOfDeath
- d_safe
- NFLicenceServer
- NetVault Process Manager
- RavService
- DFServ
- IngressMgr
- EvtSys
- K3ClouManager
- NFVPrintServer
- CobianBackup10
- GNWebService
- Mysoft.SchedulingService
- AgentX
- SentinelKeysServer
- TurboCRM70
- NFSysService
- U8DispatchService
- NFOTPService
- U8EISService
- U8EncryptService
- U8GCService
- U8KeyManagePool
- U8MPool
- U8SCMPool
- U8SLReportService
- U8TaskService
- U8WebPool
- UFAllNet
- UFReportService
- UTUService
- UIODetect
- VMwareHostd
- TeamViewer8
- VMUSBArbService
- VMAuthdService
- wanxiao-monitor
- WebAttendServer
- mysqltransport
- VMware NAT Service
- Tomcat8
- TeamViewer
- QPCore
- CASLicenceServer
- CASWebServer
- AutoUpdateService
- Alibaba Security Aegis Detect Service
- Alibaba Security Aegis Update Service
- AliyunService
- CASXMLService
- AGSService
- RapService
- DDNSService
- iNethinkSQLBackupSvc
- CASVirtualDiskService
- CASMsgSrv
- OracleOraDb10g_homeliSQL*Plus
- OracleDBConsoleilas
- TPlusStdAppService1220
- TPlusStdTaskService1220
- TPlusStdUpgradeService1220
- K3MobileServiceManage
- FileZilla Server
- DDVRulesProcessor
- ImtsEventSvr
- AutoUpdatePatchService
- Dell Hardware Support
- SupportAssistAgent
- K3MMainSuspendService
- KpService
- ceng_web_svc_d
- KugouService
- pcas
- U8SendMailAdmin
- Bonjour Service
- Apple Mobile Device Service
- ABBYY.Licensing.FineReader.Professional.12.0
- MSSQLServerADHelper100
- SQLBrowser
- ReportServer$ISARS
- SQLWriter
- WinDefend
- mr2kserv
- MSExchangeADTopology
- MSExchangeFBA
- MSExchangeIS
- MSExchangeSA
- ShadowProtectSvc
- SPAdminV4
- SPTimerV4
- SPTraceV4
- SPUserCodeV4
- SPWriterV4
- SPSearch4
- MSSQLServerADHelper100
- firebirdguardiandefaultinstance
- ibmiasrw
- QBCFMonitorService
- QBPOSDBServiceV12
- IBM Domino Server (CProgramFilesIBMDominodata)
- IBM Domino Diagnostics (CProgramFilesIBMDomino)
- Simply Accounting Database Connection Manager
- QuickBooksDB1
- QuickBooksDB2
- QuickBooksDB3
- QuickBooksDB4
- QuickBooksDB5
It terminates the following processes if found running in the affected system's memory:
- where {Process List}:
- sqlservr.exe
- httpd.exe
- java.exe
- fdhost.exe
- fdlauncher.exe
- reportingservicesservice.exe
- softmgrlit.e.exe
- sqlbrowser.exe
- ssms.exe
- vmtoolsd.exe
- baidunetdisk.exe
- yundetectservice.exe
- ssclient.exe
- GNAupdaemon.exe
- RAVCp164.exe
- igfxEM.exe
- igfxHK.exe
- igfxTray.exe
- 360bdoctor.exe
- GNCEFExternal.exe
- PrivacyIconClient.exe
- UIODetect.exe
- AutoDealService.exe
- IDDAService.exe
- EnergyDataService.exe
- MPService.exe
- TransMain.exe
- DAService.exe
- GoogleCrashHandler.exe
- GoogleCrashHandler64.exe
- GoogleUpdate.exe
- cohernece.exe
- vmware-tray.exe
- MsDtsSrvr.exe
- msmdsrv.exe
- FileZillaserver.exe
- UpdateData.exe
- WebApi.Host.exe
- VGAuthService.exe
- omtsreco.exe
- oracle.exe
- msdtc.exe
- mmc.exe
- emagent.exe
- Admin.exe
- EnterprisePortal.exe
- tomcat7.exe
- Kingdee.K3.CRM.MMC.MMCService.exe
- Kingdee.k3.Weixin.ClientService.exe
- Kingdee.K3.PUBLIC.BkgSvcHost.exe
- Kingdee.K3.HR.Server.exe
- Kingdee.K3.PUBLIC.KDSvrMgrHost.exe
- tomcat5.exe
- Kingdee.DeskTool.exe
- UserClient.exe
- mysqld.exe
- ImtsEventSvr.exe
- mysqld-nt.exe
- 360EnterpriseDiskUI.exe
- tomcat8.exe
- QQprotect.exe
- isqlplussvc.exe
- nmesrvc.exe
- jusched.exe
- MtxHotPlugService.exe
- jucheck.exe
- wordpad.exe
- SecureCRT.exe
- chrome.exe
- Thunder.exe
- ThunderPlatform.exe
- iexplore.exe
- vm-agent.exe
- vm-agent-daemon.exe
- eSightService.exe
- cygrunsrv.exe
- wrapper.exe
- nginx.exe
- node.exe
- sshd.exe
- vm-tray.exe
- iempwatchdog.exe
- sqlwrit.er.exe
- php.exe
- notepad++.exe
- phpStudy.exe
- OPCClient.exe
- navicat.exe
- SupportAssistAgent.exe
- SunloginClient.exe
- WeChat.exe
- TXPlatform.exe
- Tencentdll.exe
- jenkins.exe
- QQ.exe
- HaoZip.exe
- HaoZipScan.exe
- TSVNCache.exe
- RAVCpl64.exe
- secbizsrv.exe
- aliwssv.exe
- Helper_Haozip.exe
- acrotray.exe
- FileZillaServerInterface.exe
- YoudaoNote.exe
- YNoteCefRender.exe
- idea.exe
- fsnotifier.exe
- picpick.exe
- lantern.exe
- sysproxy-cmd.exe
- service.exe
- pcas.exe
- PresentationFontCache.exe
- RtWlan.exe
- monit.or.exe
- Correspond.exe
- ChatServer.exe
- InetMgr.exe
- LogonServer.exe
- GameServer.exe
- ServUAdmin.exe
- ServUDaemon.exe
- update0.exe
- server.exe
- w3wp.exe
- notepad.exe
- PalmInputService.exe
- PalmInputGuard.exe
- UpdateServer.exe
- UpdateGate.exe
- DBServer.exe
- LoginGate.exe
- SelGate.exe
- RunGate.exe
- M2Server.exe
- LogDataServer.exe
- LoginSrv.exe
- sqlceip.exe
- mqsvc.exe
- RefundOrder.exe
- ClamTray.exe
- AdobeARM.exe
- veeam.backup.shell.exe
- VpxClient.exe
- vmware-vmrc.exe
- DSCPatchService.exe
- scktsrvr.exe
- ServerManager.exe
- Dispatcher.exe
- EFDispatcher.exe
- ClamWin.exe
- srvany.exe
- JT_AG-8332.exe
- XXTClient.exe
- clean.exe
- Net.Service.exe
- plsqldev.exe
- splwow64.exe
- Oobe.exe
- QQYService.exe
- SGTool.exe
- postgres.exe
- AppVShNotify.exe
- OfficeClickToRun.exe
- EntDT.exe
- EntPublish.exe
- pg_ctl.exe
- rcrelay.exe
- SogouImeBroker.exe
- CCenter.exe
- ScanFrm.exe
- d_manage.exe
- RsTray.exe
- wampmanager.exe
- RavTray.exe
- mssearch.exe
- sqlmangr.exe
- msftesql.exe
- SyncBaseSvr.exe
- SyncBaseConsole.exe
- aspnet_state.exe
- AutoBackUpEx.exe
- redis-server.exe
- MySQLNotifier.exe
- oravssw.exe
- fppdis5.exe
- His6Service.exe
- dinotify.exe
- JhTask.exe
- Executer.exe
- AllPassCBHost.exe
- ap_nginx.exe
- AndroidServer.exe
- XT.exe
- XTService.exe
- AllPassMCService.exe
- FlashHelperService.exe
- ap_redis-server.exe
- UtilDev.WebServer.Monit.or.exe
- UWS.AppHost.Clr2.x86.exe
- Foxit.Protect.exe
- ftnlses.exe
- ftusbrdwks.exe
- ftusbrdsrv.exe
- ftnlsv.exe
- Syslogd_Service.exe
- UWS.HighPrivilegeUtilit.ies.exe
- ftusbsrv.exe
- UWS.LowPrivilegeUtilit.ies.exe
- UWS.AppHost.Clr2.AnyCpu.exe
- winguard_x64.exe
- vmconnect.exe
- firefox.exe
- usbrdsrv.exe
- usbserver.exe
- Foxmail.exe
- qemu-ga.exe
- wwbizsrv.exe
- ZTEFileTranS.exe
- ZTEUsbIpc.exe
- ZTEUsbIpcGuard.exe
- AlibabaProtect.exe
- kbasesrv.exe
- ZTEVdservice.exe
- MMRHookService.exe
- extjob.exe
- IpOverUsbSvc.exe
- VMwareTray.exe
- devenv.exe
- PerfWatson2.exe
- ServiceHub.Host.Node.x86.exe
- ServiceHub.Identit.yHost.exe
- ServiceHub.VSDetouredHost.exe
- ServiceHub.SettingsHost.exe
- ServiceHub.Host.CLR.x86.exe
- ServiceHub.RoslynCodeAnalysisService32.exe
- ServiceHub.DataWarehouseHost.exe
- Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.Host.exe
- setup.exe
- remote.exe
- setup100.exe
- landingpage.exe
- KuaiYun.exe
- HwsHostPanel.exe
- NovelSpider.exe
- Service_KMS.exe
- WebServer.exe
- ChsIME.exe
- btPanel.exe
- Protect_2345Explorer.exe
- Pic_2345Svc.exe
- vmware-converter-a.exe
- vmware-converter.exe
- vmware.exe
- vmware-unit.y-helper.exe
- vmware-vmx.exe
- usysdiag.exe
- PopBlock.exe
- gsinterface.exe
- Gemstar.Group.CRS.Client.exe
- TenpayServer.exe
- RemoteExecService.exe
- VS_TrueCorsManager.exe
- ntpsvr-2019-01-22-wgs84.exe
- rtkjob-ion.exe
- ntpsvr-2019-01-22-no-usrcheck.exe
- NtripCaster-2019-01-08.exe
- BACSTray.exe
- protect.exe
- hfs.exe
- jzmis.exe
- NewFileTime_x64.exe
- 2345MiniPage.exe
- JMJ_server.exe
- cacls.exe
- gpsdaemon.exe
- gpsusersvr.exe
- gpsdownsvr.exe
- gpsstoragesvr.exe
- gpsdataprocsvr.exe
- gpsftpd.exe
- gpsmysqld.exe
- gpstomcat6.exe
- gpsloginsvr.exe
- gpsmediasvr.exe
- gpsgatewaysvr.exe
- gpssvrctrl.exe
- zabbix_agentd.exe
- BackupExec.exe
- Att.exe
- mdm.exe
- BackupExecManagementService.exe
- bengine.exe
- benetns.exe
- beserver.exe
- pvlsvr.exe
- bedbg.exe
- beremote.exe
- RemoteAssistProcess.exe
- BarMoniService.exe
- GoodGameSrv.exe
- BarCMService.exe
- TsService.exe
- GoodGame.exe
- BarServerView.exe
- IcafeServicesTray.exe
- BsAgent_0.exe
- ControlServer.exe
- DisklessServer.exe
- DumpServer.exe
- NetDiskServer.exe
- PersonUDisk.exe
- service_agent.exe
- SoftMemory.exe
- BarServer.exe
- RtkNGUI64.exe
- Serv-U-Tray.exe
- QQPCSoftTrayTips.exe
- SohuNews.exe
- Serv-U.exe
- EasyFZS.exe
- HaoYiShi.exe
- HysMySQL.exe
- wtautoreg.exe
- ispirit.Pro.exe
- CAService.exe
- XAssistant.exe
- TrustCA.exe
- GEUU20003.exe
- CertMgr.exe
- eSafe_monit.or.exe
- MainExecute.exe
- FastInvoice.exe
- sesvc.exe
- ScanFileServer.exe
- Nuoadehgcgcd.exe
- OpenFastAssist.exe
- FastInvoiceAssist.exe
- Nuoadfaggcje.exe
- OfficeUpdate.exe
- atkexComSvc.exe
- FileTransferAgent.exe
- MasterReplicatorAgent.exe
- CrmAsyncService.exe
- CrmUnzipService.exe
- NscAuthService.exe
- ReplicaReplicatorAgent.exe
- ASMCUSvc.exe
- OcsAppServerHost.exe
- RtcCdr.exe
- IMMCUSvc.exe
- DataMCUSvc.exe
- MeetingMCUSvc.exe
- QmsSvc.exe
- RTCSrv.exe
- pnopagw.exe
- NscAuth.exe
- Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.WebServices.exe
- DistributedCacheService.exe
- c2wtshost.exe
- Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.Calculation.exe
- schedengine.exe
- Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.Eventing.exe
- Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.Queuing.exe
- hostcontrollerservice.exe
- noderunner.exe
- wsstracing.exe
- MySQLInstallerConsole.exe
- consent.exe
- RtkAudioService64.exe
- RAVBg64.exe
- FNPLicensingService64.exe
- VisualSVNServer.exe
- MotionBoard57.exe
- MotionBoardRCService57.exe
- LPManService.exe
- RaRegistry.exe
- RaAutoInstSrv.exe
- RtHDVCpl.exe
- DefenderDaemon.exe
- BestSyncApp.exe
- ApUI.exe
- AutoUpdate.exe
- LPManNotifier.exe
- FieldAnalyst.exe
- TimingGenerate.exe
- Detector.exe
- Estimator.exe
- FA_Logwrit.er.exe
- TrackingSrv.exe
- cbInterface.exe
- ccbService.exe
- U8DispatchService.exe
- dbsrv16.exe
- KICManager.exe
- KICMain.exe
- ServerManagerLauncher.exe
- TbossGate.exe
- iusb3mon.exe
- MgrEnvSvc.exe
- Mysoft.Config.WindowsService.exe
- Mysoft.UpgradeService.UpdateService.exe
- hasplms.exe
- Mysoft.Setup.InstallService.exe
- Mysoft.UpgradeService.Dispatcher.exe
- Mysoft.DataCenterService.WindowsHost.exe
- Mysoft.DataCenterService.DataCleaning.exe
- Mysoft.DataCenterService.DataTracking.exe
- Mysoft.SchedulingService.WindowsHost.exe
- ServiceMonit.or.exe
- Mysoft.SchedulingService.ExecuteEngine.exe
- AgentX.exe
- host.exe
- vsjit.debugger.exe
- VBoxSDS.exe
- TeamViewer_Service.exe
- TeamViewer.exe
- CasLicenceServer.exe
- tv_w32.exe
- tv_x64.exe
- rdm.exe
- SecureCRTPortable.exe
- VirtualBox.exe
- VBoxSVC.exe
- VirtualBoxVM.exe
- abs_deployer.exe
- edr_monit.or.exe
- sfupdatemgr.exe
- ipc_proxy.exe
- edr_agent.exe
- edr_sec_plan.exe
- sfavsvc.exe
- DataShareBox.ShareBoxMonit.orService.exe
- DataShareBox.ShareBoxService.exe
- Jointsky.CloudExchangeService.exe
- Jointsky.CloudExchange.NodeService.ein
- perl.exe
- TsServer.exe
- AppMain.exe
- easservice.exe
- Kingdee6.1.exe
- QyKernel.exe
- QyFragment.exe
- ComputerZTray.exe
- ComputerZService.exe
- ClearCache.exe
- ProLiantMonit.or.exe
- bugreport.exe
- GNWebServer.exe
- UI0Detect.exe
- GNCore.exe
- gnwayDDNS.exe
- GNWebHelper.exe
- php-cgi.exe
- ESLUSBService.exe
- CQA.exe
- Kekcoek.pif
- Tinuknx.exe
- servers.exe
- ping.exe
- TianHeng.exe
- K3MobileService.exe
- VSSVC.exe
- Xshell.exe
- XshellCore.exe
- FNPLicensingService.exe
- XYNTService.exe
- EISService.exe
- UFSoft.U8.Framework.EncryptManager.exe
- yonyou.u8.gc.taskmanager.servicebus.exe
- U8KeyManagePool.exe
- U8MPool.exe
- U8SCMPool.exe
- UFIDA.U8.Report.SLReportService.exe
- U8TaskService.exe
- U8TaskWorker.exe
- U8WebPool.exe
- U8AllAuthServer.exe
- UFIDA.U8.UAP.ReportService.exe
- UFIDA.U8.ECE.UTU.Services.exe
- U8WorkerService.exe
- ShellStub.exe
- U8UpLoadTask.exe
- UfSysHostingService.exe
- UFIDA.UBF.SystemManage.ApplicationService.exe
- UFIDA.U9.CS.Collaboration.MailService.exe
- NotificationService.exe
- UBFdevenv.exe
- UFIDA.U9.SystemManage.SystemManagerClient.exe
- mongod.exe
- SpusCss.exe
- UUDesktop.exe
- KDHRServices.exe
- Kingdee.K3.Mobile.Servics.exe
- KDSvrMgrService.exe
- pdfServer.exe
- pdfspeedup.exe
- SufAppServer.exe
- Kingdee.K3.Mobile.LightPushService.exe
- iMTSSvcMgr.exe
- kdmain.exe
- KDActMGr.exe
- K3ServiceUpdater.exe
- Aua.exe
- iNethinkSQLBackup.exe
- auaJW.exe
- Scheduler.exe
- bschJW.exe
- SystemTray64.exe
- OfficeDaemon.exe
- OfficeIndex.exe
- OfficeIm.exe
- iNethinkSQLBackupConsole.exe
- OfficeMail.exe
- OfficeTask.exe
- OfficePOP3.exe
- apache.exe
- PccNTMon.exe
- NTRtScan.exe
- TmListen.exe
- TmCCSF.exe
- TmProxy.exe
- TmPfw.exe
- CNTAoSMgr.exe
- sqlwriter.exe
- UniFi.exe
- GnHostService.exe → Terminates the specified process and any child processes which were started by it.
- HwUVPUpgrade.exe → Terminates the specified process and any child processes which were started by it.
- Kingdee.KIS.UESystemSer.exe → Terminates the specified process and any child processes which were started by it.
- uvpmonit.or.exe → Terminates the specified process and any child processes which were started by it.
- UVPUpgradeService.exe → Terminates the specified process and any child processes which were started by it.
- KDdataUpdate.exe → Terminates the specified process and any child processes which were started by it.
- Portal.exe → Terminates the specified process and any child processes which were started by it.
- U8SMSSrv.exe → Terminates the specified process and any child processes which were started by it.
- Ufida.T.SM.PublishService.exe → Terminates the specified process and any child processes which were started by it.
- lta8.exe → Terminates the specified process and any child processes which were started by it.
- UfSvrMgr.exe → Terminates the specified process and any child processes which were started by it.
- AutoUpdateService.exe → Terminates the specified process and any child processes which were started by it.
- MOM.exe → Terminates the specified process and any child processes which were started by it.
Information Theft
This Ransomware accepts the following parameters:
- -l
- -d
- -p
- -path {path to encrypt} → encrypts specific path inputted on the command-line.
Other Details
This Ransomware encrypts files with the following extensions:
- .bak
- .zip
- .rar
- .7z
- .gz
- .sql
- .mdf
- .hdd
- .vhd
- .vdi
- .vmx
- .vmdk
- .nvram
- .vmem
- .vmsn
- .vmsd
- .vmss
- .lck
- .vhdx
- .dbf
- .ora
- .oraenv
- .dmp
- .ibd
- .mdb
It does the following:
- It encrypts files from local drives, removable drives, and network shares
- It deletes the following services:
- where {Services Deleted}:
- XT800Service_Personal
- SQLWriter
- SQLBrowser
- MSSQLFDLauncher
- QcSoftService
- MSSQLServerOLAPService
- VMTools
- VGAuthService
- TeamViewer
- ReportServer
- RabbitMQ
- Sense Shield Service
- SSMonitorService
- SSSyncService
- TPlusStdAppService1300
- SQLAgent$SQL2008
- TPlusStdTaskService1300
- TPlusStdUpgradeService1300
- VirboxWebServer
- jhi_service
- FontCache3.0.0.0
- OSP Service
- DAService_TCP
- eCard-TTransServer
- eCardMPService
- EnergyDataService
- UI0Detect
- K3MobileService
- TCPIDDAService
- WebAttendServer
- UIODetect
- wanxiao-monitor
- VMAuthdService
- VMUSBArbService
- VMwareHostd
- vm-agent
- VmAgentDaemon
- OpenSSHd
- eSightService
- apachezt
- Jenkins
- secbizsrv
- smtpsvrJT
- zyb_sync
- 360EntHttpServer
- 360EntSvc
- 360EntClientSvc
- NFWebServer
- wampapache
- msftesql
- SyncBASE Service
- OracleDBConcoleorcl
- OracleJobSchedulerORCL
- OracleMTSRecoveryService
- OracleOraDb11g_home1ClrAgent
- OracleOraDb11g_home1TNSListener
- OracleVssWriterORCL
- OracleServiceORCL
- aspnet_stateRedis
- JhTask
- ImeDictUpdateService
- MCService
- allpass_redisservice_port21160
- Flash Helper Service
- Kiwi Syslog Server
- UWS HiPriv Services
- UWS LoPriv Services
- ftnlsv3
- ftnlses3
- FxService
- UtilDev Web Server Pro
- ftusbrdwks
- ftusbrdsrv
- ZTE USBIP Client Guard
- ZTE USBIP Client
- ZTE FileTranS
- wwbizsrv
- qemu-ga
- AlibabaProtect
- ZTEVdservice
- kbasesrv
- MMRHookService
- IpOverUsbSvc
- MsDtsServer100
- KuaiYunTools
- btPanel
- Protect_2345Explorer
- 2345PicSvc
- vmware-converter-agent
- vmware-converter-server
- vmware-converter-worker
- QQCertificateService
- OracleRemExecService
- GPSDaemon
- GPSUserSvr
- GPSDownSvr
- GPSStorageSvr
- GPSDataProcSvr
- GPSGatewaySvr
- GPSMediaSvr
- GPSLoginSvr
- GPSTomcat6
- GPSMysqld
- GPSFtpd
- Zabbix Agent
- BackupExecAgentAccelerator
- bedbg
- BackupExecDeviceMediaService
- BackupExecRPCService
- BackupExecAgentBrowser
- BackupExecJobEngine
- BackupExecManagementService
- TxQBService
- Gailun_Downloader
- RemoteAssistService
- YunService
- Serv-U
- EasyFZS Server
- Rpc Monitor
- OpenFastAssist
- Nuo Update Monitor
- Daemon Service
- asComSvc
- OfficeUpdateService
- RtcSrv
- NscAuthService
- MSCRMUnzipService
- MSCRMAsyncService$maintenance
- MSCRMAsyncService
- RtcQms
- ProjectEventService16
- ProjectQueueService16
- SPAdminV4
- SPSearchHostController
- SPTimerV4
- SPTraceV4
- OSearch16
- ProjectCalcService16
- c2wts
- AppFabricCachingService
- MotionBoard57
- MotionBoardRCService57
- vsvnjobsvc
- VisualSVNServer
- FlexNet Licensing Service 64
- BestSyncSvc
- LPManager
- MediatekRegistryWriter
- RaAutoInstSrv_RT2870
- CobianBackup10
- SQLANYs_sem5
- CASLicenceServer
- SQLService
- semwebsrv
- TbossSystem
- ErpEnvSvc
- Mysoft.Autoupgrade.DispatchService
- Mysoft.Autoupgrade.UpdateService
- Mysoft.Config.WindowsService
- Mysoft.DataCenterService
- Mysoft.SchedulingService
- Mysoft.Setup.InstallService
- MysoftUpdate
- edr_monitor
- abs_deployer
- savsvc
- ShareBoxMonitorService
- ShareBoxService
- CloudExchangeService
- U8WorkerService2
- EASService
- KICkSvr
- OSP Service
- U8SmsSrv
- OfficeClearCache
- TurboCRM70
- U8DispatchService
- U8EISService
- U8EncryptService
- U8GCService
- U8KeyManagePool
- U8MPool
- U8SCMPool
- U8SLReportService
- U8TaskService
- U8WebPool
- UFAllNet
- UFReportService
- UTUService
- U8WorkerService1
- vmickvpexchange
- vmicguestinterface
- vmicshutdown
- vmicheartbeat
- vmicrdv
- storflt
- vmictimesync
- vmicvss
- hvdsvc
- nvspwmi
- wmms
- AvgAdminServer
- AVG Antivirus
- avgAdminClient
- SAVService
- SAVAdminService
- Sophos AutoUpdate Service
- Sophos Clean Service
- Sophos Device Control Service
- Sophos Endpoint Defense Service
- Sophos File Scanner Service
- Sophos Health Service
- Sophos MCS Agent
- Sophos MCS Client
- SntpService
- swc_service
- swi_service
- Sophos UI
- swi_update
- Sophos Web Control Service
- Sophos System Protection Service
- Sophos Safestore Service
- hmpalertsvc
- RpcEptMapper
- SophosFIM
- swi_filter
- FirebirdGuardianDefaultInstance
- FirebirdServerDefaultInstance
- MSSQLFDLauncher
- SQLBrowser
- MsDtsServer130
- SQLWriter
- SQLAgent
- MSSQLServerADHelper100
- MSSQLServerOLAPService
- MsDtsServer100
- ReportServer
- TMBMServer
- ReportServer$OPTIMA
- msftesql$SQLEXPRESS
- postgresql-x64-9.4
- ekrn
- ekrnEpsw
- klim6
- AVP18.0.0
- klpd
- klflt
- klbackupdisk
- klbackupflt
- klkbdflt
- klmouflt
- klhk
- KSDE1.0.0
- kltap
- ScSecSvc
- Core Mail Protection
- Core Scanning Server
- Core Scanning ServerEx
- Online Protection System
- RepairService
- Core Browsing Protection
- Quick Update Service
- McAfeeFramework
- macmnsvc
- masvc
- mfemms
- mfevtp
- TmFilter
- TMLWCSService
- tmusa
- TmPreFilter
- TMSmartRelayService
- TMiCRCScanService
- VSApiNt
- tmlisten
- TmProxy
- ntrtscan
- ofcservice
- TmPfw
- PccNTUpd
- PandaAetherAgent
- PSUAService
- NanoServiceMain
- EPIntegrationService
- EPProtectedService
- EPRedline
- EPSecurityService
- EPUpdateService
- UniFi
Ransomware Routine
This Ransomware avoids encrypting files with the following strings in their file name:
- desktop.ini
- ntuser.dat
- thumbs.db
- iconcache.db
- ntuser.ini
- ntldr
- bootfont.bin
- bootsect.bak
- ntuser.dat.log
- boot.ini
- autorun.inf
- debugLog.txt
It avoids encrypting files with the following strings in their file path:
- msocache
- $$windows.~ws
- system volume information
- intel
- appdata
- perflogs
- programdata
- application data
- tor browser
- boot
- $windows.~bt
- mozilla
- windows.old
- Windows Microsoft.NET
- WindowsPowerShell
- Windows NT
- %Windows%
- Common Files
- Microsoft Security Client
- Internet Explorer
- Reference
- Assemblies
- Windows Defender
- Microsoft ASP.NET
- Core Runtime
- Package
- Store
- Microsoft Help Viewer
- Microsoft MPI
- Windows Kits
- Microsoft.NET
- Windows Mail
- Microsoft Security Client
- Package Store
- Microsoft Analysis Services
- Windows Portable Devices
- Windows Photo Viewer
- Windows Sidebar
(Note: %Windows% is the Windows folder, where it usually is C:\Windows on all Windows operating system versions.)
It appends the following extension to the file name of the encrypted files:
It leaves text files that serve as ransom notes containing the following text:
- {Drive Letter:}\RECOVERY FILES.txt
- {Encrypted Directory:}\RECOVERY FILES.txt
It avoids encrypting files with the following file extensions:
- .msstyles
- .icl
- .idx
- .avast
- .rtp
- .mallox
- .sys
- .nomedia
- .dll
- .hta
- .cur
- .lock
- .cpl
- .Globeimposter- Alpha865qqz
- .ics
- .hlp
- .com
- .spl
- .msi
- .key
- .mpa
- .rom
- .drv
- .bat
- .386
- .adv
- .diangcab
- .mod
- .scr
- .theme
- .ocx
- .prf
- .cab
- .diagcfg
- .msu
- .cmd
- .ico
- .msc
- .ani
- .icns
- .diagpkg
- .desktopthemepack
- .wpx
- .msp
- .bin
- .themepack
- .shs
- .nls
- .exe
- .lnk
- .ps1
- .fuk
- .kuf
Step 1
Trend Micro Predictive Machine Learning detects and blocks malware at the first sign of its existence, before it executes on your system. When enabled, your Trend Micro product detects this malware under the following machine learning name:
Step 2
Before doing any scans, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10 users must disable System Restore to allow full scanning of their computers.
Step 3
Note that not all files, folders, and registry keys and entries are installed on your computer during this malware's/spyware's/grayware's execution. This may be due to incomplete installation or other operating system conditions. If you do not find the same files/folders/registry information, please proceed to the next step.
Step 4
Restart in Safe Mode
Step 5
Delete this registry value
Important: Editing the Windows Registry incorrectly can lead to irreversible system malfunction. Please do this step only if you know how or you can ask assistance from your system administrator. Else, check this Microsoft article first before modifying your computer's registry.
- In HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
- Nyovdlxx = %Application Data%\Jrpnqm\Nyovdlxx.exe
- Nyovdlxx = %Application Data%\Jrpnqm\Nyovdlxx.exe
Step 6
Search and delete this file
- %User Temp%\Vqstxggumqhfwkill$.bat
- %Application Data%\Jrpnqm\Nyovdlxx.exe
- {Drive Letter:}\RECOVERY FILES.txt
- {Encrypted Directory:}\RECOVERY FILES.txt
Step 7
Search and delete this folder
- %Application Data%\Jrpnqm
Step 8
Restart in normal mode and scan your computer with your Trend Micro product for files detected as Ransom.MSIL.TARGETCOMP.YPCIA. If the detected files have already been cleaned, deleted, or quarantined by your Trend Micro product, no further step is required. You may opt to simply delete the quarantined files. Please check this Knowledge Base page for more information.
Step 9
Restore encrypted files from backup.
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