Indian music streaming service Gaana was temporarily taken offline today and the passwords of all its users reset due to a data breach. Evidently, it was breached by a frustrated hacker who previously reported the vulnerability, but got ignored.
A recent string of website defacements call for the release of SpyEye creator Hamza Bendelladj, codename Bx1. Trend Micro, working law enforcement, facilitated his arrest in 2013. Two years after, why is his name still making waves?
A Trend Micro researcher discovered tampered Domain Name System (DNS) settings on his home router, prompting him to look at other possible attack scenarios and threats against this device.
This research paper offers a look into "Operation Tropic Trooper", an ongoing targeted attack campaign that uses old infiltration tactics to steal state and industry secrets since 2012.
Insider threats pose serious risks to company networks. Trend Micro Chief Technology Officer Raimund Genes believes that organizations should focus on deciding what data to protect. Watch the video to know how to categorize data.
Proper network segmentation is the most critical proactive step in protecting networks against targeted attacks. See why it's important for organizations to properly identify and categorize their own users and the networks they access.
WordPress sites have recently been defaced by ISIS sympathizers who exploited known vulnerabilities on WP plug-ins. How can Web admins protect their sites from this type of attack?
This research provides a comprehensive look into the security challenges and attacks on critical infrastructure that member states of the Organization of American States had to face in 2014.