Windows 2000, XP, Server 2003


  • Threat Type: Worm

  • Destructiveness: No

  • Encrypted:

  • In the wild: Yes


Infection Channel:

Propagates via removable drives, Propagates via email

This worm arrives as attachment to mass-mailed email messages. It may be dropped by other malware. It may be unknowingly downloaded by a user while visiting malicious websites.

It adds registry entries to enable its automatic execution at every system startup.

It drops copies of itself into all the removable drives connected to an affected system. It drops an AUTORUN.INF file to automatically execute the copies it drops when a user accesses the drives of an affected system.

It also has rootkit capabilities, which enables it to hide its processes and files from the user.

It executes the dropped file(s). As a result, malicious routines of the dropped files are exhibited on the affected system.


File Size:

403,968 bytes

File Type:


Memory Resident:


Initial Samples Received Date:

05 Oct 2010


Compromises system security, Terminates processes, Bypasses Windows Firewall, Connects to URLs/Ips

Arrival Details

This worm arrives as attachment to mass-mailed email messages.

It may be dropped by other malware.

It may be unknowingly downloaded by a user while visiting malicious websites.


This worm drops the following copies of itself into the affected system:

  • %System%\NvTaskbarInit.exe

(Note: %System% is the Windows system folder, which is usually C:\Windows\System on Windows 98 and ME, C:\WINNT\System32 on Windows NT and 2000, or C:\Windows\System32 on Windows XP and Server 2003.)

Autostart Technique

This worm adds the following registry entries to enable its automatic execution at every system startup:

Nvidia Control Center = %System%\NvTaskbarInit.exe

Other System Modifications

This worm adds the following registry entries as part of its installation routine:

EnableLUA = 0

It adds the following registry keys as part of its installation routine:


It creates the following registry entry(ies) to bypass Windows Firewall:

%System%\\NvTaskbarInit.exe = %System%\NvTaskbarInit.exe:*:Enabled:Explorer


This worm creates the following folders in all removable drives:

  • RECYCLER\S-1-6-21-2434476521-1645641927-702000330-1542

It drops copies of itself into all the removable drives connected to an affected system.

It drops the following copy(ies) of itself in all removable drives:

  • redmond.exe

It drops an AUTORUN.INF file to automatically execute the copies it drops when a user accesses the drives of an affected system.

The said .INF file contains the following strings:

action=Open folder to view files

It gathers target email addresses from files with the following extensions:

  • txt
  • htm
  • xml
  • php
  • asp
  • dbx
  • log
  • nfo
  • lst
  • rtf
  • xml
  • wpd
  • wps
  • xls
  • doc
  • wab

It avoids sending email messages to addresses containing the following strings:

  • .mil
  • abuse
  • acd-group
  • acdnet.com
  • acdsystems.com
  • acketst
  • admin
  • ahnlab
  • alcatel-lucent.com
  • anyone
  • apache
  • arin.
  • avg-comsysinternals
  • avira
  • badware
  • berkeley
  • bitdefender
  • bluewin.ch
  • borlan
  • bpsoft.com
  • bsd
  • bugs
  • buyrar.com
  • ca
  • certific
  • cisco
  • clamav
  • contact
  • debian
  • drweb
  • eset.com
  • example
  • f-secure
  • fido
  • firefox
  • fsf.
  • ghisler.com
  • gimp
  • gnu
  • gold-certs, gov.
  • help
  • honeynet
  • honeypot
  • iana
  • ibm.com
  • icrosoft
  • idefense
  • ietf
  • ikarus
  • immunityinc.com
  • info
  • inpris
  • isc.o
  • isi.e
  • jgsoft
  • kaspersky
  • kernel
  • lavasoft
  • linux
  • listserv
  • mcafee
  • messagelabs
  • mit.e
  • mozilla
  • mydomai
  • nobody
  • nodomai
  • noone
  • nothing
  • novirusthanks
  • ntivi
  • nullsoft.org
  • page
  • panda
  • postmaster
  • prevx
  • privacy
  • qualys
  • quebecor.com
  • rating
  • redhat
  • rfc-ed
  • root
  • rusils
  • sales
  • samba
  • samples
  • secur
  • security
  • sendmail
  • service
  • site
  • slashdot
  • soft
  • somebody
  • somoeone
  • sopho
  • sourceforge
  • spam
  • spm
  • ssh.com
  • submit
  • sun.com
  • support
  • suse
  • syman
  • tanford.e
  • the.bat
  • unix
  • usenet
  • utgers.ed
  • virus
  • virusbuster
  • webmaster
  • websense
  • winamp
  • wincap
  • wireshark
  • www.ca.com

Rootkit Capabilities

This worm also has rootkit capabilities, which enables it to hide its processes and files from the user.

Process Termination

This worm terminates the following services if found on the affected system:

  • AVP
  • AVP
  • AntiVirSchedulerService
  • Arrakis3
  • BDAgent
  • CSIScanner
  • CaCCProvSP
  • DrWebScheduler
  • ERSvc
  • Ehttpsrv
  • Emproxy
  • FPAVServer
  • ISTray
  • K7EmlPxy
  • K7RTScan
  • K7SystemTray
  • K7TSMngr
  • K7TSStart
  • MBAMService
  • MPS9
  • McENUI
  • MskAgentexe
  • RSCCenter
  • RSRavMon
  • RavTask
  • SAVScan
  • SBAMTray
  • SUM
  • Savadminservice
  • Savservice
  • SpIDerMail
  • SpamBlocker
  • ThreatFire
  • WerSvc
  • WinDefend
  • antivirservice
  • avast!
  • avg8emc
  • avg8wd
  • bdss
  • ccEvtMgr
  • ccproxy
  • ccpwdsvc
  • ccsetmgr
  • cctray
  • egui
  • ekrn
  • liveupdate
  • mcODS
  • mcmisupdmgr
  • mcmscsvc
  • mcpromgr
  • mcproxy
  • mcredirector
  • mcshield
  • mcsysmon
  • msk80service
  • navapsvc
  • npfmntor
  • nscservice
  • sbamsvc
  • sbamui
  • scan
  • sdauxservice
  • sdcodeservice
  • sndsrvc
  • spbbcsvc
  • wscsvc
  • OfficeScanNT Monitor
  • Spam Blocker for Outlook Express
  • F-PROT Antivirus Tray application
  • Windows Defender
  • aswupdsv
  • avast! Antivirus
  • avast! Mail Scanner
  • avast! Web Scanner
  • McAfee HackerWatch Service
  • Norton AntiVirus
  • LiveUpdate Notice Service
  • Symantec Core LC
  • Sophos Autoupdate Service
  • Sophos Agent
  • Sophos Certification Manager
  • Sophos Management Service
  • Sophos Message Router

It terminates the following processes if found running in the affected system's memory:

  • ALSvc.exe
  • APvxdwin.exe
  • AVENGINE.exe
  • AlMon.exe
  • CCenter.exe
  • FPAVServer.exe
  • FPWin.exe
  • FprotTray.exe
  • HWAPI.exe
  • K7EmlPxy.exe
  • K7RTScan.exe
  • K7SysTry.exe
  • K7TSMngr.exe
  • K7TSecurity.exe
  • McNASvc.exe
  • McProxy.exe
  • Mcshield.exe
  • MpfSrv.exe
  • NTRtScan.exe
  • PAVSRV51.exe
  • PSCtrlS.exe
  • PShost.exe
  • PavFnSvr.exe
  • PavPrSrv.exe
  • Pavbckpt.exe
  • PsIMSVC.exe
  • Rav.exe
  • RavMon.exe
  • RavStub.exe
  • RavTask.exe
  • RavmonD.exe
  • RedirSvc.exe
  • SavAdminService.exe
  • SavMain.exe
  • SavService.exe
  • SbeConsole.exe
  • SrvLoad.exe
  • TPSRV.exe
  • TmListen.exe
  • Webproxy.exe
  • ashdisp.exe
  • ashserv.exe
  • avcenter.exe
  • avciman.exe
  • avgcsrvx.exe
  • avgemc.exe
  • avgnt.exe
  • avgrsx.exe
  • avgtray.exe
  • avguard.exe
  • avgui.exe
  • avgwdsvc.exe
  • avp.exe
  • avp.exe
  • bdagent.exe
  • bdss.exe
  • ccsvchst.exe
  • drweb32w.exe
  • drwebupw.exe
  • egui.exe
  • ekrn.exe
  • emproxy.exe
  • guardgui.exe
  • iface.exe
  • isafe.exe
  • livesrv.exe
  • mbam.exe
  • mcagent.exe
  • mcmscsvc.exe
  • mcods.exe
  • mcpromgr.exe
  • mcsysmon.exe
  • mcvsshld.exe
  • mps.exe
  • mskagent.exe
  • msksrver.exe
  • pccnt.exe
  • prevx.exe
  • psksvc.exe
  • sbamtray.exe
  • sbamui.exe
  • seccenter.exe
  • spidergui.exe
  • vetmsg.exe
  • vsserv.exe
  • xcommsvr.exe

Dropping Routine

This worm drops the following files:

  • %System%\NvMcTray.exe - detected as TROJ_HILOTI.IB

(Note: %System% is the Windows system folder, which is usually C:\Windows\System on Windows 98 and ME, C:\WINNT\System32 on Windows NT and 2000, or C:\Windows\System32 on Windows XP and Server 2003.)

It executes the dropped file(s). As a result, malicious routines of the dropped files are exhibited on the affected system.

Other Details

This worm connects to the following URL(s) to get the affected system's IP address:

  • www.{BLOCKED}myip.com/automation/{BLOCKED}945.asp

It displays the following images:

It does the following:

  • It attempts to determine the SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) server of the affected system by using the gathered domain name and the following prefixes:
    • mx
    • mail
    • smtp
    • mx1
    • mxs
    • mail1
    • relay
    • ns
    • gate
  • It checks the location of the Windows Address Book by querying the following registry key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\WAB\WAB4\Wab File Name
  • It sends email messages containing a copy of itself


Based on analysis of the codes, it has the following capabilities:

  • It uses its own Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) engine to send email messages with a copy of itself as attachment.
  • It searches for MSI files in network drives and repackages the said files with a copy of itself. The repackaged file when run, extracts and executes the original MSI file and the copy of this worm.
  • It avoids sending email messages to addresses containing the following strings:
    • ALSvc.exe
    • APvxdwin.exe
    • AVENGINE.exe
    • AlMon.exe
    • CCenter.exe
    • FPAVServer.exe
    • FPWin.exe
    • FprotTray.exe
    • HWAPI.exe
    • K7EmlPxy.exe
    • K7RTScan.exe
    • K7SysTry.exe
    • K7TSMngr.exe
    • K7TSecurity.exe
    • McNASvc.exe
    • McProxy.exe
    • Mcshield.exe
    • MpfSrv.exe
    • NTRtScan.exe
    • PAVSRV51.exe
    • PSCtrlS.exe
    • PShost.exe
    • PavFnSvr.exe
    • PavPrSrv.exe
    • Pavbckpt.exe
    • PsIMSVC.exe
    • Rav.exe
    • RavMon.exe
    • RavStub.exe
    • RavTask.exe
    • RavmonD.exe
    • RedirSvc.exe
    • SavAdminService.exe
    • SavMain.exe
    • SavService.exe
    • SbeConsole.exe
    • SrvLoad.exe
    • TPSRV.exe
    • TmListen.exe
    • Webproxy.exe
    • ashdisp.exe
    • ashserv.exe
    • avcenter.exe
    • avciman.exe
    • avgcsrvx.exe
    • avgemc.exe
    • avgnt.exe
    • avgrsx.exe
    • avgtray.exe
    • avguard.exe
    • avgui.exe
    • avgwdsvc.exe
    • avp.exe
    • avp.exe
    • bdagent.exe
    • bdss.exe
    • ccsvchst.exe
    • drweb32w.exe
    • drwebupw.exe
    • egui.exe
    • ekrn.exe
    • emproxy.exe
    • guardgui.exe
    • iface.exe
    • isafe.exe
    • livesrv.exe
    • mbam.exe
    • mcagent.exe
    • mcmscsvc.exe
    • mcods.exe
    • mcpromgr.exe
    • mcsysmon.exe
    • mcvsshld.exe
    • mps.exe
    • mskagent.exe
    • msksrver.exe
    • pccnt.exe
    • prevx.exe
    • psksvc.exe
    • sbamtray.exe
    • sbamui.exe
    • seccenter.exe
    • spidergui.exe
    • vetmsg.exe
    • vsserv.exe
    • xcommsvr.exe


Minimum Scan Engine:


Step 1

For Windows ME and XP users, before doing any scans, please make sure you disable System Restore to allow full scanning of your computer.

Step 2

Remove malware files dropped/downloaded by WORM_PROLACO.JEE

Step 3

Identify and delete files detected as WORM_PROLACO.JEE using either the Startup Disk or Recovery Console

[ Learn More ]

Step 4

Delete this registry value

[ Learn More ]

Important: Editing the Windows Registry incorrectly can lead to irreversible system malfunction. Please do this step only if you know how or you can ask assistance from your system administrator. Else, check this Microsoft article first before modifying your computer"s registry.

  • In HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
    • Nvidia Control Center = %System%\NvTaskbarInit.exe
  • In HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\system
    • EnableLUA = 0
  • In HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\SharedAccess\Parameters\FirewallPolicy\StandardProfile\AuthorizedApplications\List
    • %System%\NvTaskbarInit.exe = %System%\NvTaskbarInit.exe:*:Enabled:Explorer

Step 5

Delete this registry key

[ Learn More ]

Important: Editing the Windows Registry incorrectly can lead to irreversible system malfunction. Please do this step only if you know how or you can ask assistance from your system administrator. Else, check this Microsoft article first before modifying your computer"s registry. Before you could do this, you must restart in Safe Mode. For instructions on how to do this, you may refer to this page If the preceding step requires you to restart in safe mode, you may proceed to edit the system registry.

  • In HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\
    • Nvideo

Step 6

Search and delete these folders

[ Learn More ]
Please make sure you check the Search Hidden Files and Folders checkbox in the More advanced options option to include all hidden folders in the search result.
  • {Removable Drive}:\RECYCLER

Step 7

Search and delete AUTORUN.INF files created by WORM_PROLACO.JEE that contain these strings

[ Learn More ]
action=Open folder to view files

Step 8

Scan your computer with your Trend Micro product to delete files detected as WORM_PROLACO.JEE If the detected files have already been cleaned, deleted, or quarantined by your Trend Micro product, no further step is required. You may opt to simply delete the quarantined files. Please check this Knowledge Base page for more information.

Step 9

Restore this file from backup Only Microsoft-related files will be restored. If this malware/grayware/spyware also deleted files related to programs that are not from Microsoft, please reinstall those programs on your computer again. Modified MSI files

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