Threat Type: Worm
Destructiveness: No
Encrypted: Yes
In the wild: Yes
Dropped by other malware, Downloaded from the Internet, Propagates via software vulnerabilities
This Worm arrives by connecting affected removable drives to a system. It arrives by accessing affected shared networks. It arrives on a system as a file dropped by other malware or as a file downloaded unknowingly by users when visiting malicious sites. It may be downloaded from remote sites by other malware.
It takes advantage of software vulnerabilities to propagate across networks.
188,536 bytes
05 May 2020
Exploits vulnerability, Disables services, Terminates processes, Steals information
Arrival Details
This Worm arrives by connecting affected removable drives to a system.
It arrives by accessing affected shared networks.
It arrives on a system as a file dropped by other malware or as a file downloaded unknowingly by users when visiting malicious sites.
It may be downloaded from remote site(s) by the following malware:
This Worm drops the following files:
- {Removable/Network Drive name}\Dblue3.lnk
- {Removable/Network Drive name}\Eblue3.lnk
- {Removable/Network Drive name}\Fblue3.lnk
- {Removable/Network Drive name}\Gblue3.lnk
- {Removable/Network Drive name}\Hblue3.lnk
- {Removable/Network Drive name}\Iblue3.lnk
- {Removable/Network Drive name}\Jblue3.lnk
- {Removable/Network Drive name}\Dblue6.lnk
- {Removable/Network Drive name}\Eblue6.lnk
- {Removable/Network Drive name}\Fblue6.lnk
- {Removable/Network Drive name}\Gblue6.lnk
- {Removable/Network Drive name}\Hblue6.lnk
- {Removable/Network Drive name}\Iblue6.lnk
- {Removable/Network Drive name}\Jblue6.lnk
- {Removable/Network Drive name}\readme.js -> detected as Trojan.JS.LEMONDUCK.MC
- {Removable/Network Drive name}\UTFsync\inf_data - serves as infection marker
- {Removable/Network Drive name}\Kblue6.lnk – detected as Trojan.Win64.SHELMA.SMB1
- %Temp%\mimi.dat - detected as HackTool.Win64.MIMIKATZ.AL.component
- %Temp%\m6.bin - detected as Trojan.PS1.LEMONDUCK.D
- {Removable/Network Drive name}\Kblue3.lnk – detected as Trojan.Win32.POWLOAD.CMPNPD
It adds the following processes:
- "%System%\NETSTAT.EXE" -anop TCP
- "%System%\ipconfig.exe" /all
- "%System%\ipconfig.exe" /displaydns
- "%System%\NETSTAT.EXE" -ano
(Note: %System% is the Windows system folder, where it usually is C:\Windows\System32 on all Windows operating system versions.)
It creates the following folders:
- {Removable Drive}:\UTFsync
This Worm takes advantage of the following software vulnerabilities to propagate across networks:
Process Termination
This Worm terminates the following services if found on the affected system:
- .Net CLR
- 360rTys
- \gm
- aspnet_staters
- AxInstSV
- ClipBooks
- clr_optimization
- DNS Server
- ExpressVNService
- lsass
- Microsoft
- Microsoft Telemetry
- MpeSvc
- mssecsvc2.0
- mssecsvc2.1
- Natimmonal
- Nationaaal
- National
- Nationalaie
- Nationalmll
- Nationaloll
- Nationalwpi
- NetMsmqActiv Media NVIDIA
- Oracleupdate
- RpcEptManger
- Samserver
- Serhiez
- Sncryption Media Playeq
- Sougoudl
- SuperProServer
- SvcNlauser
- SVSHost
- SxS
- sysmgt
- system
- taskmgr1
- WebServers
- WifiService
- Windows Managers
- Windows_Update
- WinHasdadelp32
- WinHasdelp32
- WinHelp32
- WinHelp64
- WinHelpSvcs
- WinSvc
- WinVaultSvc
- WissssssnHelp32
- WmdnPnSN
- wmiApServs
- wmiApSrvs
- Xtfy
- Xtfya
- Xtfyxxx
- xWinWpdSrv
- Zational
It terminates processes or services that contain any of the following strings if found running in the affected system's memory:
- 360
- 8866
- 9696
- 9797
- 9966
- auto-upgeade
- Avira
- Calligrap
- cara
- Carbon
- carss
- cohernece
- conhoste
- csrsc
- DW20
- explores
- Galligrp
- gxdrv
- Imaging
- javaupd
- lsmosee
- minerd
- MinerGate
- msinfo
- ress
- SC
- SearchIndex
- secuams
- service
- Setring
- Setting
- Sqlceqp
- SQLforwin
- svchosti
- svshost
- SystemIIS
- SystemIISSec
- taskegr
- taskmgr1
- Terms.EXE
- Uninsta
- update
- upgeade
- WerFault
- WerMgr
- win
- WindowsDefender
- WindowsUpdater
- Workstation
- xig
- xmrig
- yamm1
Dropping Routine
This Worm takes advantage of the following software vulnerabilities to drop malicious files:
Information Theft
This Worm gathers the following data:
- Computer Name
- Computer Uptime
- Computer Username
- Domain Information
- Graphics Card Information
- MAC Address
- OS Information
Other Details
This Worm does the following:
- It deletes the following scheduled tasks:
- AdobeFlashPlayer
- Bluetooths
- Credentials
- Ddrivers
- DNS2
- DnsCore
- DnsCore
- DnsScan
- ECDnsCore
- Flash
- FlashPlayer1
- FlashPlayer2
- FlashPlayer3
- gm
- GooglePingConfigs
- HispDemorn
- HomeGroupProvider
- LimeRAT-Admin
- Microsoft Telemetry
- Miscfost
- MiscfostNsi
- my1
- Mysa
- Mysa1
- Mysa2
- Mysa3
- Netframework
- ngm
- ok
- Oracle Java
- Oracle Java Update
- Oracle Products Reporter
- RavTask
- skycmd
- Sorry
- Spooler SubSystem Service
- System Log Security Check
- TablteInputout
- Update
- Update service for products
- Update service for Windows Service
- Update1
- Update2
- Update3
- Update4
- Update_windows
- WebServers
- werclpsyport
- Windows_Update
- WindowsLogTasks
- WindowsUpdate1
- WindowsUpdate2
- WindowsUpdate3
- WwANsvc
- It terminates the processes that contain the following strings in its command line:
- --max-cpu-usage
- -donate-level
- -p x
- blazepool
- blockmasters
- blockmasterscoins
- bohemianpool
- cryptmonero
- crypto-pool
- cryptonight
- dwarfpool
- hashrefinery
- hashvault.pro
- iwanttoearn.money
- mine.bz
- minercircle.com
- minergate
- miners.pro
- mineXMR
- mineXMR
- mineXMR
- mineXMR
- miningpoolhubcoins
- mixpools.org
- mixpools.org
- monero
- monero.lindon-pool.win
- moriaxmr.com
- mypool.online
- nanopool.org
- nicehash
- onero
- pool.electroneum.hashvau
- pool.monero.hashvault.pr
- pool.xmr
- poolto.be
- prohash
- prohash.net
- ratchetmining.com
- slushpool
- stratum+
- suprnova.cc
- teracycle.net
- usxmrpool
- viaxmr.com
- xmrpool
- yiimp
- zergpool
- zergpoolcoins
- zpool
- It is capable of propagating in the local network via the following means:
- SMB Exploit (MS17-010)
- MSSQL Brute forcing
- Dumping Windows Domain Credentials using any of the following techniques/tools:
- Mimikatz
- Pass-The-Hash
- It is capable of performing RDP Brute Force Attack using the following credentials:
- Username
- Administrator
- Password
- !@#$%^&*
- 000000
- 1
- 1111
- 111111
- 111111111
- 112233
- 11223344
- 12
- 121212
- 123
- 123
- 123
- 123!@#qwe
- 123.com
- 123123123
- 123321
- 1234
- 12345
- 123456
- 123456
- 1234567
- 12345678
- 123456789
- 1234567890
- 123456789a
- 123456a
- 123@abc
- 123qwe
- 123qwe!@#
- 1q2w3e4r
- 1q2w3e4r5t
- 1qaz!QAZ
- 1qaz2wsx
- 1qaz@WSX
- 21
- 321
- 5201314
- 55
- 5555
- 654321
- 666666
- 7222222
- 888888
- 88888888
- 987654321
- 999999
- A123456
- A123456
- a123456789
- Aa
- aa123456
- Aa123456.
- Aa12345678
- aaaaaa
- Ab123
- abc
- abc123
- abc123
- abc@123
- ABCabc123
- abcd1234
- abcd@1234
- abcdefg
- admin
- Admin123
- admin888
- Admin@123
- Admin@123
- administrator
- administrator
- asdf
- baseball
- charlie
- dragon
- dubsmash
- football
- fuckyou
- g_czechout
- golden
- hello
- homelesspa
- Huawei@123
- iloveyou
- login
- love
- master
- monkey
- P@w0rd
- P@word
- pass
- passw0rd
- passw0rd
- password1
- princess
- qazwsx
- qwe123
- qwe1234
- qwe1234a
- qwe1234a
- qwer12345
- qwerty
- qwertyuiop
- sa
- sa123
- sa2008
- saadmin
- sapassword
- sasa
- sql2005
- sql2008
- sqlpassword
- sunshine
- superman
- test1
- welcome
- zinch
- zxcvbn
- NTLM Hashes
- 00AFFD88FA323B00D4560BF9FEF0EC2F
- 066DDFD4EF0E9CD7C256FE77191EF43C
- 0D757AD173D2FC249CE19364FD64C8EC
- 0E032B9D51A580AC6CDFABAD8BC97A38
- 13B29964CC2480B4EF454C59562E675C
- 161CFF084477FE596A5DB81874498A24
- 162E829BE112225FEDF856E38E1C65FE
- 1C4ECC8938FB93812779077127E97662
- 209C6174DA490CAEB422F3FA5A7AE634
- 259745CB123A52AA2E693AAACCA2DB52
- 2D20D252A479F485CDF5E171D93985BF
- 2D7F1A5A61D3A96FB5159B5EEF17ADC6
- 2E4DBF83AA056289935DAEA328977B20
- 2F2D544C53B3031F24D63402EA7FB4F9
- 30FCAA8AD9A496B3E17F7FBFACC72993
- 320A78179516C385E35A93FFA0B1C4AC
- 328727B81CA05805A68EF26ACB252039
- 32ED87BDB5FDC5E9CBA88547376818D4
- 3DBDE697D71690A769204BEB12283678
- 3F9F5F112DA330AC4C20BE279C6ADDFA
- 3FA45A060BD2693AE4C05B601D05CA0C
- 4057B60B514C5402DDE3D29A1845C366
- 41630ABB825CA50DA31CE1FAC1E9F54D
- 47BF8039A8506CD67C524A03FF84BA4E
- 4ED91524CB54EAACC17A185646FB7491
- 570A9A65DB8FBA761C1008A51D4C95AB
- 579110C49145015C47ECD267657D3174
- 579DA618CFBFA85247ACF1F800A280A4
- 5835048CE94AD0564E29A924A03510EF
- 588FEB889288FB953B5F094D47D1565C
- 5AE7B89B3AFEA28D448ED31B5C704289
- 648AFF3A042261BAB4978076DE2C6B8C
- 674E48B68C5CD0EFD8F7E5FAA87B3D1E
- 6920C58D0DF184D829189C44FAFB7ECE
- 69943C5E63B4D2C104DBBCC15138B72B
- 6AA8BC1D5018300D54E51C9860FA961C
- 6D3986E540A63647454A50E26477EF94
- 6F12C0AB327E099821BD938F39FAAB0D
- 71C5391067DE41FAD6F3063162E5EEFF
- 72F5CFA80F07819CCBCFB72FEB9EB9B7
- 73F5D97549F033374FA6D9F9CE247FFD
- 7A21990FCD3D759941E45C490F143D5F
- 7B592E4F8178B4C75788531B2E747687
- 7CE21F17C0AEE7FB9CEBA532D0546AD6
- 81E5F1ADC94DD08B1A072F9C1AE3DD3F
- 85DEEEC2D12F917783B689AE94990716
- 8846F7EAEE8FB117AD06BDD830B7586C
- A4141712F19E9DD5ADF16919BB38A95C
- A80C9CC3F8439ADA25AF064A874EFE2D
- A836EF24F0A529688BE2AF1479A95411
- A87F3A337D73085C45F9416BE5787D86
- AA647B916A1FAD374DF9C30711D58A7A
- AACD12D27C87CAC8FC0B8538AED6F058
- ACB98FD0478427CD18949050C5E87B47
- AD70819C5BC807280974D80F45982011
- AF27EFB60C7B238910EFE2A7E0676A39
- AFFFEBA176210FAD4628F0524BFE1942
- B3EC3E03E2A202CBD54FD104B8504FEF
- B963C57010F218EDC2CC3C229B5E4D0F
- B9ACFD3C52ED0D6988BED8EB9AC636D6
- B9F917853E3DBF6E6831ECCE60725930
- BA07BA35933E5BF42DEA4AF8ADD09D1E
- BC007082D32777855E253FD4DEFE70EE
- BCDF115FD9BA99336C31E176EE34B304
- C1790553DBB8362FA7F16D564585B4D1
- C22B315C040AE6E0EFEE3518D830362B
- D144986C6122B1B1654BA39932465528
- D30C2EF8389AC9E8516BAACB29463B7B
- DE26CCE0356891A4A020E7C4957AFC72
- DF54DE3F3438343202C1DD523D0265BE
- E19CCF75EE54E06B06A5907AF13CEF42
- E1A692BD23BDE99B327756E59308B4F8
- E45A314C664D40A227F9540121D1A29D
- E5810F3C99AE2ABB2232ED8458A61309
- E5AE562DDFAA6B446C32764AB1EBF3ED
- E6BD4CDB1E447131B60418F31D0B81D6
- E7380AE8EF85AE55BDCEAA59E418BD06
- E84D037613721532E6B6D84D215854B6
- E8CD0E4A9E89EAB931DC5338FCBEC54A
- F1351AC828428D74F6DA2968089FC91F
- F2477A144DFF4F216AB81F2AC3E3207D
- F4BB18C1165A89248F9E853B269A8995
- F56A8399599F1BE040128B1DD9623C29
- F67F5E3F66EFD7298BE6ACD32EEEB27C
- F9E37E83B83C47A93C2F09F66408631B
- Username
- It terminates any process found to be connected to the following ports:
- 1111
- 13333
- 14433
- 14444
- 16633
- 16666
- 2222
- 3333
- 4444
- 45560
- 55335
- 5555
- 65333
- 6633
- 6666
- 7777
- 8888
- 9980
- 9999
05 May 2020
06 May 2020
Step 1
Before doing any scans, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10 users must disable System Restore to allow full scanning of their computers.
Step 2
Note that not all files, folders, and registry keys and entries are installed on your computer during this malware's/spyware's/grayware's execution. This may be due to incomplete installation or other operating system conditions. If you do not find the same files/folders/registry information, please proceed to the next step.
Step 3
Restart in Safe Mode
Step 4
Search and delete this folder
- {Removable/Network Drive name}\UTFsync
Step 5
Search and delete these files
- {Removable/Network Drive name}\Dblue3.lnk
- {Removable/Network Drive name}\Eblue3.lnk
- {Removable/Network Drive name}\Fblue3.lnk
- {Removable/Network Drive name}\Gblue3.lnk
- {Removable/Network Drive name}\Hblue3.lnk
- {Removable/Network Drive name}\Iblue3.lnk
- {Removable/Network Drive name}\Jblue3.lnk
- {Removable/Network Drive name}\Kblue3.lnk
- {Removable/Network Drive name}\Dblue6.lnk
- {Removable/Network Drive name}\Eblue6.lnk
- {Removable/Network Drive name}\Fblue6.lnk
- {Removable/Network Drive name}\Gblue6.lnk
- {Removable/Network Drive name}\Hblue6.lnk
- {Removable/Network Drive name}\Iblue6.lnk
- {Removable/Network Drive name}\Jblue6.lnk
- {Removable/Network Drive name}\Kblue6.lnk
- {Removable/Network Drive name}\readme.js
- {Removable/Network Drive name}\UTFsync\inf_data
Step 6
Restart in normal mode and scan your computer with your Trend Micro product for files detected as Worm.PS1.LEMONDUCK.YPAE-A. If the detected files have already been cleaned, deleted, or quarantined by your Trend Micro product, no further step is required. You may opt to simply delete the quarantined files. Please check this Knowledge Base page for more information.
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