Trend Micro Security
  Rule Update

23-057 (2023年12月19日)


* indicates a new version of an existing rule

Deep Packet Inspection Rules:

NFS Server
1011740* - Microsoft Windows Network File System Remote Code Execution Vulnerability (CVE-2023-24941)

Unix Samba
1011930 - Linux Kernel KSMBD NULL Pointer Dereference Vulnerability (CVE-2023-32252)

Web Server Apache
1011928 - Apache httpd 'mod_http2' Denial of Service Vulnerability (CVE-2023-43622)

Web Server HTTPS
1011931 - Adobe RoboHelp Server XML External Entity Information Disclosure Vulnerability (CVE-2023-22274)
1011914 - Dolibarr ERP And CRM Command Injection Vulnerability (CVE-2023-38886)
1011889* - SolarWinds Access Rights Manager Insecure Deserialization Vulnerability (CVE-2023-35186)

Web Server Miscellaneous
1011924 - XWiki Code Injection Vulnerability (CVE-2023-46731)

Integrity Monitoring Rules:

There are no new or updated Integrity Monitoring Rules in this Security Update.

Log Inspection Rules:

There are no new or updated Log Inspection Rules in this Security Update.