Alt-N MDaemon POP3 Server USER And APOP Commands Buffer Overflow
危険度: : 中
CVE識別番号: CVE-2006-4364
Alt-N MDaemon POP3 Server is susceptible to multiple remote buffer-overflow vulnerabilities. The issues are due to the application's failure to properly bounds-check user-supplied input before copying it to insufficiently sized memory buffers. These issues allow remote, unauthenticated attackers to execute arbitrary machine code in the context of affected servers. This may facilitate the compromise of affected computers. MDaemon versions 8 and 9 are reported to be vulnerable; previous versions may be affected as well.
Trend Micro Deep Security shields networks through Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) rules. Trend Micro customers using OfficeScan with Intrusion Defense Firewall (IDF) plugin are also protected from attacks using these vulnerabilities. Please refer to the filter number and filter name when applying appropriate DPI and/or IDF rules.
Trend Micro Deep Security DPI Rule Number: 1000751
Trend Micro Deep Security DPI Rule Name: 1000751 - Alt-N MDaemon POP3 Server User And APOP Command Buffer Overflow
- Alt-N MDaemon 2.71 SP1
- Alt-N MDaemon 2.8
- Alt-N MDaemon 2.8.5 0
- Alt-N MDaemon 3.0.3
- Alt-N MDaemon 3.0.4
- Alt-N MDaemon 3.1 Beta
- Alt-N MDaemon 3.1.1
- Alt-N MDaemon 3.1.2
- Alt-N MDaemon 3.5 .0
- Alt-N MDaemon 3.5.1
- Alt-N MDaemon 3.5.4
- Alt-N MDaemon 3.5.6
- Alt-N MDaemon 5.0.7
- Alt-N MDaemon 6.0 .0
- Alt-N MDaemon 6.0.5
- Alt-N MDaemon 6.0.6
- Alt-N MDaemon 6.0.7
- Alt-N MDaemon 6.5 .0
- Alt-N MDaemon 6.5.2
- Alt-N MDaemon 6.7.5
- Alt-N MDaemon 6.7.9
- Alt-N MDaemon 6.8 .0
- Alt-N MDaemon 6.8.1
- Alt-N MDaemon 6.8.2
- Alt-N MDaemon 6.8.3
- Alt-N MDaemon 6.8.4
- Alt-N MDaemon 6.8.5