Rule Update
21-044 (2021年10月5日)
* indicates a new version of an existing rule
Deep Packet Inspection Rules:
Azure Open Management Infrastructure Tool
1011147* - Open Management Infrastructure Remote Code Execution Vulnerability (CVE-2021-38647)
DCERPC Services
1010164* - Identified Possible Ransomware File Extension Create Activity Over Network Share (ATT&CK T1486, T1080)
DCERPC Services - Client
1010585* - Identified Possible Ransomware File Extension Create Activity Over Network Share - Client (ATT&CK AT1486, T1080)
Directory Server LDAP
1011008* - OpenLDAP Integer Underflow Vulnerability (CVE-2020-36221)
Trend Micro ServerProtect EarthAgent
1011157* - Trend Micro ServerProtect Authentication Bypass Vulnerability (CVE-2021-36745)
Web Application Common
1011155* - FlatCore CMS Remote Code Execution Vulnerability (CVE-2021-39608)
1011103* - PHPUnit Remote Code Execution Vulnerability (CVE-2017-9841)
1010942* - WordPress XML External Entity Injection Vulnerability (CVE-2021-29447)
Web Application PHP Based
1011143 - WordPress 'ProfilePress' Plugin Privilege Escalation Vulnerability (CVE-2021-34621)
Web Client Common
1011129* - Adobe Acrobat And Reader Multiple Security Vulnerabilities (APSB21-55) - 1
1011127* - Adobe Acrobat And Reader Multiple Security Vulnerabilities (APSB21-55) - 2
Web Server HTTPS
1011156* - Centreon 'componentTemplates.php' SQL Injection Vulnerability
1011161 - Centreon 'graph-split.php' SQL Injection Vulnerability
1011158* - Detected VMware vCenter Server Analytics Service Access
1011166 - GitLab Stored Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerability (CVE-2021-22242)
1011167 - VMware vCenter Server File Upload Vulnerability (CVE-2021-22005)
1011120* - WebSVN Command Injection Vulnerability (CVE-2021-32305)
1011165 - WordPress 'Woo-Order-Export-Lite' Plugin Reflected Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerability (CVE-2021-24169)
Web Server Miscellaneous
1011153* - FasterXML jackson-databind Malicious JSON Objects Multiple Remote Code Execution Vulnerabilities
1011163 - Spring Boot Actuator Directory Traversal Vulnerability (CVE-2021-21234)
Web Server Nagios
1011164 - Nagios XI Stored Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerability (CVE-2021-38156)
Web Server Oracle
1011086* - Oracle Business Intelligence 'Scheduler' Remote Code Execution Vulnerability (CVE-2021-2391)
1011084* - Oracle Business Intelligence 'UpdateConnectionServlet' Remote Code Execution Vulnerability (CVE-2021-2396)
1011096* - Oracle WebLogic Server Remote Code Execution Vulnerability (CVE-2021-2394)
Web Server SharePoint
1011123* - Microsoft SharePoint WorkflowCompilerInternal Remote Code Execution Vulnerability (CVE-2021-26420)
Web Server Squid
1011159 - Squid HTTP Request Smuggling Vulnerability (CVE-2019-18678)
Zoho ManageEngine
1011162 - Zoho ManageEngine OpManager 'GetDataCollectionFailureReason' SQL Injection Vulnerability (CVE-2021-40493)
Integrity Monitoring Rules:
1005193* - Linux/Unix - File attributes modified (ATT&CK T1070.002, T1222.002)
1011116* - Linux/Unix - Kernel modules loading configuration modified (ATT&CK T1547.006)
1010798* - Linux/Unix - Local user and group files modified (ATT&CK T1136.001, T1531)
1010422* - Linux/Unix - SCP process detected (ATT&CK T1048.001, T1105)
1011070* - Linux/Unix - SSH authorized_keys file modified - non-root users (ATT&CK T1021.004, T1098.004, T1563.001)
1011068* - Linux/Unix - SSH authorized_keys file modified - root user (ATT&CK T1021.004, T1098.004, T1563.001)
1011069* - Linux/Unix - SSH authorized_keys file modified - systemwide (ATT&CK T1021.004, T1098.004, T1563.001)
1011111* - Linux/Unix - Users and Groups - Create and Delete Activity (ATT&CK T1136)
1010825* - Linux/Unix - adduser, useradd and deluser configuration files modified (ATT&CK T1136.001, T1531)
1010808* - Linux/Unix - bash configuration files modified (ATT&CK T1059.004, T1546.004)
1010827* - Linux/Unix - csh/tcsh configuration files modified (ATT&CK T1059.004, T1546.004)
1010828* - Linux/Unix - zsh configuration files modified (ATT&CK T1059.004, T1546.004)
1009626* - Microsoft Windows - Accessibility features registry keys or files modified (ATT&CK T1546.008, T1546.012)
1011151* - Microsoft Windows - Active directory registry keys modified (ATT&CK T1112)
1005195* - Microsoft Windows - Attributes of log file modified (ATT&CK T1070, T1222.001)
1002781* - Microsoft Windows - Attributes of services modified (ATT&CK T1036.004, T1543.003)
1002767* - Microsoft Windows - Attributes of system32 directory modified (ATT&CK T1222)
1011144* - Microsoft Windows - AutoRun registries modified (ATT&CK T1547.001)
1011146* - Microsoft Windows - Autostart execution registries modified (ATT&CK T1547.001)
1011145* - Microsoft Windows - Boot or Logon Autostart Execution registries modified (ATT&CK T1547.004, T1547.014)
1003367* - Microsoft Windows - DHCP server files directory and service modified (ATT&CK T1036.003, T1222.001)
1002869* - Microsoft Windows - DNS Server (ATT&CK T1554, T1584.002)
1011148* - Microsoft Windows - Files in appdata startup folder modified (ATT&CK T1547.001)
1011149* - Microsoft Windows - Files in programdata startup folder modified (ATT&CK T1547.001)
1011150* - Microsoft Windows - Files in start menu directory modified (ATT&CK T1547.001)
1002780* - Microsoft Windows - Installed software attributes modified (ATT&CK T1195.002, T1554)
1002786* - Microsoft Windows - Microsoft hotfixes registry keys modified (ATT&CK T1112)
1011142* - Microsoft Windows - Network services registries modified (ATT&CK T1547.001, T1574.001)
1011071* - Microsoft Windows - OpenSSH registry keys modified (ATT&CK T1021.004, T1112)
1011092* - Microsoft Windows - OpenSSH server configuration file modified (ATT&CK T1021.004)
1002787* - Microsoft Windows - Registry values of event log modified (ATT&CK T1070.001, T1562.002)
1002776* - Microsoft Windows - Startup Programs Modified (ATT&CK T1060, T1112)
1002778* - Microsoft Windows - System .dll or .exe files modified (ATT&CK T1036.003, T1222.001)
1008257* - Microsoft Windows - USB storage device detected (ATT&CK T1052.001, T1092)
1008720* - Microsoft Windows - Users and Groups - Create and Delete Activity (ATT&CK T1136)
1011141* - Microsoft Windows - Windows file protection registry modified (ATT&CK T1112, T1546.008)
1007221* - TMTR-0026: Suspicious Files Detected In Program Files Folder
Log Inspection Rules:
There are no new or updated Log Inspection Rules in this Security Update.
Deep Packet Inspection Rules:
Azure Open Management Infrastructure Tool
1011147* - Open Management Infrastructure Remote Code Execution Vulnerability (CVE-2021-38647)
DCERPC Services
1010164* - Identified Possible Ransomware File Extension Create Activity Over Network Share (ATT&CK T1486, T1080)
DCERPC Services - Client
1010585* - Identified Possible Ransomware File Extension Create Activity Over Network Share - Client (ATT&CK AT1486, T1080)
Directory Server LDAP
1011008* - OpenLDAP Integer Underflow Vulnerability (CVE-2020-36221)
Trend Micro ServerProtect EarthAgent
1011157* - Trend Micro ServerProtect Authentication Bypass Vulnerability (CVE-2021-36745)
Web Application Common
1011155* - FlatCore CMS Remote Code Execution Vulnerability (CVE-2021-39608)
1011103* - PHPUnit Remote Code Execution Vulnerability (CVE-2017-9841)
1010942* - WordPress XML External Entity Injection Vulnerability (CVE-2021-29447)
Web Application PHP Based
1011143 - WordPress 'ProfilePress' Plugin Privilege Escalation Vulnerability (CVE-2021-34621)
Web Client Common
1011129* - Adobe Acrobat And Reader Multiple Security Vulnerabilities (APSB21-55) - 1
1011127* - Adobe Acrobat And Reader Multiple Security Vulnerabilities (APSB21-55) - 2
Web Server HTTPS
1011156* - Centreon 'componentTemplates.php' SQL Injection Vulnerability
1011161 - Centreon 'graph-split.php' SQL Injection Vulnerability
1011158* - Detected VMware vCenter Server Analytics Service Access
1011166 - GitLab Stored Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerability (CVE-2021-22242)
1011167 - VMware vCenter Server File Upload Vulnerability (CVE-2021-22005)
1011120* - WebSVN Command Injection Vulnerability (CVE-2021-32305)
1011165 - WordPress 'Woo-Order-Export-Lite' Plugin Reflected Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerability (CVE-2021-24169)
Web Server Miscellaneous
1011153* - FasterXML jackson-databind Malicious JSON Objects Multiple Remote Code Execution Vulnerabilities
1011163 - Spring Boot Actuator Directory Traversal Vulnerability (CVE-2021-21234)
Web Server Nagios
1011164 - Nagios XI Stored Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerability (CVE-2021-38156)
Web Server Oracle
1011086* - Oracle Business Intelligence 'Scheduler' Remote Code Execution Vulnerability (CVE-2021-2391)
1011084* - Oracle Business Intelligence 'UpdateConnectionServlet' Remote Code Execution Vulnerability (CVE-2021-2396)
1011096* - Oracle WebLogic Server Remote Code Execution Vulnerability (CVE-2021-2394)
Web Server SharePoint
1011123* - Microsoft SharePoint WorkflowCompilerInternal Remote Code Execution Vulnerability (CVE-2021-26420)
Web Server Squid
1011159 - Squid HTTP Request Smuggling Vulnerability (CVE-2019-18678)
Zoho ManageEngine
1011162 - Zoho ManageEngine OpManager 'GetDataCollectionFailureReason' SQL Injection Vulnerability (CVE-2021-40493)
Integrity Monitoring Rules:
1005193* - Linux/Unix - File attributes modified (ATT&CK T1070.002, T1222.002)
1011116* - Linux/Unix - Kernel modules loading configuration modified (ATT&CK T1547.006)
1010798* - Linux/Unix - Local user and group files modified (ATT&CK T1136.001, T1531)
1010422* - Linux/Unix - SCP process detected (ATT&CK T1048.001, T1105)
1011070* - Linux/Unix - SSH authorized_keys file modified - non-root users (ATT&CK T1021.004, T1098.004, T1563.001)
1011068* - Linux/Unix - SSH authorized_keys file modified - root user (ATT&CK T1021.004, T1098.004, T1563.001)
1011069* - Linux/Unix - SSH authorized_keys file modified - systemwide (ATT&CK T1021.004, T1098.004, T1563.001)
1011111* - Linux/Unix - Users and Groups - Create and Delete Activity (ATT&CK T1136)
1010825* - Linux/Unix - adduser, useradd and deluser configuration files modified (ATT&CK T1136.001, T1531)
1010808* - Linux/Unix - bash configuration files modified (ATT&CK T1059.004, T1546.004)
1010827* - Linux/Unix - csh/tcsh configuration files modified (ATT&CK T1059.004, T1546.004)
1010828* - Linux/Unix - zsh configuration files modified (ATT&CK T1059.004, T1546.004)
1009626* - Microsoft Windows - Accessibility features registry keys or files modified (ATT&CK T1546.008, T1546.012)
1011151* - Microsoft Windows - Active directory registry keys modified (ATT&CK T1112)
1005195* - Microsoft Windows - Attributes of log file modified (ATT&CK T1070, T1222.001)
1002781* - Microsoft Windows - Attributes of services modified (ATT&CK T1036.004, T1543.003)
1002767* - Microsoft Windows - Attributes of system32 directory modified (ATT&CK T1222)
1011144* - Microsoft Windows - AutoRun registries modified (ATT&CK T1547.001)
1011146* - Microsoft Windows - Autostart execution registries modified (ATT&CK T1547.001)
1011145* - Microsoft Windows - Boot or Logon Autostart Execution registries modified (ATT&CK T1547.004, T1547.014)
1003367* - Microsoft Windows - DHCP server files directory and service modified (ATT&CK T1036.003, T1222.001)
1002869* - Microsoft Windows - DNS Server (ATT&CK T1554, T1584.002)
1011148* - Microsoft Windows - Files in appdata startup folder modified (ATT&CK T1547.001)
1011149* - Microsoft Windows - Files in programdata startup folder modified (ATT&CK T1547.001)
1011150* - Microsoft Windows - Files in start menu directory modified (ATT&CK T1547.001)
1002780* - Microsoft Windows - Installed software attributes modified (ATT&CK T1195.002, T1554)
1002786* - Microsoft Windows - Microsoft hotfixes registry keys modified (ATT&CK T1112)
1011142* - Microsoft Windows - Network services registries modified (ATT&CK T1547.001, T1574.001)
1011071* - Microsoft Windows - OpenSSH registry keys modified (ATT&CK T1021.004, T1112)
1011092* - Microsoft Windows - OpenSSH server configuration file modified (ATT&CK T1021.004)
1002787* - Microsoft Windows - Registry values of event log modified (ATT&CK T1070.001, T1562.002)
1002776* - Microsoft Windows - Startup Programs Modified (ATT&CK T1060, T1112)
1002778* - Microsoft Windows - System .dll or .exe files modified (ATT&CK T1036.003, T1222.001)
1008257* - Microsoft Windows - USB storage device detected (ATT&CK T1052.001, T1092)
1008720* - Microsoft Windows - Users and Groups - Create and Delete Activity (ATT&CK T1136)
1011141* - Microsoft Windows - Windows file protection registry modified (ATT&CK T1112, T1546.008)
1007221* - TMTR-0026: Suspicious Files Detected In Program Files Folder
Log Inspection Rules:
There are no new or updated Log Inspection Rules in this Security Update.