Rule Update
18-045 (2018年8月21日)
* indicates a new version of an existing rule
Deep Packet Inspection Rules:
Database MySQL
1005045* - MySQL Database Server Possible Login Brute Force Attempt
Web Application PHP Based
1006432* - WordPress Slider Revolution Responsive/Showbiz Pro Responsive Teaser Multiple Security Bypass Vulnerabilities (CVE-2014-9735)
Web Client Common
1009259 - Adobe Acrobat And Reader Multiple Security Vulnerabilities (APSB18-29)
1009260 - Adobe Flash Player Multiple Security Vulnerabilities (APSB18-25)
1009218* - Microsoft Windows VBScript Engine Use-After-Free Vulnerability (CVE-2018-8373)
Integrity Monitoring Rules:
1003374* - Application - PHP
Log Inspection Rules:
There are no new or updated Log Inspection Rules in this Security Update.
Deep Packet Inspection Rules:
Database MySQL
1005045* - MySQL Database Server Possible Login Brute Force Attempt
Web Application PHP Based
1006432* - WordPress Slider Revolution Responsive/Showbiz Pro Responsive Teaser Multiple Security Bypass Vulnerabilities (CVE-2014-9735)
Web Client Common
1009259 - Adobe Acrobat And Reader Multiple Security Vulnerabilities (APSB18-29)
1009260 - Adobe Flash Player Multiple Security Vulnerabilities (APSB18-25)
1009218* - Microsoft Windows VBScript Engine Use-After-Free Vulnerability (CVE-2018-8373)
Integrity Monitoring Rules:
1003374* - Application - PHP
Log Inspection Rules:
There are no new or updated Log Inspection Rules in this Security Update.