Macrovision InstallShield InstallScript One-Click Install Untrusted Library Loading Vulnerability
危険度: : 緊急
CVE識別番号: CVE-2007-5661
The Macrovision InstallShield InstallScript One-Click Install (OCI) ActiveX control 12.0 before SP2 does not validate the DLL files that are named as parameters to the control, which allows remote attackers to download arbitrary library code onto a client machine.
Trend Micro Deep Security shields networks through Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) rules. Trend Micro customers using OfficeScan with Intrusion Defense Firewall (IDF) plugin are also protected from attacks using these vulnerabilities. Please refer to the filter number and filter name when applying appropriate DPI and/or IDF rules.
Trend Micro Deep Security DPI Rule Number: 1002363
Trend Micro Deep Security DPI Rule Name: 1002363 - Microsoft Internet Explorer Macrovision InstallShield InstallScript One-Click Install ActiveX Control Code Execution Vulnerability
- Macrovision InstallShield 12_premier
- Macrovision InstallShield 12_professional