Trend Micro Security

2011 年 5 月:マイクロソフト 定例セキュリティ更新プログラム情報

  危険度: :
  情報公開日: 5 10, 2011


Microsoft addresses the following vulnerabilities in its May batch of patches:

  • (MS11-035) Vulnerability in WINS Could Allow Remote Code Execution (2524426)
    Risk Rating: Critical

    This security update addresses a privately reported vulnerability in the Windows Internet Name Service (WINS). If successfully exploited, this could allow a remote malicious user to execute arbitrary code onto an affected user's system. Since WINS is not pre-installed on any affected operating system by default, only systems manually installed with WINS are affected by this issue. Read more here.

  • (MS11-036) Vulnerabilities in Microsoft PowerPoint Could Allow Remote Code Execution (2545814)
    Risk Rating: Important

    This bulletin resolves two privately reported vulnerabilities in Microsoft PowerPoint, which may lead to remote code execution if successfully exploited using a specially crafted PowerPoint file. An attacker could also gain the same user rights as the logged-on user. Users with fewer rights are less impacted compared to those with administrative rights. Installing and configuring Office File Validation (OFV) to prevent the opening of suspicious files can also block attack vectors exploiting these vulnerabilities. Read more here.


トレンドマイクロのサーバ向け総合セキュリティ製品「Trend Micro Deep Security(トレンドマイクロ ディープセキュリティ)」は、特定のフィルタを用いて以下の脆弱性から保護します。また、「Trend Micro 脆弱性対策オプション(ウイルスバスター コーポレートエディション プラグイン製品)」をご利用のユーザも、これらの脆弱性から保護されます。

Microsoft セキュリティ情報 ID CVE識別番号 フィルタ番号およびフィルタ名 Deep Security パターンバージョン Deep Security パターンリリース日
MS11-035 CVE-2011-1248 1002795 - Microsoft Windows Events 11-015 2011年5月10日
 MS11-036 CVE-2011-1269 1004661 - Microsoft PowerPoint Remote Code Execution Vulnerability 11-015 2011年5月10日
  CVE-2011-1270 1004662 - Microsoft PowerPoint Buffer Overrun RCE Vulnerability 11-015 2011年5月10日