Trend Micro Security


 解析者: Raighen Sanchez   


VHO:HackTool.Win32.Chisel.gen (KASPERSKY)




  • マルウェアタイプ: ハッキングツール
  • 破壊活動の有無: なし
  • 暗号化:  
  • 感染報告の有無: はい


感染経路 他のマルウェアからの作成, インターネットからのダウンロード



ファイルサイズ 2,338,304 bytes
タイプ EXE
ファイル圧縮 UPX
発見日 2024年3月22日





  • server → runs chisel in server mode
  • client → runs chisel in client mode



  • It accepts input in the following format:
    • For "server" → chisel server {optional parameters}
    • For "client" → chisel client {optional parameters} {server} {remote addresses}
  • Accepts the following optional parameters if "server" is the command:
    • --host, Defines the HTTP listening host – the network interface (defaults the environment variable HOST and falls back to
    • --port, -p, Defines the HTTP listening port (defaults to the environment variable PORT and fallsback to port 8080).
    • --key, An optional string to seed the generation of a ECDSA public and private key pair. All communications will be secured using this key pair. Share the subsequent fingerprint with clients to enable detection of man-in-the-middle attacks (defaults to the CHISEL_KEY environment variable, otherwise a new key is generate each run).
    • --authfile, An optional path to a users.json file. This file should be an object with users defined like: {"": ["",""]} when connects, their will be verified and then each of the remote addresses will be compared against the list of address regular expressions for a match. Addresses will always come in the form ":" for normal remotes and "R::" for reverse port forwarding remotes. This file will be automatically reloaded on change.
    • --auth, An optional string representing a single user with full access, in the form of . This is equivalent to creating an authfile with {"": [""]}.
    • --proxy, Specifies another HTTP server to proxy requests to when chisel receives a normal HTTP request. Useful for hiding chisel in plain sight.
    • --socks5, Allow clients to access the internal SOCKS5 proxy. See chisel client --help for more information.
    • --reverse, Allow clients to specify reverse port forwarding remotes in addition to normal remotes.
    • --pid Generate pid file in current working directory
    • -v, Enable verbose logging
    • --help, This help text
  • Accepts the following optional parameters if "client" is the command:
    • --fingerprint, A *strongly recommended* fingerprint string to perform host-key validation against the server's public key. You may provide just a prefix of the key or the entire string. Fingerprint mismatches will close the connection.
    • --auth, An optional username and password (client authentication) in the form: ":". These credentials are compared to the credentials inside the server's --authfile. defaults to the AUTH environment variable.
    • --keepalive, An optional keepalive interval. Since the underlying transport is HTTP, in many instances we'll be traversing through proxies, often these proxies will close idle connections. You must specify a time with a unit, for example '30s' or '2m'. Defaults to '0s' (disabled).
    • --max-retry-count, Maximum number of times to retry before exiting. Defaults to unlimited.
    • --max-retry-interval, Maximum wait time before retrying after a disconnection. Defaults to 5 minutes.
    • --proxy, An optional HTTP CONNECT or SOCKS5 proxy which will be used to reach the chisel server. Authentication can be specified inside the URL.
    • --header, Set a custom header in the form "HeaderName: HeaderContent". Can be used multiple times. (e.g --header "Foo: Bar" --header "Hello: World")
    • --hostname, Optionally set the 'Host' header (defaults to the host found in the server url).
    • --pid Generate pid file in current working directory
    • -v, Enable verbose logging
    • --help, This help text
  • It can be used to bypass through a firewall.


対応検索エンジン: 9.800
SSAPI パターンバージョン: 2.713.00
SSAPI パターンリリース日: 2024年3月25日

手順 1


    •  Troj.Win32.TRX.XXPE50FFF079

手順 2

Windows 7、Windows 8、Windows 8.1、および Windows 10 のユーザは、コンピュータからマルウェアもしくはアドウェア等を完全に削除するために、ウイルス検索の実行前には必ず「システムの復元」を無効にしてください。

手順 3

最新のバージョン(エンジン、パターンファイル)を導入したウイルス対策製品を用い、ウイルス検索を実行してください。「HackTool.Win32.Chisel.C」と検出したファイルはすべて削除してください。 検出されたファイルが、弊社ウイルス対策製品により既に駆除、隔離またはファイル削除の処理が実行された場合、ウイルスの処理は完了しており、他の削除手順は特にありません。

ご利用はいかがでしたか? アンケートにご協力ください