Israeli researchers released a paper that details how a Stagefright vulnerability can be reliably exploited to hijack Android devices—including those with ASLR
Top news sites, entertainment portals, and political commentary sites were affected by a massive malvertising campaign related to the Angler Exploit Kit.
2015 laid the groundwork for what we can now consider the new status quo in cybersecurity. Will current security strategies hold against this existing paradigm or will organizations need to consider a change?
A new HTTPS vulnerability, dubbed DROWN, has been discovered, reportedly affecting approximately 33% of all HTTPS-using domains that include websites, mail servers and TLS-dependent services.
Security researchers discovered that the Nissan’s car mobile app can be used to remotely hack any Nissan Leaf car’s features from halfway around the world.
Another smart toy vulnerability? Boston-based researchers found a flaw in a Fisher-Price smart toy that exposes sensitive user data, including a child’s name, birthdate, and gender.
A San Diego-based researcher discovered a flaw in a smart car’s operating system that allows it to be carjacked by playing a spiked .WMA track on its CD player.
Oracle’s much-abused Java browser plugin is finally en route to its final resting place. According to Oracle, the plugin will be deprecated in the next release of Java version 9—which is currently available in an early beta stage.
The cost of using an outdated version of Wordpress? The Brazilian government website Prefeitura Municipal de Esperança was reportedly compromised for the third time in two months.