Keyword: ms
3244 Total Search   |   Showing Results : 701 - 720
Internet Account Manager MS Outlook Outlook Express MS Outlook 2002/2003/2007/2010 Google Desktop Google Talk MSN Messenger Windows Mail Windows Live Mail Yahoo! Mail Group Mail Free IncrediMail Gmail
software: SecureFX FTPRush UltraFXP ALFTP FTP Commander FTP Navigator TurboFTP SmartFTP ws_ftp FileZilla far far2 Ghisler CoreFTP CoffeeCup GlobalScape MS IE FTP It attempts to steal stored email credentials
customers using OfficeScan with Intrusion Defense Firewall (IDF) plugin are also protected from attacks using these vulnerabilities. MS Bulletin ID Vulnerability ID DPI Rule Number DPI Rule Name Release Date
FileZilla FTP Commander JDownloder v2.0 Steam Attempts to get stored credential from the following: Eudora MS Outlook Google Desktop Windows Mail Windows Live Mail Incredimail Gmail Hotmail/MSN Yahoo! Mail
username and password from the following: Microsoft FTP FileZilla FTP Commander JDownloder v2.0 Steam Attempts to get stored credential from the following: Eudora MS Outlook Google Desktop Windows Mail
plugin are also protected from attacks using these vulnerabilities. MS Bulletin ID Vulnerability ID DPI Rule Number DPI Rule Name Release Date IDF Compatibility MS13-047 CVE-2013-3110 1005532 Internet
Internet Account Manager MS Outlook Outlook Express Group Mail Free IncrediMail Windows Mail Windows Live Mail Yahoo! Mail Gmail Facebook It attempts to get stored information such as user names, passwords,
folder to enable its automatic execution at every system startup: %Start Menu%\Programs\Startup\MS office.lnk (Note: %Start Menu% is the current user's Start Menu folder, which is usually C:\Windows\Start
Trojan adds the following registry entries to enable its automatic execution at every system startup: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\ Windows\CurrentVersion\Run MS = "{Malware Path}\{Malware
\Local\Temp on Windows Vista and 7.) NOTES: It steals passwords stored related to the following: MS Outlook Internet Explorer Downloaded from the Internet, Dropped by other malware Connects to URLs/IPs,
} It does the following: Terminate a process Disable task manager, regedit, command prompt, run, control panel, system restore, folder options, MS config Display fake error message Uninstall self from
CVE-2000-0778 cve: IIS 5.0 allows remote attackers to obtain source code for .ASP files and other scripts via an HTTP GET request with a "Translate: f" header, aka the "Specialized Header
IP address External IP address Installed Anti-virus Installed Firewall It attempts to steal stored email credentials from the following: IncrediMail Eudora Group Mail Free MS Outlook MS Outlook
CuteFTP 7 Professional GlobalSCAPE CuteFTP 8 Home GlobalSCAPE CuteFTP 8 Professional GoFTP Ipswitch WS_FTP LeapWare LeapFTP LeechFTP LinasFTP MAS-Soft FTPInfo MS IE FTP Passwords NCH Software ClassicFTP
modifies the following file(s): database files web files MS Office files video images script files text files other non-binary files It adds the following registry keys: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\{UID}
Internet Download Manager jDownloader It attempts to steal stored email credentials from the following: Thunderbird Eudora Outlook Express MS Outlook 2002/2003/2007/2010 Google Desktop Google Talk MSN
LinasFTP MAS-Soft FTPInfo MS IE FTP Passwords NCH Software ClassicFTP NovaFTP Robo-FTP 3.7 SmartFTP FTPClient Staff-FTP TurboFTP WS_FTP WinFTP It gathers the following account information from any
from attacks using these vulnerabilities. MS Bulletin ID Vulnerability ID DPI Rule Number DPI Rule Name Release Date IDF Compatibility CVE-2012-4792 1005297 Microsoft Internet Explorer CDwnBindInfo
with Intrusion Defense Firewall (IDF) plugin are also protected from attacks using these vulnerabilities. MS Bulletin ID Vulnerability ID DPI Rule Number DPI Rule Name Release Date IDF Compatibility
Talk Pidgin Messenger Paltalk Messenger Miranda Messenger Windows Credential Manager It attempts to steal stored email credentials from the following: Mozilla Thunderbird MS Outlook Windows Live Mail