Keyword: irc generic
}.23.98/loader2.php?l=0409&adv=23 This report is generated via an automated analysis system. TrojanDownloader:Win32/Small (Microsoft); Generic Downloader.h (McAfee); Downloader (Symantec);
(Microsoft); Generic Downloader.c (McAfee); Suspicious.Graybird.1 (Symantec); Trojan-Downloader.Win32.Small.dwu (Kaspersky); Trojan-Downloader.Gen (Sunbelt); Trojan.Downloader.Agent.BBG (FSecure)
} This report is generated via an automated analysis system. TrojanDownloader:Win32/Complan.gen (Microsoft); Generic Downloader.q (McAfee); Downloader (Symantec); PAK:UPX,
}5.153.212/htqqahr.gif http://{BLOCKED}9.241.2/htqqahr.gif This report is generated via an automated analysis system. TrojanDownloader:Win32/Rustock.A (Microsoft); Generic Downloader.x!bpu (McAfee); Downloader (Symantec);
{BLOCKED} http://serven66card.{BLOCKED} This report is generated via an automated analysis system. TrojanDownloader:Win32/VB (Microsoft); Generic Downloader.b (McAfee
Generic Downloader.x!fyq (McAfee); Trojan.Gen (Symantec); PAK:UPX, Trojan-Downloader.Win32.Genome.ciya (Kaspersky); Trojan.Win32.Generic.pak!cobra (Sunbelt); Trojan.Generic.KD.243404 (FSecure)
}{random path} This report is generated via an automated analysis system. Trojan:Win32/Vundo.gen!CD (Microsoft); Generic (McAfee); Trojan.Gen (Symantec); PAK:UPX (Kaspersky);
}.189.124:443/xyefw.php?id=0068551161679F11EB This report is generated via an automated analysis system. TrojanDownloader:Win32/Buzus.H (Microsoft); Generic BackDoor.rv (McAfee); Trojan Horse (Symantec);
}{random path} This report is generated via an automated analysis system. TrojanDownloader:Win32/Ponmocup.A (Microsoft); Generic (McAfee); Trojan.Gen (Symantec); Trojan.Win32.Pirminay.oxv
\Software\Microsoft\ Windows Script\Settings This report is generated via an automated analysis system. Trojan:Win32/Bumat!rts (Microsoft); Generic Downloader.x!ffo (McAfee); Downloader (Symantec);
executed copy of itself This report is generated via an automated analysis system. TrojanDownloader:Win32/Small (Microsoft); Generic Downloader.x!fqi (McAfee); Downloader (Symantec);
{BLOCKED} This report is generated via an automated analysis system. TrojanDownloader:Win32/Tearspear (Microsoft); Generic (McAfee); Downloader (Symantec);
Generic PWS.y!1sm (McAfee); Trojan.Win32.Generic!BT (Sunbelt)
the Windows folder, which is usually C:\Windows or C:\WINNT.) This report is generated via an automated analysis system. Generic Downloader.s (McAfee); Backdoor.Trojan (Symantec);
is generated via an automated analysis system. Trojan:Win32/Imsproad.A (Microsoft); Generic VB.b (McAfee); Trojan Horse (Symantec); Trojan-Spy.Win32.Agent.cbtu, Trojan-Spy.Win32.Agent.cbtu (Kaspersky);
}{random characters} This report is generated via an automated analysis system. TrojanDownloader:Win32/Agent.AFO (Microsoft); Generic Downloader.ks (McAfee); Downloader.Trojan (Symantec);
Generic PWS.y!1pb (McAfee); Trojan.Sasfis (Symantec); Trojan.Win32.Generic.pak!cobra (Sunbelt)
}{random characters} This report is generated via an automated analysis system. VirTool:Win32/VBInject (Microsoft); Generic BackDoor!1fc (McAfee); Backdoor.Trojan (Symantec);
Root% is the root folder, which is usually C:\. It is also where the operating system is located.) This report is generated via an automated analysis system. Trojan:Win32/EyeStye.N (Microsoft); Generic
backdoor deletes itself after execution. This report is generated via an automated analysis system. Backdoor:Win32/Simda.A (Microsoft); Generic BackDoor.aep (McAfee)