Keyword: irc generic
Description Name: Executable file sent from/to non-standard port - IRC (Request) . This is Trend Micro detection for packets passing through IRC network protocols that manifests unusual behavior which can be a potential intrusion. Below are some indi...
\Shell\ open\ddeexec\Topic HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Classes\ irc HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Classes\ irc\DefaultIcon HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Classes\ irc\Shell\open\ command HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
\Classes\ irc HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Classes\ irc\DefaultIcon HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Classes\ irc\Shell\open\ command HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Classes\ irc\Shell\open\ ddeexec HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
Description Name: Data-stealing malware - C&C channel - IRC (Request) . This is Trend Micro detection for packets passing through IRC network protocols that can be used as Command and Control Communication. This also indicates a malware infection. Be...
Description Name: BOTNICK IRC Request - Class 1 . This is Trend Micro detection for packets passing through IRC network protocols that can be used as Command and Control Communication. This also indicates a malware infection. Below are some indicator...
Description Name: Bot command - IRC (Response) . This is Trend Micro detection for packets passing through IRC network protocols that can be used as Command and Control Communication. This also indicates a malware infection. Below are some indicators...
Description Name: IRCBOT - IRC (Request) . This is Trend Micro detection for packets passing through IRC network protocols that can be used as Command and Control Communication. This also indicates a malware infection. Below are some indicators of an...
Description Name: IRCBOT - IRC . This is Trend Micro detection for packets passing through IRC network protocols that can be used as Command and Control Communication. This also indicates a malware infection. Below are some indicators of an infected ...
Description Name: BASSBOT IRC Connection . This is Trend Micro detection for packets passing through IRC network protocols that can be used as Command and Control Communication. This also indicates a malware infection. Below are some indicators of an...
Description Name: IRCBOT IRC Connection - Class 3 . This is Trend Micro detection for packets passing through IRC network protocols that can be used as Command and Control Communication. This also indicates a malware infection. Below are some indicat...
Description Name: VBINJECT - IRC . This is Trend Micro detection for packets passing through IRC network protocols that can be used as Command and Control Communication. This also indicates a malware infection. Below are some indicators of an infecte...
Description Name: IRCBOT - Nickname - IRC - Variant 3 . This is Trend Micro detection for packets passing through IRC network protocols that can be used as Command and Control Communication. This also indicates a malware infection. Below are some ind...
Description Name: SHELLBOT - IRC (Request) . This is Trend Micro detection for packets passing through IRC network protocols that can be used as Command and Control Communication. This also indicates a malware infection. Below are some indicators of ...
Description Name: DORKBOT IRC Request - Class 1 . This is Trend Micro detection for packets passing through IRC network protocols that can be used as Command and Control Communication. This also indicates a malware infection. Below are some indicator...
propagate across networks: Vulnerability in Server Service Could Allow Remote Code Execution (958644) NOTES: This malware connects to a remote IRC server, once connected, it joins an IRC channel where it
any of the following IRC server(s): {BLOCKED}.{BLOCKED}.144.140:6667 {BLOCKED}.{BLOCKED}.146.114:6660 It joins any of the following IRC channel(s): #puteri #pbot It executes the following commands from
This hacking tool does the following: It is an open-source program that allows a user to configure a bot to perform routines. It is capable of connecting to an IRC server, and sending or receiving input
http://www.{BLOCKED} Backdoor Routine This backdoor connects to any of the following IRC server(s): x.{BLOCKED} It joins any of the following Internet Relay Chat (IRC) channels:
unknowingly by users when visiting malicious sites. Backdoor Routine This backdoor connects to any of the following IRC server(s): x.{BLOCKED} It joins any of the following Internet Relay Chat (IRC
This is an AndroidOS malware with backdoor capabilities. It drops a file that creates an IRC connection where it receives commands, thus compromising the affected system's security for the user. It