Keyword: irc generic
30597 Total Search   |   Showing Results : 3441 - 3460
the following registry keys: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\DC3_FEXEC This report is generated via an automated analysis system. Backdoor:Win32/Fynloski.A (Microsoft); Generic BackDoor!dvp (McAfee);
is generated via an automated analysis system. VirTool:Win32/DelfInject (Microsoft); Generic Downloader.nh (McAfee); Trojan.Gen (Symantec); Trojan.Win32.Buzus.kysh (Kaspersky); Gen:Variant.Barys.1096
an automated analysis system. Backdoor:Win32/Simda.gen!B (Microsoft); Generic (McAfee); Backdoor.Trojan (Symantec); Trojan.Win32.Generic!BT (Sunbelt); Gen:Variant.Zusy.2401 (FSecure)
Trojan:Win32/Danmec.L (Microsoft); Generic Dropper.adh (McAfee); Trojan.Gen (Symantec); (Kaspersky); Trojan.Win32.Generic!BT (Sunbelt); Trojan.Generic.KD.500348 (FSecure)
keys: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\DC3_FEXEC This report is generated via an automated analysis system. VirTool:Win32/DelfInject.gen!BI (Microsoft); Generic BackDoor.xa (McAfee); Backdoor.Krademok (Symantec
is the Windows folder, which is usually C:\Windows or C:\WINNT.) Other Details This Trojan deletes itself after execution. This report is generated via an automated analysis system. Generic Dropper.abs
Trojan:Win32/Danmec.L (Microsoft); Generic Packed.m (McAfee); Trojan.Asprox (Symantec); PAK:UPX (Kaspersky); Trojan.Win32.Kryptik.wgn (v) (Sunbelt); Trojan.Generic.7044336 (FSecure)
report is generated via an automated analysis system. Trojan:Win32/Redosdru.E (Microsoft); Generic BackDoor!d2l (McAfee); Backdoor.Trojan (Symantec); PAK:UPX, ARC:BatToExe, [woti.dat
malicious URL: http://{BLOCKED} This report is generated via an automated analysis system. PWS:Win32/Zbot.PK (Microsoft); Generic Dropper.oc (McAfee); Trojan.Zbot (Symantec);
Other Details This spyware deletes the initially executed copy of itself This report is generated via an automated analysis system. TrojanDownloader:Win32/Somex.A (Microsoft); Generic Downloader.x!fpk
Generic (McAfee); Trojan.Smoaler (Symantec); Trojan.Win32.Menti.kxkh (Kaspersky); Trojan.Win32.Generic!BT (Sunbelt); Trojan.Agent.ATWH (FSecure)
}{random characters} This report is generated via an automated analysis system. TrojanSpy:Win32/Ranbyus.B (Microsoft); Generic PWS.y!djx (McAfee); Trojan.Gen.2 (Symantec); Trojan.Win32.Generic!BT
an automated analysis system. Backdoor:Win32/Simda (Microsoft); Generic BackDoor.vo (McAfee); Backdoor.Win32.Shiz.esgq (Kaspersky); Trojan.Win32.Generic!BT (Sunbelt); Backdoor.Agent.ABAJ (FSecure)
Server 2003.) This report is generated via an automated analysis system. VirTool:Win32/DelfInject.gen!BV (Microsoft); Generic BackDoor (McAfee); Backdoor.Bifrose (Symantec); Trojan.Win32.Agent.bwpj
(Microsoft); Generic Dropper.kj (McAfee); Suspicious.BredoLab (Symantec); Trojan-Spy.Win32.Zbot.wjb (Kaspersky); BehavesLike.Win32.Malware.mmu (mx-v) (Sunbelt); Backdoor.Bot.92382 (FSecure)
name}\Local Settings\Application Data on Windows 2000, XP, and Server 2003.) This report is generated via an automated analysis system. Generic Dropper.pd (McAfee); Trojan.Gen (Symantec);
is generated via an automated analysis system. PWS:Win32/Zbot.PG (Microsoft); Generic PWS.y!1j3 (McAfee); Infostealer.Banker.C (Symantec); Trojan.Win32.FraudPack.pwo (Kaspersky);
(Microsoft); Generic Downloader.x!bod (McAfee); Downloader (Symantec); ARC:NSIS, [$PLUGINSDIR\Downloader.exe]:Trojan-Downloader.Win32.Genome.rtg, [$PLUGINSDIR\Downloader.e (Kaspersky); Trojan.Win32.Generic!BT
{BLOCKED}{number} Downloader (Symantec); Backdoor:Win32/Hupigon.EX (Microsoft); PAK:PE_Patch (Kaspersky); Generic BackDoor!dlk (Mcafee); W32/BackDoor.DLK!tr (Fortinet) Propagates via
generated via an automated analysis system. Backdoor:Win32/Dedipros.A (Microsoft); Generic (McAfee); Trojan.Dropper (Symantec); Backdoor.Win32.Bifrose.fur (Kaspersky); Trojan.Win32.Agent.Betq (v)