Keyword: irc generic
name}\Local Settings\Temp on Windows 2000, XP, and Server 2003.) This report is generated via an automated analysis system. VirTool:Win32/DelfInject.AE (Microsoft); Generic Dropper!1g3 (McAfee);
Worm:Win32/Hamweq.A (Microsoft); Generic Dropper.jb (McAfee); Backdoor.Trojan (Symantec); Trojan.Win32.Buzus.btvm (Kaspersky); Trojan.Win32.Generic!BT (Sunbelt)
analysis system. Worm:Win32/Pochi.A (Microsoft); Generic VB.z (McAfee); Trojan.Gen (Symantec); Trojan.Win32.Scar.ajze, Trojan.Win32.Scar.ajze (Kaspersky); Trojan.Win32.Generic!BT (Sunbelt);
the following registry keys: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\DC3_FEXEC This report is generated via an automated analysis system. Backdoor:Win32/Fynloski.A (Microsoft); Generic BackDoor!1rj (McAfee); PAK:UPX
(Microsoft); Generic!ats (McAfee); Packed.Generic.307, Trojan.Usuge!gen3 (Symantec); Worm.Win32.AutoRun.hbm, Worm.Win32.AutoRun.hbm (Kaspersky); Virtool.Win32.Vbinject.1 (v) (Sunbelt);
the said registry entry is 7 .) Other Details This Trojan deletes itself after execution. This report is generated via an automated analysis system. Trojan:Win32/Meredrop (Microsoft); Generic Dropper
Trojan:Win32/Dynamer!dtc (Microsoft); Generic Downloader.x!fju (McAfee); Suspicious.MH690 (Symantec); Trojan.Win32.Agent.nyqe (Kaspersky); Trojan.Win32.Generic!BT (Sunbelt); Trojan.Generic.KD.110896 (FSecure)
(Microsoft); Generic BackDoor!dw3 (McAfee); Trojan.Gen (Symantec); Backdoor.Win32.Agent.arom (Kaspersky); Gen:Variant.Zbot.11 (FSecure)
Details This Trojan deletes the initially executed copy of itself This report is generated via an automated analysis system. Backdoor:Win32/Eayla.A (Microsoft); Generic Dropper!1g3 (McAfee); ERROR (Sunbelt
system. PWS:Win32/Ldpinch.gen!A, Trojan:Win32/Anomaly (Microsoft); Generic PWS.y!dvl (McAfee); Trojan.Gen (Symantec); Trojan.Win32.Generic.pak!cobra (Sunbelt); Trojan.Generic.7006925 (FSecure)
(Microsoft); Generic!pec (McAfee); Trojan.Gen (Symantec); Trojan-Spy.MSIL.Agent.fzc (Kaspersky); Trojan.Win32.Generic!BT (Sunbelt); Gen:Variant.Kazy.42028 (FSecure)
Worm:Win32/Autorun.UC (Microsoft); Generic (McAfee); W32.SillyFDC (Symantec); Trojan.Win32.Buzus.bcws (Kaspersky); Worm.Win32.Autorun.uc (v) (Sunbelt)
It deletes itself after execution. This report is generated via an automated analysis system. TrojanDownloader:Win32/Harnig.gen!P (Microsoft); Generic (McAfee); Packed.Generic.265 (Symantec
execution. This report is generated via an automated analysis system. VirTool:Win32/VBInject.gen!IQ (Microsoft); Generic!ats (McAfee); Trojan.Gen (Symantec); PAK:PE_Patch.PECompact, PAK:PecBundle,
on Windows NT, and C:\Documents and Settings\{user name} on Windows 2000, XP, and Server 2003.) This report is generated via an automated analysis system. Trojan:Win32/VB.AHW (Microsoft); Generic
execution. This report is generated via an automated analysis system. TrojanDownloader:Win32/Harnig.gen!P (Microsoft); Generic (McAfee); Packed.Generic.265 (Symantec); Packed.Win32.Krap.x (Kaspersky
it also writes the abovementioned components, HELLO_TT.SYS and ALG.EXE , in the MBR. Trojan.Gen (Symantec); Trojan:Win32/Popureb.E (Microsoft); (Kaspersky); Generic BackDoor
report is generated via an automated analysis system. Exploit:Win32/ShellCode.gen!B (Microsoft); Generic (McAfee); Trojan.Gen (Symantec); Trojan.Win32.KillAV.kly (Kaspersky);
}{random characters} It deletes itself after execution. This report is generated via an automated analysis system. TrojanDownloader:Win32/Harnig.gen!P (Microsoft); Generic (McAfee);
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\ Enum\Root\LEGACY_HIDSERV HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\ Services\HidServ TrojanDropper:Win32/Zegost.C (Microsoft); Generic Dropper!dra (McAfee); Adware.Lop