by Lynette Owens | Feb 7, 2022 | For Parents, For Teachers
Since our Kids Cyber Academy launched in October 2021, scores of educators, kids, and families have taken advantage of the five engaging and meaningful modules we’ve made available to date. These lessons were designed to support children, parents and teachers so they...
by Lynette Owens | Dec 23, 2021 | For Parents, For Teachers
As we close out 2021, we continue to chart a course through the pandemic, with new variants emerging, new boosters a possibility, and pandemic fatigue a growing reality. Our digital and physical worlds have long since changed dramatically. But while our experience...
by Lynette Owens | Oct 16, 2021 | For Parents, For Teachers
As we continue to navigate life in a pandemic and the COVID-19 Delta variant winds its way through communities, we’re left to wonder how the academic year will truly take shape. Many students have returned to classrooms only to see pediatric cases of COVID-19 rise...
by Lynette Owens | Aug 6, 2021 | For Parents, For Teachers
While the COVID-19 pandemic drove us to spend more time on social media and summertime usually gives kids more free time to use screens, this summer may have been different, affording us opportunities to get out, go on vacation, and untether from our screens. ...
by Lynette Owens | Jul 6, 2021 | For Parents, For Teachers, Webinars
Talking to Kids About Free Apps, Advertising, and Our Personal Information The popularity of many of the apps that we use today is largely driven by the fact that they are free. However, there is still a cost to us. That cost is our personal information. While we...
by Lynette Owens | May 11, 2021 | For Parents, For Teachers, Webinars
Over the past year, children have shifted to learning, engaging and social networking in a remote and virtual world. As a result, the use of technology and devices among all age groups is at an all-time high, including children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). ASD...