Gender Pay Gap Report – Ireland

The Gender Pay Gap Information Act 2021 requires organisations to report on their hourly gender pay gap across a range of metrics. In compliance with this requirement Trend Micro Ireland have made this information available.


Trend Micro data

The analysis is based on the relevant pay period 1st July 2023 to 30th June 2024. Snapshot date is 30th June 2024. Please note the following:

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Relevant employees

291 relevant employees have been reviewed for the Trend Micro analysis

  • 4 of which are part-time employees
  • 23 of which are on temporary contracts
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Hourly Remuneration

To determine the Gender Pay Gap mean and median, as defined in the regulations, the following pay elements have been used, as provided by the Trend Micro: Ordinary Pay: basic pay, allowances (other, on-call), overtime payments, public holiday (PH) pay, oncall pay AND Bonus: BONUS; COMM (Q3, Q4); CPBonus (H2  2021); MBO (Q3, Q4); Nett2Gross; REFER; SPIFF BNS; Virtual Sh.

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Gender Bonus Gap

All bonuses paid to relevant employees in the relevant period have been included for the Gender Bonus Gap metrics. Bonuses included were: BONUS; COMM (Q3,  Q4); CPBonus (H2 2021); MBO (Q3, Q4); Nett2Gross; REFER; SPIFF BNS; Virtual Sh.; inclusion of these is defined in the regulations.

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Benefits in Kind

As defined by the regulations company needs to report of employee received non-cash benefit of monetary value in the relevant period. In the Trend Micro the  following benefits in kind are offered: health insurance.

Executive Summary

Overview of the results

Gender Pay Gap (GPG):

The median GPG for Trend Micro is 3.4% and the mean is 9.6%.

  • There are more male employees (60%) in Trend Micro.
  • Both the mean and the median are in favour of male employees.
  • The higher pay quartile represents the distribution of gender. 40% of females are situated in Mid Upper quartiles, where as 60% of males are situated in those ranges. 

Gender Bonus Gap (GBG):

The median GBG for Trend Micro is -0.26% and the mean GBG  is 18.9%.

  • 90% of Trend Micro employees received bonuses in relevant pay period.
  • There is a higher proportion of males (91%) compared to females (88%) who received bonuses during the relevant pay period.
  • The median GBG is in favor of female employees, while the mean GBG is in favor of male employees. 

Gender Pay Gap (GPG) part-time employees:

There are only 4 part-time employees at Trend Micro, all of them are females.  

Gender Pay Gap (GPG) temporary employees:

The GPG of temporary employees is in favour of female employees, with median  (-8.0%) and mean (-29.3%).

Benefits in Kind (BIK):

86.3% of male and 80.9% of female employees received benefits in kind during relevant  pay period.

Gender Pay Gap – All relevant employees

Reporting requirement

  • Hourly remuneration is based on all forms of monetary remuneration – including bonus
  • Bonus remuneration includes items such as vouchers as well as annual bonus
  • Both bonus and hourly remuneration are calculated as broad mean and median, with no account taken or adjustment made for role or level
  • A positive number indicates a gender pay gap in favour of men; a negative number indicates a gender pay gap in favour of women
  • The quartiles are defined based on hourly remuneration ranking from lowest to highest, and the percentages of each quartile made up of men and women is set out

A Closer look at the Overall Employee Profile by Gender

  • There are a total 291 employees in Trend Micro in Ireland as at June 30th 2024. 60% of these are male and 40%  are female.
  • There were a total of 121 employees in Technical Roles and 170 in Non-technical roles. 79% of those in technical roles were male and 21% female.
  • We have 45 people managers with 47% of those being male and 53% female. The split of males in technical verses non-technical roles is 65/36 where as the female ratio of people managers is split 35% in technical roles and 64% in non technical roles.
  • The average tenure of the 291 employees is 8.2 years with females having an average tenure of 9.2 years and males 7.5 years.