Healthcare Cybersecurity

Empower your success with Trend Vision One™: a single cybersecurity platform for managed XDR, tailored services, and expert support at every stage

Key cybersecurity challenges for healthcare

Phishing expand_more

The #1 attack vector in healthcare

Phishing is still the preferred method of attack by hackers. Most phishing campaigns are spread through emails containing malicious links. The messages in these mails are very convincing, often related to a well-known medical problem to encourage the recipient to click on the link.

In addition, the growing number of endpoints (mobile devices, IoT applications and connected medical devices) increases the attack surface of phishing campaigns, making central visibility essential to keep your patient data safe.

Ransomware Attacks expand_more

The biggest threat to your organization

Stolen data, breached systems, hijacked accounts … In healthcare, ransomware attacks have a direct impact on the real world. In the worst cases, system failures can lead to cancelled operations, putting patients’ lives at risk. Recovery from an incident can take a long time.

Protection against ransomware not only minimizes the risk of having to pay ransom, but also increases compliance and reduces reputational damage to your organization.

Data Breaches expand_more

Protect your patients’ valuable data

Whether your patient information resides on the network, in the cloud/data center, or on your devices/endpoints, you need central visibility to keep your data safe and private. The solution is a cybersecurity platform that allows you to consolidate visibility, analysis and controls.

Lack of Knowledge & Resources expand_more

Prevention is better than cure

A small IT team, lack of knowledge & resources, a dispersed environment… Most healthcare institutions struggle with the same issues. That’s why automation is a vital asset for your cyber security.

An Extended Detection & Response solution consolidates your security tools and helps you navigate alerts in your day-to-day operations. It automatically identifies advanced malware and suspicious network activity, ensuring your IT team is optimally equipped to respond before a threat can become a problem.

Compliance and regulations (NIS2 Directive) expand_more

Compliance and regulations (NIS2 Directive)

Cybersecurity compliance and regulation play a pivotal role in safeguarding sensitive data, ensuring trust, and mitigating risks in today's digital landscape. The healthcare sectors must comply with a wide range of regulations, including data protection laws and regulations related to cybersecurity as part of their security policy. Meeting compliance requirements such as GDPR or NIS2 Directive can be challenging, especially given the complexity and scale of public sector operations.

As healthcare regulations are increasing, there is a continuous challenge of meeting them while battling a growing number of threats. Therefore, it is important to collaborate with software suppliers that help you to secure your data and be compliant.

Trend Micro as a partner for healthcare services

Healthcare check for healthcare in the Cloud

Keep your healthcare technology secure and compliant and meet healthcare regulations with Trend Micro

Uncovering the ransomware threat from global supply chains

As corporate attack surfaces expanded with digital investments, security controls were often dismissed in favour of productivity gains

Healthcare in the crosshairs

How ransomware and supply chains are putting patients at risk

How ransomware and supply chains are putting patients at risk

Covid put unprecedented pressure on a sector already struggling to manage the long-term impact of demographic change

Protecting healthcare from unpatched medical devices

Medical devices play an important role. While they work to improve patient health the opposite is true of IT health

Addressing ransomware in hospitals

We discuss the ransomware landscape, cybersecurity challenges within hospitals and Trend Micro's strategy to protect PHI and critical operations


What customers say

"We used to see little or no attempts or lateral movements. Now we can follow them perfectly through the Deep Discovery Inspector."

Robin Demesmaeker, Manager of ICT Infrastructure, UZ Brussel


What customers say

"Trend Micro Vision One has definitely allowed us to run a leaner operations team. We don’t have a dedicated SOC or security resource, so we can focus our time in a better way."

Ed Moss, Head of Enabling IT, Nuffield Health


What customers say

"If you have a critical vulnerability Trend Micro is always ahead of the game. We’ve already mitigated risk even before Microsoft has given us a patch to deal with it."

Bev Sismey, IT Technical Operations Manager, Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Discover our solutions

Complete and continuous attack surface visibility

The extended detection and response platform customers are raving about.

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Are you ready to take your organisation’s cyber security to the next level and safeguard your patients’ life and critical personal information?

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