Ensure that Google Cloud VPC network firewall rules do not allow unrestricted access (i.e. on TCP port 6379 in order to reduce the exposure to security risks and protect the Redis cache server instances associated with your firewall rules. Redis is an open source, in-memory data structure store, mostly used as cache server for web applications.
Allowing unrestricted inbound/ingress access on TCP port 6379 (Redis) using Google Cloud VPC network firewall rules can increase opportunities for malicious activities such as cross-site scripting, remote code executions, brute-force and cryptojacking attacks (e.g. RedisWannaMine attacks).
To determine if your VPC firewall rules allow unrestricted access on TCP port 6379 (Redis), perform the following operations:
Remediation / Resolution
To update your VPC network firewall rules configuration in order to restrict Redis-based access to trusted, authorized IP addresses or IP ranges only, perform the following operations:
- Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Documentation
- VPC networks
- Create and manage VPC networks
- VPC firewall rules
- Use VPC firewall rules
- GCP Command Line Interface (CLI) Documentation
- gcloud projects list
- gcloud compute networks list
- gcloud compute firewall-rules list
- gcloud compute firewall-rules update