Ensure that only trusted IPv4 addresses can be configured as VPN peer IPs within your Google Cloud organization. Each trusted IP address must be defined explicitly in the conformity rule settings, on the Trend Cloud One™ – Conformity account console.
By default, any IP address can be a VPN peer IP for a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) network. By enforcing the "Restrict VPN Peer IPs" constraint policy, you can control the IP addresses that can be configured as VPN peer IPs within your Google Cloud organization in order to meet security and compliance requirements.
To determine if "Restrict VPN Peer IPs" constraint policy is enforced at the GCP organization level, perform the following operations:
Remediation / Resolution
To ensure that only trusted IPv4 addresses can be configured as VPN peer IPs, enable and configure the "Restrict VPN Peer IPs" organization policy by performing the following operations:
- Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Documentation
- Cloud VPN overview
- Organization policy constraints
- Creating and managing organization policies
- GCP Command Line Interface (CLI) Documentation
- gcloud organizations list
- gcloud alpha resource-manager org-policies describe
- gcloud beta resource-manager org-policies set-policy