To avoid unexpected charges on your Google Cloud bill, identify any persistent disks attached to suspended virtual machine (VM) instances and remove them if the VMs are no longer needed.
Each persistent disk provisioned in your Google Cloud account is adding charges to your monthly bill regardless of whether it is being used by the associated VM instance. Therefore, any forgotten and unused persistent disk represents a good candidate to reduce your monthly GCP costs and avoid accumulating usage charges.
To identify any persistent disks attached to suspended virtual machine (VM) instances, perform the following operations:
Remediation / Resolution
Option 1: If the suspended VM instance and the attached disk(s) are no longer needed, you can safely remove them from your cloud account to avoid accumulating unnecessary charges. The Remediation process will delete both the selected VM instance and the persistent disk(s) attached to it:
Option 2: If the suspended VM instance will be resumed soon, the attached disk(s) cannot be removed, therefore, no action is required.
- Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Documentation
- VM instance lifecycle
- Suspend or resume a VM
- Stop or restart a VM
- GCP Command Line Interface (CLI) Documentation
- gcloud projects list
- gcloud compute instances list
- gcloud compute instances describe
- gcloud compute disks list
- gcloud compute disks describe
- gcloud compute instances delete