Ensure that Automatic Storage Increase feature is enabled for your production Google Cloud SQL database instances. The feature prevents your Cloud SQL database servers from running out of storage space and become read-only, disrupting the usual database operations. If a database instance runs out of available space, it can drop existing connections and cause downtime, and Google Cloud SQL Service Level Agreement (SLA) might not cover the outage.
When working with production databases and the automatic storage increase is enabled, the disk storage grows incrementally (and permanently), without impacting the workload. Once the Automatic Storage Increase feature is enabled, Cloud SQL service checks the available storage space on your database instance every 30 seconds. If the available storage falls below the threshold size, the cloud service automatically adds additional storage capacity. The threshold size depends on the amount of storage currently available on your instance. For database instances provisioned with 500 GB of storage or more, the threshold is always 25 GB. For database instances provisioned with less than 500 GB of storage, the following formula is used to calculate the threshold: 5 + (provisioned storage)/25. The amount of storage added to the impacted instance is equal to the threshold size.
To determine if automatic storage increase is enabled for your Google Cloud SQL database instances, perform the following operations:
Remediation / Resolution
To enable automatic storage increase for your production or business-critical Google Cloud SQL database instance, perform the following operations:
- Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Documentation
- Cloud SQL for SQL Server features
- Instance settings
- GCP Command Line Interface (CLI) Documentation
- gcloud projects list
- gcloud sql instances list
- gcloud sql instances describe
- gcloud sql instances patch