01 Sign in to the Azure Management Console.
02 Navigate to All resources blade at https://portal.azure.com/#view/HubsExtension/BrowseAll to access all your Microsoft Azure cloud resources.
03 Choose the Azure subscription that you want to access from the Subscription filter box and choose Apply.
04 From the Type filter box, select API Management service and choose Apply to list only the Microsoft Azure API Management services available in the selected subscription.
05 Click on the name (link) of the Azure API Management service that you want to examine.
06 In the navigation panel, under Security, select Certificates.
07 Select the Certificates tab, choose Add, and perform the following actions:
- Provide a unique identifier for the certificate in the Id box.
- For Certificate, select the type of the certificate. To add an Azure Key Vault certificate choose Key Vault, use Select under Certificate key vault id to choose the required certificate and its key vault, and choose Select to apply the changes. For Client identity, select a system or user assigned managed identity to access the key vault. To upload a client certificate, choose Custom, browse to select the required certificate (.pfx file format), and enter the certificate password in the Password box.
- Choose Add to add a new client certificate to your Azure API Management service.
08 In the navigation panel, under Deployment + infrastructure, select Custom domains to configure your API Management service instance to receive and verify client certificates.
09 If your API service tier is Developer, Basic, Standard, or Premium, click on the hostname of the Azure API Management API gateway configured for your API service and select the Negotiate client certificate checkbox. Choose Update to save the changes. If your API service tier is Consumption, select Yes next to Request client certificate, under Client certificates. This enforces a client certificate to be presented on each request made to your API gateway. Choose Save to apply the changes.
10 Set up the validate-client-certificate inbound policy to validate the client certificate. You can configure the policy to validate one or more attributes such as certificate issuer, thumbprint, certificate subject, etc.
11 Repeat steps no. 5 – 10 for each Azure API Management service that you want to configure, available in the selected Azure subscription.
12 Repeat steps no. 3 – 11 for each subscription created within your Microsoft Azure cloud account.