Ensure that a specific Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) has attached a specific Internet/NAT gateway in order to meet security and regulatory compliance requirements within your organization. Prior to running this rule by the Cloud Conformity engine, use the rule settings available on your Cloud Conformity account dashboard, to configure an ID set that contains the identifier of the specific VPC and the ID of the Internet/NAT gateway that needs to be associated with the specified VPC. You can define multiple ID sets in the conformity rule settings.
This rule resolution is part of the Conformity Security & Compliance tool for AWS.
Improve the overall state of network security in your AWS account and fulfill the compliance requirements in your organization by attaching the right gateways to your Amazon Virtual Private Clouds (VPCs).
To determine if a specific NAT/Internet gateway is attached to the specific VPC in your AWS account, perform the following actions:
Remediation / Resolution
Case A: To associate a specific Internet gateway (IGW) with a specific Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), perform the following actions:
Case B: To attach a specific NAT gateway (NGW) to a specific Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), perform the following actions:
- AWS Documentation
- Amazon VPC FAQs
- What Is Amazon VPC?
- Internet Gateways
- NAT Gateways
- AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) Documentation
- ec2
- describe-internet-gateways
- describe-nat-gateways
- attach-internet-gateway
- create-route
- create-nat-gateway
Unlock the Remediation Steps
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You are auditing:
Specific Gateway Attached To Specific VPC
Risk Level: Low