URL signatures are secure mechanisms for granting temporary access to OSS objects. By adding a unique digital signature to a URL, you control who can access the object and for how long, even if you share the link with a third party. To follow security best practices, ensure that the shared URL signatures configured for your OSS objects expires within an hour.
To enhance security by limiting the window of potential misuse, shared URL signatures configured for OSS objects should expire within an hour. Shorter expiration times mitigate the risk of unauthorized access and reduce the exposure of sensitive data, ensuring tighter control over object access.
To determine if the object's shared URL signature is set to expire within 3600 seconds (1 hour), perform the following operations:
Getting the shared URL signature validity period via Alibaba Cloud ossutil is not currently supported.Remediation / Resolution
To ensure that the shared URL signature configured for your OSS objects is set to expire within 3600 seconds (1 hour), perform the following operations:
- Alibaba Cloud Documentation
- Overview
- Download OSS objects by using simple download
- Authorize third-party users to download objects
- ossutil Documentation
- Run the ls command to list buckets, objects, and parts within an account
- sign