01 Install and configure ossutil. ossutil is a command-line tool for Alibaba Cloud's Object Storage Service (OSS).
02 Run ls command (macOS/Linux/Windows) to list the OSS buckets available in your Alibaba Cloud account:
03 The command output should return the name of each object available in the selected bucket:
Bucket Number is: 4
0.235205(s) elapsed
04 Run ls command (macOS/Linux/Windows) to list all the objects stored within the specified OSS bucket:
ossutil ls oss://tm-project-data-bucket
05 The command output should return the name of each object available in the selected bucket:
06 Run stat command (macOS/Linux/Windows) to describe the configuration metadata available for the selected OSS object:
ossutil stat oss://tm-project-trail-bucket/tm-project-files.zip
07 The command output should return the requested configuration information (including the ACL configured for the object):
ACL : public-read-write
Accept-Ranges : bytes
Content-Length : 2108860
Content-Md5 : abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234
Content-Type : application/zip
Last-Modified : 2024-02-21 11:06:33 +0000 UTC
Owner : 1234567890123456
X-Oss-Object-Type : Normal
X-Oss-Storage-Class : Standard
Check the
ACL attribute value to determine the level of access configured for the specified object. If
ACL is set to
public-read or
public-read-write, the selected OSS object is considered publicly accessible. If
ACL is set to
default, the ACL of the object is the same as the ACL of the bucket in which the object is stored. If the ACL of the object is the same as the ACL of the bucket, continue the Audit process with the next step.
08 Run stat command (macOS/Linux/Windows) to describe the configuration metadata available for the selected OSS bucket:
ossutil stat oss://tm-project-data-bucket
09 The command output should return the requested configuration information (including the ACL configured for the bucket):
Name : tm-project-data-bucket
Location : oss-eu-west-1
CreationDate : 2024-02-02 09:45:38 +0000 UTC
ExtranetEndpoint : oss-eu-west-1.aliyuncs.com
IntranetEndpoint : oss-eu-west-1-internal.aliyuncs.com
ACL : public-read
Owner : 1234567890123456
StorageClass : Standard
RedundancyType : LRS
TransferAcceleration : Disabled
CrossRegionReplication: Disabled
AccessMonitor : Disabled
Check the
ACL attribute value to determine the level of access configured for the specified bucket. If
ACL is not set to
private, the OSS bucket is publicly accessible, therefore the selected OSS object is also considered publicly accessible.
10 Repeat steps no. 6 - 9 for each OSS object that you want to examine, stored within the selected OSS bucket.
11 Repeat steps no. 4 - 10 for each OSS bucket available within your Alibaba Cloud account.