Risk Level: Medium (should be achieved)
Ensure that the latest OS patches for ECS virtual machines (VM) instances are applied in order to mitigate security vulnerabilities and ensure optimal performance and stability.
Keeping your Linux and Windows virtual machines (VM) instances patched ensures centralized, automated updates, minimizing security vulnerabilities and maximizing your cloud environment's overall protection.
To determine if the latest OS patches for Linux and Windows virtual machines (VM) instances are applied, perform the following operations:
Remediation / Resolution
To ensure that the latest OS patches for ECS virtual machines (VM) instances are applied, perform the following operations:
The vulnerability fixing feature is available on the Advanced, Enterprise Edition, or Ultimate plan only. If your Security Center plan is Basic, Value-added, or Anti-virus edition, you must purchase the vulnerability fixing feature based on the pay-as-you-go or subscription billing method.References
- Alibaba Cloud Documentation
- Scan for vulnerabilities
- View and handle vulnerabilities
- Fix software vulnerabilities
- Alibaba Cloud CLI Documentation
- ModifyStartVulScan
- DescribeVulList
- ModifyOperateVul
Publication date Apr 24, 2024