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Investigaciones, Noticias y Perspectiva

Author: Kyle Philippe Yu (Threat Response Engineer), Christian Alpuerto (Threat Response Engineer), John Paul Lim (Threat Response Engineer), Charles Adrian Marty (Threat Response Engineer), Mohammed Malubay (Threats Analyst), Mark Chester De Quiroz (Threats Analyst)

How Ransomhub Ransomware Uses EDRKillShifter to Disable EDR and Antivirus Protections

Trend Micro tracked this group as Water Bakunawa, behind the RansomHub ransomware, employs various anti-EDR techniques to play a high-stakes game of hide and seek with security solutions.

Sep 20, 2024

Author: AI Team (Trend Micro)

Identifying Rogue AI

This is the third blog in an ongoing series on Rogue AI. Keep following for more technical guidance, case studies, and insights.

Sep 19, 2024

Author: Ted Lee (Threat Researcher), Cyris Tseng (Threat Researcher), Pierre Lee (Sr. Threat Researcher), Sunny Lu (Threats Analyst), Philip Chen (Threat Researcher)

Earth Baxia Uses Spear-Phishing and GeoServer Exploit to Target APAC

We observed Earth Baxia carrying out targeted attacks against APAC countries that involved advanced techniques like spear-phishing and customized malware, with data suggesting that the group operates from China.

Sep 19, 2024

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Centro de recursos para el CISO

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